Hi All,
I would like to say thank you to everyone who has helped so far with our build. Due to it still not complete, I’m having to temporary close our doors, I’m afraid I have no more space in our front/dining area of our home for any more cages etc. I have approx 35 hog boxes and multiple birds.
The situation is not easy for my wonderful volenteers or my ever loving husband who can’t even sit down in our home. Most of you know that after 22yrs together we finally got married, but I think we’ll be divorced much sooner if the animals keep coming in. As you can see from the pics, this doesn’t include our dining room table where I have scales, some meds and other stuff that I need on a day to day basis.
I also have some hogs out with foster people so they could keep coming in, but only so many people want a smelly hog in their house, lol, thank you also to those of you that have one.
You have no idea how much this hurts. As soon as some go bk to the wild, which there are a few reaching that goal weight. I will then take more in 😪🥰