❗️Update for all FEI registered horses ❗️
Compulsory FEI vaccination requirements:
From the beginning of February 2025 any equine influenza vaccination administered to a FEI horse will be registered on the FEI Horse App by the administering veterinarian.
Vaccination details must be entered onto the app on the same day as the vaccine is administered.
Other vaccinations are not concerned by this process - it applies only to Equine Influenza.
Please could we request that any clients intending to compete under FEI rules make themselves familiar with the new requirement and ensure their last Equine Influenza vaccine details are uploaded before their appointment.
Please advise when booking a vaccine that it will be for an FEI horse.
Please follow the below link for further information from the FEI.
Watch the video below to see how a veterinarian uses the FEI HorseApp during the vaccination process. In accordance with the FEI Veterinary Regulations, the equine influenza vaccination details must be recorded on the FEI HorseApp, in addition to being recorded in the Horse’s Passport. The new vac...