GTDog Training

GTDog Training The only thing Greater Than your dog is the relationship that you can create together! My journey into dog training started with a difficult dog.

After being badly bitten several times and spending thousands with various dog trainers, I started to learn for myself. It took time, but finally we found a trainer that could help. Rather than stop learning, I ended up with more questions than I had answers to. So, I continued to learn. Attending seminars, taking online courses, watching videos and reading. I completed a formal qualification. I s

tarted helping assess and train the rescue dogs at a Dobermann rescue. Any answer to a question usually led to more questions. At the time I was working as an engineer. I became so passionate about helping people train their dogs that I decided to give up engineering. Engineering demanded an eye for detail and a need to know how things work. This drives me to understand why certain methods or techniques work for a dog rather than just accepting that they do. Having a greater depth of understanding enhances my ability to problem solve and help you and your dog! I had amassed a huge amount of knowledge from various sources, different training methodologies, dog sports and dog trainers. As important as what worked, was what didn’t work and why! I still felt I needed something to tie it all together, so I travelled to North Carolina, to Tarheel school for dog trainers. There I spent 3 months training under Jerry Bradshaw. Training the most intense dogs that could be found, focusing that intensity into police work and turning them into dogs capable of working the streets. Once paired with a handler these dogs complete training and hit the streets to begin apprehending bad guys. Teaching them to target and bite, to track people, to detect Narcotics and to listen to their handler while in states of high arousal did exactly what I wanted it to. It tied all my knowledge together. At GT Dog we believe every dog should have a job. A job for your dog doesn’t have to be difficult or strenuous, although in some cases this is what’s needed! Your dog just has to have a sense of purpose. We have bred our dogs for specific purposes, tapping into a dogs genetic need to carry out certain behaviours is key to a happy healthy dog. So, whether you have a problem or you are looking to fine tune some behaviours, let us help you improve your communication, your relationship and ultimately build a partnership that is Greater Than Dog. The only thing Greater Than your dog, is the relationship you have together!

I have learnt a lot of things from a lot of people in dog training.Tarheel Canine Training, Inc. School for Dog Trainers...

I have learnt a lot of things from a lot of people in dog training.

Tarheel Canine Training, Inc. School for Dog Trainers is without a doubt at the top of my list.

Not only did Jerry and his team help me create a thread to join all my knowledge together, they gave me new knowledge and more importantly, they gave me the ability to continue to grow on my own.

Nothing else I have done in dog training has given me so much.

Picture is me working targeting with Ghost one of our PSA club dogs at YCA working dogs, this was During a recent PSA seminar with Jerry.

Want to learn decoy skills for police K9 & PSA? Foundation including drive development, drive channeling, targeting upper body and legs, and skills including outs, redirects, recalls, drive capping, and more! Tarheel Canine’s 2 Week Accelerated Decoy & Protection Course! Theory with tons of hands on catching police dogs and PSA dogs in all levels of development. This kind of opportunity just doesn’t exist anywhere else! Accelerate your skills with us!Courses enrolling monthly! DM with your email address for more information on enrollment!

Excited to start this!

Excited to start this!

Coming Soon!!!

Continuing with our support regarding XL Bully type ownership, we are collaborating with experienced trainers, of XL Bully types in particular, to help owners understand their obligations, receive training and meet exemption requirements.

With such overwhelming support we are intending (depending upon demand) to have Saturday morning ‘meet the trainer’ opportunities

If you are an XL Bully type owner and interested in this happening in the practice please message our page.

Lunch time training between training other dogs, while eating. You can always do something with your dogs even if you on...

Lunch time training between training other dogs, while eating. You can always do something with your dogs even if you only have 5 mins, it’s better than nothing! Daisy is indicating an article and doing her best not to be distracted by me.
We also did some basic obedience and layered in some duration and distraction to make it harder!


Julie Maddock

Meet the Stinkatron. Able to transform before your very eyes from Malinois to pooinois.Able to seek out and smother hers...

Meet the Stinkatron.
Able to transform before your very eyes from Malinois to pooinois.
Able to seek out and smother herself in creature p**p in the blink of an eye. And enjoy it. Lucky she loves a bath!

“This is mine, I won it from the man, if you want your own get in touch with GTDog they now have a limited stock of prem...

“This is mine, I won it from the man, if you want your own get in touch with GTDog they now have a limited stock of premium quality Kurt USA equipment!”

Have a great day and enjoy your dogs!

Have a great day and enjoy your dogs!


Many resort to harnesses to stop pulling because they are harmless, right?

Chill out Daisy…

Chill out Daisy…

Lexie is GT pups mum! She is a great dog that loves to play and deserves a great home!She would make someone a great spo...

Lexie is GT pups mum! She is a great dog that loves to play and deserves a great home!

She would make someone a great sport dog or demo dog.

Interested, contact Dogs Friends they are a great charity to work with and they do great things with these dogs!


Communication, it is fundamental to success!

Often people train their dogs and end up with a variety of words or combination of words which increase in complexity the more times the command is issued!

That sounds something like:



“Lie Down”

“(Dogs name) lie down”

Then “stay” 5 times in a row just before the dog breaks…

Adding to the confusion is not knowing when the behaviour is finished.

In this clip there are 3 communication points, once he is in the down, the stay is implied.

He knows he shouldn’t leave that position until either I release him to be a dog or as in this clip I tell him he can come and get his reward.

The other communication is to tell him he is doing the correct thing and he should continue doing it.

Basic obedience is often a gateway to solving more complex problems!

Not sure how to go about this? We are here to help and would love to hear from you!


Building bravery, independence and confidence in dogs is so important.

By gradually increasing the amount of stress they are exposed to you equip them with the skills to deal with life.

This is the first time GT pup has crossed water! She has briefly been in a stream once before, but never across, she has never been down this path before!

It doesn’t seem much, but for her to jump down into the water and cross it is a challenge. It’s a leap into the unknown. You can see she pauses for a second then she commits.

It seems like nothing because to her it is. Using her food to encourage her to search and tackle obstacles has been made incrementally harder so that she feels confident she can tackle most things.

There are many ways we can help dogs be braver and more confident, the effects are far reaching and can help deal with various behaviour problems!


This is a short clip of Daisy walking with me while out with Julie Maddock and the amazing Cora.

Daisy is not under command, she is choosing to walk with me.

Interacting with other dogs is not something Daisy does often. She doesn’t tolerate rude dogs, and there are lots of them around!

So I make sure they don’t get to her, she has good obedience and if I ask her to remain in a position she does. My part of the contract is to stop unwanted visitors.

This doesn’t mean she doesn’t interact with dogs, it means I am careful which ones she interacts with.

Cora is a fantastically balanced dog and only the 2nd dog to ever be able to tell Daisy her behaviour is unacceptable and do it in way that doesn’t create conflict.

So when Cora growled barked and snapped at Daisy, neither Julie or myself broke stride or said a word.

This was good communicetion from both dogs.

If you need help managing your dog around other dogs, understanding dog behaviour and interactions, then get in touch, we can help you advocate for your dog and understand when to do it.

Or maybe you want to build a relationship where when your dog has the freedom to be anywhere, they choose to be with you…

Wow, what a great 4 days! I have just spent 4 days surrounded by dogs, dog trainers and training enthusiasts.All of us t...

Wow, what a great 4 days!

I have just spent 4 days surrounded by dogs, dog trainers and training enthusiasts.

All of us there to listen to and watch and learn from Chad Mackin. Chad is a fantastic dog man with a wealth of knowledge he has gained through over 30 years in the industry.

He has learnt from some of the great and original dog trainers.

It is important to me to keep learning, keep seeking knowledge from industry leaders who have positively contributed to the dog training space.

Some great takeaways from the last few days, dogs and handlers did an amazing job! Everyone making progress!

Thank you Carley Stewart of Canine Instincts Dog Behaviour & Training and her helpers for putting on another fantastic experience for everyone. But what I really really want for the next seminar is for you to get the right weather!

Thank you also to Christine Shubrook for once again providing us with a top notch facility for the seminar!

Thanks to all who attended and made it a great 4 days.

Finally, once again thank you Chad for your amazing insights into our dogs! GTDog Daisy is going to sleep for days I think!

Err, vet Lady, I have just been on your scales, they say I need more treats….

Err, vet Lady, I have just been on your scales, they say I need more treats….


I had loads of fun with Isla the Dobermann when she came for day train.

As part of my day train program I also ensure owners can handle the dogs and help them through situations they find difficult.

Isla couldn’t even see another dog or person without blowing up when we started.

Here she is walking through Lincoln, people and dogs everywhere, she can look around and calmly look back to her handler.

Reward schedules, timing, speed, body language, voice and more are all things you can use to help your dog.

Setting up a communication system is so important, then allowing the dog to self regulate, helping them when needed!

If you could do with some help get in touch or visit our website:

We would love to hear from you!


Having a puppy is lots of fun!

It is also the time to do all the hard work to make sure your dog is equipped to deal with life!

Investing in training to create the right behaviours early is both easier and cheaper than fixing problems later on.

Our Puppy program is developed to create engagement, improve confidence and put in place the foundations for success in all areas including common problem areas of loose lead walking, recall and relaxing!

So if you have a puppy and want to give them a great start in life, get in touch, because the only thing Greater Than your Dog is the partnership you can create!

GT Pup ticking off another experience at the Jerry Green Dog Rescue fun dog show.She saw loads of dogs, large crowds and...

GT Pup ticking off another experience at the Jerry Green Dog Rescue fun dog show.

She saw loads of dogs, large crowds and had loads of fun!

This is her first time through a tunnel, typical for the breed, it was all done without hesitation!

Stress, should we allow our dogs to experience stress?First I think we need to define stress.According to the World Heal...

Stress, should we allow our dogs to experience stress?

First I think we need to define stress.

According to the World Health Organisation:

Stress can be defined as a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation. Stress is a natural human response that prompts us to address challenges and threats in our lives. Everyone experiences stress to some degree. The way we respond to stress, however, makes a big difference to our overall well-being.

How does stress affect us, again, thank you WHO:

Stress affects both the mind and the body. A little bit of stress is good and can help us perform daily activities. Too much stress can cause physical and mental health problems. Learning how to cope with stress can help us feel less overwhelmed and support our mental and physical well-being.

Hmm, so, stress is natural, it prompts action and what’s important is the way we deal with it.

Oh, and we can learn to deal with it better.

I think we can apply those definitions to dogs?

The graph is derived from the Yerkes Dodson experiment. Lived experience tells me it’s correct, a certain amount of stress brings out the best in us.

The better you are at handling stress, the more you can cope with, and training gives us the tools to cope with more.

There is a school of thought that says our dogs shouldn’t experience any stress, particularly as puppies.

Again, experience tells me shielding your dog from any sort of stress is going to cause problems later in life.

Teaching a puppy how to cope with stress is invaluable. I have a puppy at the moment, we seek out stressful situations, I help her cope with them and provide her with strategies to navigate and even promote her enjoyment of any potential stress!

If you are going to do anything with your dog teaching it how to cope with stress is ESSENTIAL!

Dogs are amazing creatures, they are capable of so much more than most people can ever imagine.

I have seen and trained dogs that can cope with levels of stress some people can’t comprehend, they relish challenge and think they are unbeatable in the ex*****on of their work.

This level of commitment isn’t created over night, it is done with incremental exposure to stress.

So do yourself and your dog a favour, challenge each other, find some stress and grow!

Links to websites below.

Interestingly, Yerkes and Dodson arrived at their conclusion by challenging mice to do simple tasks and applying different levels of stress through electricity.

They found an amount that created an optimum performance.

Now isn’t that topical in the dog world.

World health organisation. #:~:text=Stress%20can%20be%20defined%20as,experiences%20stress%20to%20some%20degree.

Healthline article on Yerkes Dodson.


A little fun with the boy. We haven’t done a retrieve over a jump for a while so he needed a little help remembering to come back over the jump!

Socialisation is learning to exist in a busy world and just carry on doing what you are doing in spite of the dog that i...

Socialisation is learning to exist in a busy world and just carry on doing what you are doing in spite of the dog that is constantly trying to get to you.
Or learning to deal with that person that thinks they have a right to touch your dog while saying “is that one of them malamutes?“
It’s learning that I will stop that man or create space so you have an exit route.
It’s learning that you don’t need to respond to that dog that is barking lunging and growling at you, you are safe and we will create an appropriate response to stress that doesn’t involve barking lunging and growling.

Need help with socialisation? We would love to hear from you!


GT pup earning her breakfast with an environmental test that gets incrementally harder every day!

Different sights, sounds and textures are experienced while interacting with her environment.

This is a piece of building bravery and independence.

This also works with older dogs!!

Need help with a puppy? We would love to hear from you!

GT pups brother, if you are on the look out for a pup, this guy has had a great start to life.He is calm, (for a Dutchie...

GT pups brother, if you are on the look out for a pup, this guy has had a great start to life.

He is calm, (for a Dutchie x Mal) well balanced, socialised and has a fantastic foundation. Sarah Lynch has done an amazing job with these pups. In fact she has done such a good job I might send all future pups to her until they are 12 weeks old!


Control at thresholds is so important for many reasons!

I don’t want my dogs barging me out of the way to get in or out, I don’t care if they go first or I go first, if I am in the doorway they are not!

It’s good to be able to set limits and boundaries!

If you are exiting the house for a walk, how you do this is very important for some dogs!

Most importantly, the last thing I want is my dog flying out of a door, gate or car into a busy road!


Lucky has now finished his 3 week day train.

We had loads of fun, we used lots of play to create behaviours which will help him navigate life.

Here he has been called to a focussed heel position, into a down which he held while a ball was thrown.

He was released to retrieve the ball, called off and rewarded with his favourite toy for listening!

In contrast to all the doing behaviours, we also worked on his not doing!!

Hanging around and doing nothing is tough for a busy dog, so it needs practicing!

We have 2 more 1-2-1 sessions to complete his training. The 1-2-1s are part of the 3 week day train. It is essential that his family can maintain and improve his behaviours.

The 1-2-1 sessions give them everything they need to be able to do this!

Lucky has been fun to work with! I will miss our frisbee sessions!!




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