Start protecting now have a SI free 2025
#insectrepellent #coatconditioner #sweetitch #skinallergies #nomorevetbills #nomorerugs #naturalproduct #cushingsdisease
Stop worrying about SI.
Happy New Year to all my past and future customers. Lets make 2025 the happiest year possible for both horse & owner.
Life can be good, stress free, vet free and the fear of insects diminished.
ZERO FLYZ can help with that new relaxed approach. So simple to apply even for the repellent shy horse. The coat condition is amazing and the insects fly on by.
Prevention is better than any cure and its natural so no nasty reactions.
This video was taken in 2021 before I sold my product. (Taken on a 90 degrees day).
The TB horse lived out 24/7 on rehab for a fracture. You can see how well he looks, fabulous coat, bite & insect free, recovery achieved and what a happy summer he had with Zero Flyz protection.
You can use it now as a coat conditioner and it will keep the insects and Sweetitch away...
Happy 2025 is possible with.....
#sweetitch #skinallergies
#FlyRepellent #stressfreegrazing #coatconditioner #nomorevetbills #naturalproduct #cushingsdisease #flyrepellent #nomorerugs #
As you can see my horses suffered distressing insect harrassment. I bought ALL the leading brands trying to help them, wasted money!
Retirement was meant to be relaxing I had to try make something that would work.
This was the year that changed everything, I created Zero Flyz.
My horses went from stressed out nutters to perfectly chilled in one application, even when rug free.
If your still struggling with insects & itching give it a go,, your horses life might just change too.
#stressfreegrazing #coatconditioner #sweetitch #dontlikespray #skinallergies #naturalproduct #healingproperties #lessvetvisits #flyrepellent #cushingsdisease
Beautiful 28yr old retiree ARKO. He was super sensitive to insects, would gallop about if they came near him. He soon benefitted the ZeroFlyz application and learnt to relax & enjoy turn out. He also looked absolutely amazing with ease. A horses coat condition truly excels with minimal effort. 2 in 1 product, ZF repels and conditions, it works!
#stressfreegrazing #coatconditioner #sweetitch #dontlikespray #lessvetvisits #skinallergies #naturalproduct #cushingsdisease #healingproperties #flyrepellent
This was a mare that came to me for retirement. She was so reactive to bites. They would ooze yellow puss, the hair would fall off she was covered in sore patches. The owner had spent thousands trying to help her. After a week of doing what the vets asked, I was getting stressed. She would drip with sweat under her SI rug. She still got bitten badly I wasn't happy neither was the horse. She was on 64 piriton a day too.
I removed all the previous care plan. Gave her 2 Allacan tablets am & pm and covered her EVERYWHERE with my Zero Flyz twice daily.
The bites stopped immediatly so did the itching and within 2wks her skin had healed and her coat was normal. She had most summer days rug free but I did use a mio fly sheet at night.
#sweetitch #skinallergies #FlyRepellent
# #stressfreegrazing #flyrepellent #coatconditioner #naturalproduct #cushingsdisease #dontlikespray
If your still struggling check out my FB page results from SI owners & horses.
To buy -
Your horse will love you, you will love his/her new beautiful, non itchy coat and life will improve.
#stressfreegrazing #coatconditioner #sweetitch #dontlikespray #lessvetvisits #skinallergies #naturalproduct #cushingsdisease #healingproperties #flyrepellent
Morning everyone. I really hope you are all now in control of the itching. This year has been particularly bad. Many will have tried many products on the market, some finding "the one" that helps your horse.
If however your still battling take a look at ZERO FLYZ. My product has changed many horse & owners lives over this "bad" summer, many even being rug free after years of SI.
My product isn't cheap I know that but for it to work I only use top grade ingredients. I found a formula that works so I'm not going to weaken that trying cheaper ingredients. One of the leading international companies sells 100ml for £15, that I call expensive. 😩
My objective is to help horses, not for me to get rich quick. I too work fulltime like many of you, Zero Flyz is just my hobbie. 😁
Sending your package isn't cheap
2ltrs £8.69 postage (I charge £3.50)
Sample £4.79 postage
I am up against huge companies with money for advertising, staff to help and so I heavily rely on my customers to promote their success with ZF.
I try to share real video's as I receive them as I'm very proud of the results.
I accept ZF may not have the same results on every horse but it has a coat conditioner which Is natural and on par with many coat sheens on the market so never wasted.
I offer a free sample on resuest because I know try before you buy 2ltrs is important.
I send an application demo as how you apply it makes a huge difference.
I offer advice and have sent extra oils to owners that need a higher strength formula.
I genuinely want to help horses that suffer and owners that constantly worry and trawl the internet when they should be sleeping.
If your still looking, suffering, worrying give Zero Flyz a try.
#sweetitch #skinallergies
#FlyRepellent #stressfreegrazing #healingproperties #shinycoat
Result 🥰
Lovely message from Georgina yesterday (new customer). She has been struggling with her boys reaction to insects. He will throw himself at the wall and constantly rub himself. He kicks his belly and sheath all the time too. This was him before & after the first application on receiving her ZERO FLYZ.
Sweet itch can continue for as long as the insects thrive. Keep them protected, coat conditioned and relaxed all winter with Zero Flyz and see the difference it makes next year.
#sweetitch #skinallergies #FlyRepellent #dontlikespray #healingproperties #coatconditioner #naturalproduct
LITTLE DAVE covered in wet mud, too cold to wash him off, no problem. Zero Flyz does the job overnight naturally. 2 products in 1 bottle, Repellent & Coat conditioner.
#flyrepellent #mudlarking #coatconditioner #happyhorses #NaturalProducts #skinallergies #healingproperties #dontlikespray #stressfreegrazing #sweetitch #nomorerugs #cushingsdisease
This is the time of year when some of you are wanting to give your horse some rug free time. Don't be fooled by the cooler weather the bugs are still about. Even in - 2 temps if the sun bursts thru they are instantly there. I videoed once all my water troughs frozen over, white frost on the ground yet a swarm of midges hovering 3ft above my horse. Thankfully they wouldn't come any nearer as Zero Flyz keeps them away but I was shocked they were there.
My horses were lucky, you can see them munching on their haynet under the treeline, prime insect area yet insect free. No tail swishing or head shaking just relaxed & rug free.
Keep your horse protected & happy this autumn. If used as a maintenance repellent/coat sheen over winter next spring your horse will be in optimum condition and keep the SI away. So many severe SI sufferers have had the best summer this year with Zero Flyz. This could be your story next year.
"keep the vet away, no big bills to pay, the natural way"
#sweetitch #healingproperties #coatconditioner #stressfreegrazing #naturalproducts #nomorerugs #skinallergies #happyhorses #dontlikespray #cushingsdisease
If your still struggling to get on top of your horses skin problems you may of stumbled across the answer.
2yrs ago Embers owner had tried EVERYTHING. Spent a small fortune and was told to PTS Ember the kindest option.
No...... That wasn't what her owner wanted and she found my fb page and made contact. I told her I was confident ZERO FLYZ could help... The rest is happy history.
It is late in the season but my product is 2 for 1. It protects from insects but also conditions the skin, healing, rejuvinating and gives you the best condition over winter ready to attack 2025.
Stops coat change itching as the hair falls out easy. Mud barely sticks & falls off easily. It gives a super shiny coat without the silicone feel as all natural ingredients. Your horse will look & feel the best it possibly can with a WOW factor.
Don't give up hope. This may just be your magic wand.
#sweetitch #skinallergies
#stressfreegrazing #healingproperties #happyhorses #dontlikespray #nomorerugs #skinallergies #cushingsdisease #naturalproducts