Rocky Rockstar is teaching her how to play 🥹 I can see these two become the best of friends once she learns how to be a dog 🥰
Introductions out the way and now we play 🥰
When Ollie met my little rescue girl 🥹 she needs a bit of time to learn how to play properly 🥰
Life is better with friends 🥰
Trying to watch the tele and this one is snoring like a trooper 😴 🤣
Nap time 😴
A sleepy dog is a happy dog 🥰
Rocky isn’t hard done by - he prefers to sleep on the hard cool floor 😅
Teaching Gary that he needs to sit if he wants to play fetch and barking at me won’t work 🤣
Nap time 😴 Puppies need a bit of encouragement to switch off 😅 once they get it your life gets a lot easier 🥰 Zola is asleep in the big crate in the kitchen - the pregnant Mama needs her own space 😍
Rocky & Max made friends 🥰