The tone of voice we use when speaking to a dog matters!
When someone is talking to us or asking us to do something, are we more likely to respond and want to connect with them if they’re using a specific type of tone than if their tone is harsh, shouting or domineering?
The more we use positive tones of voice with our dogs, the more they will want to connect with us and be more interested in doing what we are asking.
Some examples of why tone matters –
Calling your dog to come back to you in a happy, excited, high-pitched tone is far more likely to work than using a stern, loud, angry tone. Would you want to return to someone who sounds really angry?
Yanking on a leash and shouting at a dog for reacting to another dog or situation is far less likely to work than saying “lets go this way!” in a happy tone and creating distance to where a dog feels comfortable.
Saying “Yes!” when a dog has done what you ask will increase the behaviour you’re looking for instead of yelling “No!” in an angry tone when they don’t get it right.
Although these examples are based on positive reinforcement training, a study has also shown that dogs respond and pay more attention when we speak with a higher pitch and more variation, similar to how we would talk to a baby.
Given that a dog’s emotional capability is similar to that of a young child, this all makes sense and fits together, in my opinion.
Here’s a link to the study if you’d like more information -