We can confirm that a dog chased and attacked a deer in Richmond Park yesterday. Sadly, the deer had to be put down due to the severity of its injuries. This is a deeply distressing incident.
Richmond Park is a National Nature Reserve and home to around 630 red and fallow deer, which roam freely in this wild landscape. The park is a sanctuary for wildlife, and it is illegal to allow dogs to chase deer. Dog walkers must ensure their pets are under close control at all times. If there is any doubt about a dog's temperament or recall ability, it must be kept on a lead or walked elsewhere.
Additionally, there are specific circumstances when dogs must be kept on a lead, such as during deer birthing season and in clearly marked skylark nesting areas.
Enforcement of park regulations is a matter for the Royal Parks Police, and we will continue to support their efforts in safeguarding the park. This event serves as a stark reminder of the importance of responsible dog ownership in protecting the park’s wildlife and ensuring the safety of all visitors.