♥️OREO ♥️Looking 👌🏻 Pristine all set to go home 🏡 after her stay! Oh my do we love a Shihpoo! She’s been a total princess this week eating spag bol, sleeping 💤 in the big bed 🛌 and enjoying pub visits and field walks. She’s a pure pleasure to groom and I just love the way she scrubs up!
Birthday 🎉 girl Trot! Maggie is 4 years old today!!!
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Lady is one of my fave progression dog stories since I started grooming her 2 years ago. She never used to sit still at all and was so anxious she would dance around the table climb on my shoulder and it was really stressful for both of us especially when I had to trim her face! It was actually quite dangerous due to how much of a moving target she was, restraint supports made her worse and more resistant to the groom so we got her by pure patience and trust building. Her owner bought her to me because she was physically shaking before and after her grooms. Don’t get me wrong when she comes in she performs perfectly for her owners benefit “don’t leave me” damsel in distress style! But actually this is how she feels in her groom (when owners are not near the drama stops)! I must say I never thought she would ever get to this stage! I have built trust and worked with her to desensitise her fears and bad experiences 🥰and the benefits are truly rewarding and the reasons why I love my job ❤️#AdorableMoments
Bassets !!! ♥️ The way they run to greet each other! 🙌🏼
🎄 Christmas 🎄 Rush 🎄You will have to wait your turn guys 😂
Trimming his pads when he thinks the groom is finished and taking advantage of his tiredness ! 🌿 Basil is not a fan of pad trimmers as his fees are very tickle and he is hyper sensitive to noises !
♥️🐶 BERT 🥓 always hungry for bacon 😂 I just love him!!!!!!