He loves to rest his head on a cushion whilst being dried. 💜
So helpful and such a happy boy. 💜
A lot of dogs don't like the high velocity dryer as it's noisy, but this lady is just amazing. 💜
There are many reasons why a dog may need additional help with being groomed, including anxiety, fear, and pain.
This little lady had medical issues which caused challenges whilst being groomed. We've gone right back to basics with short sessions, re introducing everything slowly.
As you can see, she was anxious with the clippers st first, but with positive rewards, we made some progress
If she didn't react to the clippers touching her or being placed beside her, she got a tasty treat: it's all about making it a positive experience and gaining trust.
Well done beautiful. 💜
This little lady has been groomed since she was a puppy and happily gets into the bath and onto the table herself.
Bringing your puppy to the salon
when they're fully vaccinated, gives them the best possible start to get used to all the sights, sounds and equipment:
The things we do when the dog isn't keen on the dryer.💜
Hands stripping a dogs coat causes no pain for them, as only the hair that is ready to come out is removed: this young boy lay down in his side and fell asleep for a while. 💜
Most groomers use a high velocity dryer to get the dogs coat straight and dried quickly, but many dogs don't like it.Doing it Holistically and using a stand or hand dryer, does take longer, but puts the dogs ability to cope, above everything else. As you can see this boy is nearly falling asleep, he's so calm and relaxed, but most of all, he feels safe and trusts me. 💜
Puppy enjoying his carrot whilst being dried.
Go to the groomers when your puppy is really young, to give them the best possible start with grooming. ⭐💜
Just taking a moment to relax whilst being dried: grooming needn't be stressful for your dog. 💜
Helping to keep this dog calm when his guardian has gone, as he suffers a little anxiety when she first leaves.