Little clip today of Maple's session whos hit a fear period , which is a natural part of a puppy's development.
She has started to become sensitive and fearful mainly on walks where she will refuse to walk, she's also worried around dogs.
Things to consider if your puppy is going through a fear period.
* Allow them to process & asses their enviroment, stay calm & confident. Offer encouragement, guidance and praise. Try not to baby them or punish them.
* Socialization starts at 8 weeks old , start to slowly expose them to different environments , smells, textures , noises & heights. Go at your puppy's pace to help build confidence.
* Use lots of positive reinforcement this could be food , praise , affection or even the dogs favourite toy.
February dates
Due to our Daughters arrival in Feb they will be no school dates throughout February however I will put some weekday social sessions on instead of school. I will also be talking some time off once she finally arrives.
Home Visits & 121 sessions are filling up fast so please prebook well in advance to avoid disappointment.
2nd Neutrality Class
8th Social Class
16th Social Class
19th Social Session (12 till 2 )
23rd Pack walk
26th Social Session ( 12 till 2 )
To book on a session please message me
Please note you can only attend classes if you have undergone a assessment ( cost applies ) These classes are aimed to be a safe place for cilents dogs to be able to socialize safely. These are not your normal run free session i need to asses and know your dogs personality before I allow they to free run , this allows me to keep everyone dogs safe.
Today's large breed group socialization session ended up with Dorrie face planting herself 🤣
Last Appointments available 2024
11th December 9.30am
16th December 1pm
17th December 10am / 1pm
19th December 9.30am / 12
This is your last chance to get book in sooner before price increase.
Day School availability
20th December
Off lead social sessions available on school dates , please pre book.
Pack walk 24th December
Sliver Hill
Please pm to book on
Check out video of a off lead social session below.
Anyone wanting to join classes and walks must undergo an assessment.
Rescue dog barney
There are very few owners who acutally understand what it takes to be committed and do what's best for the dog and not there own emotions. Loving your new rescue dog alone is not enough and will only lead to the dog being in a unstable state of mind. Which if left unadressed will only root deeper leading to more serious behavioural issues further down the road causing you a headache.
Im seeing many cilents this year who have rescued dogs and don't understand the importance of building strong foundations by implementing stucture, rules & boundaries. They dont even understand the importance of Implenting crate training , this is super important to be able to restrict & manage freedom at the start while your training them. A dog with no rules & boundaries and too much freedom means to many decisions in which they are simple not ready for. Dogs thrive from leadership and guidance, being in a stable environment makes them feel safe.
Remember these dogs don't come trained they are in rescue for a reason ( mostly because no one has bothered to trained them ) , when you rescue you are committing to teaching the dog how to exsist in a human environment safety.
Remember loving them and feeling sorry for them isn't enough step up and lead them to a happy future.
Video below is of my lovely cilents who followed my advice and stayed committed with a really fearful dog.
Thank you for trusting me to help
Minnie came for some off lead socialization today safe to say she gave the others a run for there money 🤣
We are also working on teaching her to be neutral on lead around dogs as she has some lead reactivity due to barrier frustration.
If you didn't know whippets make really great family pets and are suitable for first time owners. They have a gentle calm nature and love the outdoors but are also happy to curl up on the sofa for a cuddle.
Massive well done to everyone today great pack walk , we also raised £50 which will be donated to the Royal bristish Legion.
Rory came for his social session today , so I hand picked some suitable dogs for him to interact with 🙌
Socialzing your dog with suitable dogs is crucial for your puppy's development to help them become a confident dog with good social skills.
I have some slots available for day school Tuesday 29th please message to book.
I'm also opening up slots on day school days for some socalizing off lead with other dogs , so you can allow your dog to interact in a safe and controlled manner. We can also match your dog personality to suit your dogs needs.
These sessions are for cilents only who are undergoing training with us.
Cost is £20