Ears of a different kind today. I have the pleasure of riding Elvis for the next few weeks. He certainly had his strut on at the end of our session 🕺
Don’t you love a good slo-mo! Sometimes I find it really helpful to do a sense check of our symmetry. Both hers and mine! Which side is stronger, where do I collapse my body and why? It’s such a good sense check for us both 🥰🎥
And she was such a good girl. Just walk here as one handed and very much needed 2 hands for trot work 😉 We did have one canter and concluded it wasn’t worth pressing that button again 😂
It would be that Birdie and I will probably get some of the worst weather today 🌧️💨 Good luck to all those riding, training and farming today. It’s really not pleasant!!
So we didn’t fall off today 🎉 Guess you could call that progress Dressage with Levi Hunt! Confidence built back up at the lovely Frensham Manor. Thank you Levi!
Pole day for Birdie. She felt fab today and nailed 2 very lovely simple changes 💪 #ournemesis
Sometimes, just sometimes, they give you precious moments like this and it makes all the sh*t of winter and her mad antics melt away 💗
Having fun with the Christmas tree 🎄
Cooling off after fab session at the lovely Webbs Green Stables …. it felt much darker than it looks too!
Despite a tricky week of Birdie being on hot bricks due to a field change and some rather too lovely grass 🤯 we managed to get to Sparsholt today and train our way round 2 tests.
Ele freestyle 67.8% and Medium 5 which had a few abrupt stops due to spooky distractions, 62%. Also didn’t help that the judge rang the bell thinking I had gone wrong but I hadn’t!
Lots to learn and take away. We need to keep test riding now to build the confidence in us both! A short clip of our canter half passes which are beginning to look ok 😁
Thanks to my lovely helpers today as well. They brought lots of moral ground support too which I really needed after the week we had!
Justine Gwynn Kristie Fitch