Billy 😎
He has had his first session recently and what a great dog he is, built like a small horse but he’s a dog…I promise 😂
This dude is 60kg and his owner just wanted more control of him as he likes to do what he wants as he’s obviously got used to his size and power and he can do pretty much he likes 🐾
We got him straight off that halti and made him understand where he should be and what happens if he is where we want and he quickly learned 🤩
He has a beautiful temperament which is lovely but we need him just more obedient 😍
Good job dude ❤️
I’ve just completed the first bronze course I’ve ran with the guys who attended the 6 week programme, and they all absolutely smashed it 🥇
These are just some snippets of what we have done, I am now running another that’s starting in the next few weeks so if you are interested then please message me because spaces are locked after a certain number to keep the quality up 🤩
This won’t suit dogs with massive reactivity issues, contact me for group sessions regarding that. I don’t mind a little however this course is designed for obedience but any questions then please give me a message and I’ll be happy to help 🔥
It’s crazy what can be achieved when you set the bar high and put the work in 😎
When I had Fury he was absolutely horrific and would react to everybody with absolutely flat out intention of biting them, he’s not just teeth… he meant it 🤦🏻♂️
Proof is in the pudding, this isn’t staged… it’s us playing and then I saw an opportunity to film to show everybody they change is possibly with the dogs it just takes longer with some than others 🥰
He has no lead on here, he could go if he wanted but didn’t and that’s because he now understands he cannot go and just bite anybody and there’s no value in it, rather I supply the value 🙌🏽
He wasn’t just a typical reactive dog, he was a savage and I mean he’s broken teeth going for people through the crate in the van…bonkers! 😔
Slow and steady wins the race with dog training 🐾
Albie 🤩
This handsome chap is coming on amazing with his training, he is 14 weeks old here I first saw him when he was 9 weeks old 🔥
We can’t expect him to be top class as a very young and immature dog he won’t do what we want all the time or the standard but all we can do is ask and make it fun expecially when he gets it right 💥
It’s important to remember to make it fun for pups and eventually you’ll make a desire to train and want to please you and that’s what’s he doing ❤️
We have been putting little things in his head and giving him some good foundations with everything and eventually when he matures a bit we will be a little more picky but for now…let him have fun and be a pup 🥰
Lulu - Now a working security dog 🐕
Titan - Now a working police dog 🚓
This was the first time I seen both after many many months of not seeing them, this really goes to show that dogs remember people and associations ❤️❤️
It’s the hard part of what I do because I love all my dogs more than you would even know but these with me now aren’t for sale… their staying 😜
Alfie 🤩
This guy is only a pup but gets way over stimulated by things going on expecially his owners leaving he cries so this is going to benefit him down the line where he won’t have seperation anxiety 💥
He done great here, his owner was next to me here, the kids away somewhere where he usually goes mad for as he wants to be with them…brilliant stuff 👊🏼
Smashed it 🔥
Had the pleasure of training this little dude recently and what an amazing little pup he is 🤩
We worked on a few things but his owners wanted to do some recall so I showed them the best way to go about it to ensure that recall is bullet proof when he gets older and he smashed it 🔥
I believe he’s 9 weeks, look at him go 💥
If you want to socialise your dogs in the right way this is the absolute best way of doing it because we do training around dogs and people to try and make real life settings as much as possible 🔥
No other groups does it like I do and get the results like I get, that’s a fact 🤩
If your interested then please get in touch because there are only a few spaces and the spaces only come up once there is space 💥
Bit of fun for residential Tula working on her barking commands as she is being trained in personal protection work and she is coming on brilliantly ❤️
She is learning the difference in barking at me and also a target as dogs need commands clear as black and white and she done great 🤩
It’s important to indicate to her there’s a big difference in barking at me and barking at the bad guy, which needs two separate commands otherwise she will think to bark at you rather than they bad guy 😂
Understanding markers the right way ❤️
Dogs predict things, they know what’s coming next so if your usual thing is to get them to do one behaviour after another they know it, you may not even have to ask them they’ll just start doing it 😂
I make sure my dogs are actually listening to the words that come out my mouth and then they get what they want but they’ve got to listen 🔥
This makes the engagement with YOU next level and really does separate good and great dogs 🤩
Residential Tula ❤️
She’s in for some intensive training, she’s only a pup but look at her go 💨