Plantasia Tropical Zoo

Plantasia Tropical Zoo The official Facebook account for Plantasia Tropical Zoo, Swansea General Opening Times:

Open Daily, 7 Days a Week 10.00am - 5.00pm*

Last Admission - 4.00pm

Come and explore our unique tropical zoo, where you'll discover over 40 species of animal in our living rainforest. We have hundreds of tropical plants to experience, and a wide array of animals including meerkats, crocodiles, snakes, leopard cats, and much more. Plantasia has it all, and is perfect for that unique family day out, no matter what the weather! A fabulous attraction with something to appeal to everyone - visit for more information.

It's time for the adventure to begin! Join us all day today (Saturday 21st September 2024) for a special event with Glas...

It's time for the adventure to begin! Join us all day today (Saturday 21st September 2024) for a special event with Glass Slipper Events's PESKY PIRATES & FABULOUS FAIRIES!🪝⏰🏴🐊✨🧚‍♀️ Are you team Tinkerbell? Or are you team Hook? All you need is faith, trust, and a little pixie dust! Let battle comence!!

Book your tickets online here 👉

Mae'n bryd i'r antur ddechrau! Ymunwch â ni drwy'r dydd heddiw (dydd Sadwrn 21 Medi 2024) ar gyfer digwyddiad arbennig gyda Glass Slipper Events ai Mor Ladron a Thylwyth Teg ⏰🏴🐊✨🧚‍♀️ Ydy'ch chi'n dîm Tinkerbell? Neu ai tîm Hook ydych chi? Y cyfan sydd ei angen arnoch chi yw ffydd, ymddiriedaeth, ac ychydig o lwch pixie! Gadewch i'r frwydr ddechrau!!

Archebwch eich tocynnau ar-lein yma 👉

🌿🕷️ Ever wonder where Daisy the Chilean Rose Tarantula is? She's sometimes out of her habitat, lending a hand (or leg!) ...

🌿🕷️ Ever wonder where Daisy the Chilean Rose Tarantula is? She's sometimes out of her habitat, lending a hand (or leg!) in our Grow Your Imagination Education Room 🏫 teaching schoolchildren all about her fascinating species! Don’t worry, she’s always back as soon as possible to join you in your jungle adventure 🐾🌱

With educational workshops running during the term-time weekdays (10:30am - 2:30pm), the zoo can get a bit lively with excited young explorers. If you’re after a more peaceful experience, please plan your visit between 2:30pm - 5pm when calm returns to the canopy 🌿🌴

Stay curious! 😊

🌿🕷️ Ydych chi erioed wedi meddwl ble mae Daisy y Tarantwla Chilean Rose? Mae hi allan o’i chynefin weithiau, yn rhoi benthyg llaw (neu goes!) yn ein Hystafell Addysg Tyfu Eich Dychymyg 🏫 yn addysgu plant ysgol am ei rhywogaeth hynod ddiddorol! Peidiwch â phoeni, mae hi bob amser yn ôl cyn gynted â phosibl i ymuno â chi yn eich antur jwngl 🐾🌱

Gyda gweithdai addysgol yn rhedeg yn ystod dyddiau'r wythnos yn ystod y tymor (10:30yb - 2:30yp), gall y sw fod ychydig yn fywiog gyda fforwyr ifanc llawn cyffro. Os ydych chi ar ôl profiad mwy heddychlon, trefnwch eich ymweliad rhwng 2:30yp - 5yp pan fydd tawelwch yn dychwelyd i'r canopi 🌿🌴

Arhoswch yn chwilfrydig! 😊

Are you team Tinkerbell? 🧚‍♀️✨🌸or team Hook? 🪝🏴‍☠️🐊⏰Meet your mythical heroes at Plantasia Tropical Zoo as we celebrate ...

Are you team Tinkerbell? 🧚‍♀️✨🌸
or team Hook? 🪝🏴‍☠️🐊⏰

Meet your mythical heroes at Plantasia Tropical Zoo as we celebrate the age-old squabble between good and wicked in our family event with Glass Slipper Events Wales

🗓️ Event Details:
Date: Saturday, 21st September 2024
Time: 10 am – 5 pm (Last entry at 4 pm)
Location: Plantasia Tropical Zoo, Swansea

Ai chi yw tîm Tinkerbell? 🧚‍♀️✨🌸
neu dîm Hook? 🏴‍☠️🐊⏰

Dewch i gwrdd â’ch arwyr chwedlonol yn Sŵ Drofannol Plantasia wrth i ni ddathlu’r ffrae oesol rhwng y da a’r drygionus yn ein digwyddiad teuluol gyda Glass Slipper Events Wales

🗓️ Manylion y Digwyddiad:
Dyddiad: Dydd Sadwrn, 21 Medi 2024
Amser: 10yb – 5yp (Mynediad olaf am 4yp)
Lleoliad: Sw Drofannol Plantasia, Abertawe

Our Plantasia on the Road outreach adventures, proudly supported by Admiral Life bring some of the world’s most fascinat...

Our Plantasia on the Road outreach adventures, proudly supported by Admiral Life bring some of the world’s most fascinating animals to your doorstep! 🌍 One of the stars of our programme is the Egyptian Tortoise, a tiny but mighty species that’s critically endangered on the IUCN Red List. Sadly, they’re now extinct in Egypt and found in only a few small pockets in Libya.

Our four adult tortoises have a heartbreaking story—they were rescued from the illegal pet trade, smuggled out of Libya in sacks filled with hundreds of their kind. Now, they’re safe at Plantasia and are part of the European Endangered Species breeding Programme (EEP), helping to secure a future for this incredible species. 🐢💚 Want to know more? Visit our blog to learn more about the Egyptian Tortoise's story

Alongside our tortoises, our outreach sessions also feature snakes, bearded dragons, Madagascar hissing cockroaches, giant African land snails, and crested geckos. Perfect for schools, community centres, or special events, these sessions are both educational and unforgettable! If you're interested in bringing these amazing creatures to your next event, please find our full outreach details and costs on the following link, and complete the enquiry form to book your session today! 📚🐍

Mae ein hanturiaethau allgymorth Plantasia ar Daith, a gefnogir yn garedig gan Admiral, yn dod â rhai o anifeiliaid mwyaf diddorol y byd i garreg eich drws! 🌍 Un o sêr ein rhaglen yw’r Crwban o'r Aifft, rhywogaeth fach ond nerthol sydd mewn perygl difrifol ar Restr Goch yr IUCN. Yn anffodus, maen nhw bellach wedi darfod yn yr Aifft ac i'w cael mewn ychydig o bocedi bach yn Libya yn unig.

Mae gan ein pedwar crwban sy’n oedolion stori dorcalonnus — cawsant eu hachub o’r fasnach anifeiliaid anwes anghyfreithlon, eu smyglo allan o Libya mewn sachau llawn cannoedd o’u math. Nawr, maen nhw’n ddiogel yn Plantasia ac yn rhan o Raglen Bridio Rhywogaethau Mewn Perygl Ewropeaidd (EEP), gan helpu i sicrhau dyfodol i’r rhywogaeth anhygoel hon. 🐢💚 Eisiau gwybod mwy? Ewch i'n blog i ddysgu mwy am stori Grwban yr Aifft

Ochr yn ochr â’n crwbanod, mae ein sesiynau allgymorth hefyd yn cynnwys nadroedd, dreigiau barfog, chwilod duon Madagascar, malwod tir mawr Affricanaidd, a geckos cribog. Perffaith ar gyfer ysgolion, canolfannau cymunedol, neu ddigwyddiadau arbennig, mae'r sesiynau hyn yn addysgol ac yn fythgofiadwy! Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn dod â’r creaduriaid anhygoel hyn i’ch digwyddiad nesaf, dewch o hyd i’n manylion allgymorth a’n costau llawn ar y ddolen ganlynol, a llenwch y ffurflen ymholi i archebu eich sesiwn heddiw! 📚🐍

🌍🌿 Climate change is one of the biggest challenges we face, but together we can make a difference!Here at Plantasia Trop...

🌍🌿 Climate change is one of the biggest challenges we face, but together we can make a difference!

Here at Plantasia Tropical Zoo, we're proud to support the amazing work of Rainforest Concern, a charity dedicated to protecting some of the world’s most biodiverse rainforests. Their projects in Colombia and Ecuador are helping to restore native forests, support local communities, and provide environmental education to those who need it most. 🌱✨

This November, we're kicking off our Rainforest Rally – an epic virtual cycle challenge where our team will cover 409 miles across Ecuador to raise funds and awareness for Rainforest Concern’s vital work! 🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️

Want to help us protect these precious ecosystems? You can donate online 👉, at our collection points in store, or come down and cheer us on during the weekends throughout November as we RIDE FOR THE RAINFOREST! 🌳💚

Let’s rally together to protect the rainforests!

🌍🌿 Newid hinsawdd yw un o’r heriau mwyaf sy’n ein hwynebu, ond gyda’n gilydd gallwn wneud gwahaniaeth!

Yma yn Sŵ Drofannol Plantasia, rydym yn falch o gefnogi gwaith anhygoel Rainforest Concern, elusen sy’n ymroddedig i warchod rhai o goedwigoedd glaw mwyaf bioamrywiol y byd. Mae eu prosiectau yng Ngholombia ac Ecuador yn helpu i adfer coedwigoedd brodorol, cefnogi cymunedau lleol, a darparu addysg amgylcheddol i'r rhai sydd ei angen fwyaf. 🌱✨

Ym mis Tachwedd eleni, rydym yn cychwyn ein Rali Fforest Law – her feicio rithwir epig lle bydd ein tîm yn teithio 409 milltir ar draws Ecuador i godi a***n ac ymwybyddiaeth o waith hanfodol Rainforest Concern! 🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️

Eisiau ein helpu i warchod yr ecosystemau gwerthfawr hyn? Gallwch gyfrannu ar-lein 👉, yn ein mannau casglu yn y siop, neu dewch i lawr i'n calonogi yn ystod y penwythnosau trwy gydol mis Tachwedd wrth i ni FEICIO AM Y GOEDWIG GLAW! 🌳💚

Dewch i ni ymgynnull i amddiffyn y fforestydd glaw!

🌿🎉 Looking for an unforgettable birthday experience? 🎉🌿 Check out some amazing feedback from our birthday parties! 🦎 The...

🌿🎉 Looking for an unforgettable birthday experience? 🎉🌿

Check out some amazing feedback from our birthday parties! 🦎 The kids had a blast exploring, learning, and celebrating in our tropical jungle. Our dedicated team, including the Amazing Amy, make sure every moment is special! 🙌 From start to finish, we aim to make your little one's big day stress-free and memorable.

Ready to plan the perfect party? Get in touch and let’s make it magical! ✨

🌿🎉 Chwilio am brofiad pen-blwydd bythgofiadwy? 🎉🌿

Edrychwch ar adborth anhygoel o'n partïon pen-blwydd! 🦎 Cafodd y plant hwyl yn archwilio, dysgu a dathlu yn ein jwngl trofannol. Mae ein tîm ymroddedig, gan gynnwys yr Amy Anhygoel, yn sicrhau bod pob eiliad yn arbennig! 🙌 O'r dechrau i'r diwedd, ein nod yw gwneud diwrnod mawr eich plentyn bach yn ddi-straen ac yn gofiadwy.

Barod i gynllunio'r parti perffaith? Cysylltwch â ni a gadewch i ni ei wneud yn hudolus! ✨

🎃🖤 Step into Wednesday's Wicked Wonderland with Glass Slipper Events this Halloween – where things are about to get Spoo...

🎃🖤 Step into Wednesday's Wicked Wonderland with Glass Slipper Events this Halloween – where things are about to get Spook-tacular after dark! 🌕🕸️

Join us on Thursday 31st October for a night filled with eerie adventures, a spine-tingling spider trail, and some Fiendishly fun challenges! 💀 Meet Wednesday, Enid, and the rest of the Addams Family for a ghoulish dance-off you won't forget! 🕺🖤

Dare to dance under the moonlight? 🕷️👻

Pre-book your tickets now – it's going to be a scream! 🎟️

🎃🖤 Camwch i mewn i Wednesday's Wicked Wonderland gyda Glass Slipper Events y Calan Gaeaf hwn – lle mae pethau ar fin mynd yn Arswydus ar ôl iddi dywyllu! 🌕🕸️

Ymunwch â ni ar nos Iau 31 Hydref am noson llawn anturiaethau iasol, llwybr pry cop bach i’r asgwrn cefn, a heriau difyr, llawn hwyl! 💀 Cyfarfod gyda Wednesday, Enid, a gweddill y Teulu Addams am ddawns arswydus na fyddwch chi'n anghofio! 🕺🖤

Mentrwch i ddawnsio o dan olau'r lleuad? 🕷️👻

Archebwch eich tocynnau ymlaen llaw nawr – mae'n mynd i fod yn sgrech! 🎟️

🌿We took a little visit to our sister site at Parkwood Outdoors Dolygaer to collect some interesting equipment for somet...

🌿We took a little visit to our sister site at Parkwood Outdoors Dolygaer to collect some interesting equipment for something NEW coming in 2025!! 🔓 More on that to follow soon!

But look at what else we found! 👀 They now have these fabulous all-year-round 'Reservoir View glamping pods' 😍 We'll definitely be booking ourselves in for an activity adventure weekend or holiday break soon!

Head over to their website for details on all of their adrenaline-pumping activities and cosy accommodation offers 👇 🌟

🌿 Aethon ni am ychydig o ymweliad â'n chwaer safle yn Parkwood Outdoors Dolygaer i gasglu offer diddorol ar gyfer rhywbeth NEWYDD yn 2025!! 🔓 Mwy am hynny i ddilyn yn fuan!

Ond edrychwch beth arall wnaethon ni ddarganfod! 👀 Bellach mae ganddyn nhw'r 'podiau glampio Reservoir View' gwych hyn, ar gael trwy gydol y flwyddyn 😍 Byddwn yn bendant yn archebu ein hunain i mewn ar gyfer penwythnos antur gweithgareddau neu wyliau yn fuan!

Ewch draw i'w gwefan i gael manylion am eu holl weithgareddau pwmpio adrenalin a chynigion llety clyd 👇 🌟


🌟 Looking for a fun and educational adventure your child will never forget? Our Zookeeper Experience is the perfect way for them to learn while having an amazing time! 🦎🐍 From feeding animals to getting hands-on with some of our coolest creatures, it’s an exciting way to spark curiosity and build a love for wildlife.

Watch the magic unfold in this video, and see how your little one can become a mini zookeeper for the day! 🌿🐾

Book now for a day full of learning through fun! 🎉

🌟 Chwilio am antur hwyliog ac addysgiadol na fydd eich plentyn byth yn ei anghofio? Ein Profiad geidwad Sŵ yw'r ffordd berffaith iddynt ddysgu wrth gael amser anhygoel! 🦎🐍 O fwydo anifeiliaid i ddod yn ymarferol gyda rhai o’n creaduriaid cŵl, mae’n ffordd gyffrous o danio chwilfrydedd ac adeiladu cariad at fywyd gwyllt.

Gwyliwch yr hud yn datblygu yn y fideo hwn, a gwelwch sut y gall eich plentyn bach ddod yn geidwad sw bach am y diwrnod! 🌿🐾

Archebwch nawr am ddiwrnod llawn dysgu trwy hwyl! 🎉

🦈 Did you know our Red Bellied Piranhas are more shy than fierce? 🌿 Living in the underground zone at Plantasia, these f...

🦈 Did you know our Red Bellied Piranhas are more shy than fierce? 🌿 Living in the underground zone at Plantasia, these fascinating fish have quite the reputation, but there’s more to them than the myths suggest.

Our young piranhas can tend to hide, but if you're quiet and patient, they might just pop out and strike a perfect pose for your Instagram! 📸✨

Learn more about the legend behind these fish in our blog - Piranha: The Fish, The Myth, The Legend here 👉

🦈 Oeddech chi'n gwybod bod ein Piranhas Bol Coch yn fwy swil na ffyrnig? 🌿 Yn byw yn y parth tanddaearol yn Plantasia, mae gan y pysgod hynod ddiddorol hyn yr enw da iawn, ond mae mwy iddyn nhw nag y mae'r mythau'n ei awgrymu.

Gall ein piranhas ifanc dueddu i guddio, ond os ydych chi'n dawel ac yn amyneddgar, efallai y byddan nhw'n dod allan i greu ystum perffaith ar gyfer eich Instagram! 📸✨

Dysgwch fwy am y chwedl y tu ôl i'r pysgod hyn yn ein blog - Piranha: Y Pysgod, Y Myth, Y Chwedl yma 👉

🌿 Watch your little champions grow their imaginations and thrive all year round with a Plantasia Annual Pass! 🌱Enjoy unl...

🌿 Watch your little champions grow their imaginations and thrive all year round with a Plantasia Annual Pass! 🌱

Enjoy unlimited adventures for 12 months – rain or shine! Visit us more than 3 times and you'll be saving money too. Plus, you'll get a free party place for the birthday child and exclusive event updates! 🎉

Ready for a year of fun and exploration? Grab your Annual Pass now and start creating magical memories with us! 🌟

🌿 Gwyliwch eich pencampwyr bach yn tyfu eu dychymyg ac yn ffynnu trwy gydol y flwyddyn gyda Thocyn Blynyddol Plantasia! 🌱

Mwynhewch anturiaethau diderfyn am 12 mis - glaw neu hindda! Ymwelwch â ni fwy na 3 gwaith a byddwch yn arbed a***n hefyd. Hefyd, fe gewch chi le parti am ddim i'r plentyn pen-blwydd a diweddariadau digwyddiadau unigryw! 🎉

Barod am flwyddyn o hwyl ac archwilio? Mynnwch eich Tocyn Blynyddol nawr a dechreuwch greu atgofion hudolus gyda ni! 🌟

🐍 Have you ever wondered how today’s animals measure up to their ancient ancestors? Clyde, our Burmese Python, might see...

🐍 Have you ever wondered how today’s animals measure up to their ancient ancestors? Clyde, our Burmese Python, might seem huge at 13ft long, but wait until you see the skull of the Titanoboa towering above his habitat! 🦕 The size difference is truly jaw-dropping! Just imagine crossing paths with a reptile that size on a riverside walk…👀

Come and see for yourself on our Giants of the Past trail! 🦖 Use AR on your mobile device to bring these incredible creatures back to life and explore the connections between the past and present!

🐍 Ydych chi erioed wedi meddwl sut mae anifeiliaid heddiw yn cyfateb i'w hynafiaid? Efallai fod Clyde, ein Peithon o Fyrma, yn edrych yn anferth ar 13 troedfedd o hyd, ond arhoswch nes i chi weld penglog y Titanoboa yn codi uwchben ei gynefin! 🦕 Mae'r gwahaniaeth maint yn wirioneddol syfrdanol! Dychmygwch groesi llwybrau gydag ymlusgiad o'r un maint ar daith gerdded ar lan yr afon…👀

Dewch i weld drosoch eich hun ar ein llwybr Cewri'r Gorffennol! 🦖 Defnyddiwch AR ar eich dyfais symudol i ddod â'r creaduriaid anhygoel hyn yn ôl yn fyw ac archwilio'r cysylltiadau rhwng y gorffennol a'r presennol!

Spot the dragon! 🐉 Bob, our cheeky Rankin's Dragon, is showing off his incredible camouflage skills!👀Rankin's Dragons ar...

Spot the dragon! 🐉 Bob, our cheeky Rankin's Dragon, is showing off his incredible camouflage skills!👀

Rankin's Dragons are masters of blending into their surroundings, making it easier to hide from predators—or just to have a little fun sneaking around! If you want to meet Bob in person, the only way is through one of our VIP experiences, like the VIP Animal Encounters, happening every weekend from 3pm. 🦎

👉 Book your VIP experience here:

Sylwch ar y ddraig! 🐉 Mae Bob, ein Draig Rankin, yn dangos ei sgiliau cuddliw anhygoel!👀

Mae'r Ddraig Rankin yn feistr ar ymdoddi i'w hamgylchoedd, gan ei gwneud hi'n haws cuddio rhag ysglyfaethwyr - neu i gael ychydig o hwyl yn sleifio o gwmpas! Os ydych chi eisiau cwrdd â Bob yn bersonol, yr unig ffordd yw trwy un o'n profiadau VIP, fel y VIP Animal Encounters, sy'n digwydd bob penwythnos o 3yp. 🦎

👉 Archebwch eich profiad VIP yma:


At Plantasia Tropical Zoo, some of our animals live in mixed habitats, creating a more dynamic and enriching environment for them. 🏞️

Big Momma, our terrapin, might be a bit grumpy, but she shares her home with Caesar & Squeak, our playful common marmosets, Marmalade the Geoffroy’s Marmoset, and Kiwi & Lime, our vibrant turaco birds. 🐢🐒🐦 This diverse setup mirrors the variety of species found in natural ecosystems, encouraging natural behaviours and offering mental and physical stimulation.

Mixed habitats also allow these animals to interact in unique ways, creating a thriving community where each species has its own role. 🌿

Come and see how these incredible animals live together from the ground to the canopy in our stunning hot-house!

Yn Sw Drofannol Plantasia, mae rhai o’n hanifeiliaid yn byw mewn cynefinoedd cymysg, gan greu amgylchedd mwy deinamig a chyfoethog ar eu cyfer 🏞️

Efallai bod Big Momma, ein terapin ni, braidd yn bwdlyd, ond mae’n rhannu ei chartref gyda Caesar & Squeak, ein marmosetiaid cyffredin chwareus, Marmaled ein Marmoset Geoffroy’s, a Kiwi & Lime, ein hadar turaco bywiog. 🐢🐒🐦 Mae'r gosodiad amrywiol hwn yn adlewyrchu'r amrywiaeth o rywogaethau a geir mewn ecosystemau naturiol, gan annog ymddygiadau naturiol a chynnig ysgogiad meddyliol a chorfforol.

Mae cynefinoedd cymysg hefyd yn caniatáu i'r anifeiliaid hyn ryngweithio mewn ffyrdd unigryw, gan greu cymuned lewyrchus lle mae gan bob rhywogaeth ei rôl ei hun. 🌿

Dewch i weld sut mae’r anifeiliaid anhygoel hyn yn cyd-fyw o’r ddaear i’r canopi yn ein tŷ poeth syfrdanol!

🌿 Looking for something to do after your visit to Plantasia? The Gower Walking Festival is back until the 15th September...

🌿 Looking for something to do after your visit to Plantasia? The Gower Walking Festival is back until the 15th September 2024! 🥾 With 30 amazing walks to choose from, there's something for everyone. Perfect for exploring the beauty of our local area!

🌊 Don’t forget to sign up for their newsletter to stay updated:

🌿 Chwilio am rywbeth i wneud ar ôl eich ymweliad â Plantasia? Mae Gŵyl Gerdded Gŵyr yn ôl tan 15 Medi 2024! 🥾 Gyda 30 o deithiau cerdded anhygoel i ddewis ohonynt, mae rhywbeth at ddant pawb. Perffaith ar gyfer archwilio harddwch ein hardal leol!

🌊 Peidiwch ag anghofio cofrestru ar gyfer eu cylchlythyr i gael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf:

For 9 days in September, we will have a fantastic variety of walks for all.

Who would have thought that a tortoise would need to take shelter? 🐢 🐢 After all, they already live in a shell! But even...

Who would have thought that a tortoise would need to take shelter? 🐢 🐢 After all, they already live in a shell! But even Jack & Sally, our Red Footed Tortoises, enjoy a cosy spot to rest.

These tortoises take shelter to regulate their body temperature and stay cool in the heat of their native tropical forests. Their shells are great for protection, but finding a shady spot helps them conserve energy and avoid overheating. 🌿

Next time you visit, see if you can spot them snoozing near their wooden shelter when you look down from the Asian Leopard Cat habitat! 💤

Pwy fyddai wedi meddwl y byddai angen i grwban gael lloches? 🐢 🐢 Wedi'r cyfan, maen nhw'n byw mewn cragen yn barod! Ond mae hyd yn oed Jac a Sally, ein Crwban Troed Goch, yn mwynhau man clyd i orffwys.

Mae'r crwbanod hyn yn cysgodi i reoli tymheredd eu corff ac i aros yn oer yng ngwres eu coedwigoedd trofannol brodorol. Mae eu cregyn yn wych ar gyfer amddiffyniad, ond mae dod o hyd i fan cysgodol yn eu helpu i arbed ynni ac osgoi gorboethi. 🌿

Y tro nesaf y byddwch chi'n ymweld, gwelwch a allwch chi eu gweld yn cwtogi ger eu lloches bren wrth edrych i lawr o'r cynefin Cath Llewpard Asiaidd! 💤

🎁 Looking for the perfect gift? Treat your loved ones to a wild day out at Plantasia Tropical Zoo! 🌿 You can purchase gi...

🎁 Looking for the perfect gift? Treat your loved ones to a wild day out at Plantasia Tropical Zoo! 🌿 You can purchase gift vouchers online, and choose the amount you want to spend. You'll receive an emailable voucher with a code to redeem against any of our tickets or experiences that can be purchased online 🦎🐒

👉 Simply click the link to get started:
Give the gift of adventure today! 🎉

🎁 Chwilio am yranrheg berffaith? Tretiwch eich anwyliaid i ddiwrnod allan gwyllt yn Sw Drofannol Plantasia! 🌿 Gallwch brynu talebau anrheg ar-lein, a dewis y swm rydych chi am ei wario. Byddwch yn derbyn taleb e-bost gyda chod i'w ddefnyddio yn erbyn unrhyw un o'n tocynnau neu brofiadau y gellir eu prynu ar-lein 🦎🐒

👉 Cliciwch ar y ddolen i gychwyn arni:
Rhowch anrheg antur heddiw! 🎉

Laughter is contagious, and it's also great for your health! Nurture your team's mind, body, and spirit with an unforget...

Laughter is contagious, and it's also great for your health!
Nurture your team's mind, body, and spirit with an unforgettable adventure.

"Into The Wild" at Plantasia Zoo is a unique blend of physical challenges, mental puzzles, and collaborative fun, designed to enhance well-being and foster deeper connections.

Don't let your team miss out !
Reach out and let the adventure unfold!

Mae chwerthin yn heintus, ac mae hefyd yn wych i'ch iechyd!
Meithrin meddwl, corff ac ysbryd eich tîm gydag antur fythgofiadwy.

Mae "Into The Wild" yn Sw Plantasia yn gyfuniad unigryw o heriau corfforol, posau meddwl, a hwyl gydweithredol, wedi'u cynllunio i wella lles a meithrin cysylltiadau dyfnach.

Peidiwch â gadael i'ch tîm golli allan!
Estynnwch allan a gadewch i'r antur ddatblygu!

🐌 Get up close and personal with our Giant African Land Snail! 🐌 Ever wondered what a snail’s face looks like? Here’s yo...

🐌 Get up close and personal with our Giant African Land Snail! 🐌 Ever wondered what a snail’s face looks like? Here’s your chance to meet one of the coolest creatures around!

Did you know snails 🐌, limpets 🐚, and octopuses 🐙 all belong to the same group called mollusks? They might seem different, but they share some fascinating features! Like a radula—a toothed, tongue-like appendage they use for feeding. Imagine having your very own built-in cheese grater! 🧀✨

And check out that soft flesh around the snail’s face—that’s called a mantle, and it’s got some special glands hidden inside. Nature sure knows how to make things interesting!

Next time you see a snail, remember there’s more to them than meets the eye—literally! 👀

🐌 Dewch yn agos a phersonol gyda'n Malwoden Dir Affricanaidd Enfawr! 🐌 Ydych chi erioed wedi meddwl sut olwg sydd ar wyneb malwen? Dyma’ch cyfle i gwrdd ag un o’r creaduriaid mwyaf cŵl o gwmpas!

Oeddech chi'n gwybod bod malwod 🐌, llygaid meheryn 🐚, ac octopysau 🐙 i gyd yn perthyn i'r un grŵp o'r enw molysgiaid? Efallai eu bod yn ymddangos yn wahanol, ond maent yn rhannu rhai nodweddion hynod ddiddorol! Fel radwla - atodiad danheddog, tebyg i dafod y maent yn ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer bwydo. Dychmygwch gael eich grater caws eich hun! 🧀✨

A gwiriwch y cnawd meddal hwnnw o amgylch wyneb y falwen - a elwir yn fantell, ac mae ganddo chwarennau arbennig wedi'u cuddio y tu mewn. Mae natur yn sicr yn gwybod sut i wneud pethau'n ddiddorol!

Y tro nesaf y byddwch chi'n gweld malwen, cofiwch fod mwy iddyn nhw nag sy'n cwrdd â'r llygad - yn llythrennol! 👀

Unleash your inner adventurer and watch your team ROAR with success! 🦁“Into The Wild" isn't just an adventure, it's an i...

Unleash your inner adventurer and watch your team ROAR with success! 🦁

“Into The Wild" isn't just an adventure, it's an investment in your team's success!

Ready to lead your pride to victory? Unleash their potential with 'Into The Wild'.
Get in touch! [email protected]

Rhyddhewch eich anturiaethwr mewnol a gwyliwch eich tîm yn RHUO yn llwyddiannus! 🦁

Nid antur yn unig yw “Into The Wild”, mae'n fuddsoddiad yn llwyddiant eich tîm!

Yn barod i arwain eich tîm i fuddugoliaeth? Rhyddhewch eu potensial gydag 'Into The Wild'.
Cysylltwch! [email protected]

Last month, we had an incredible time bringing the magic of Plantasia on the Road to the Swansea Quadrant Shopping Centr...

Last month, we had an incredible time bringing the magic of Plantasia on the Road to the Swansea Quadrant Shopping Centre for their 'Kids Fest' summer activities week! 🌿 Our Zoo & Education Manager Lucy and Zookeeper Lily introduced some of our amazing animals to eager young explorers. 🦎🐢

One of the stars of the day was our beautiful corn snake! 🐍 Did you know that corn snakes are non-venomous and make fantastic ambassadors for reptile conservation? These gentle snakes are excellent at controlling rodent populations in the wild, which helps maintain a healthy ecosystem. Sadly, their natural habitats are under threat due to urban development, making conservation efforts more important than ever.

A big thank you to everyone who came along, and to Admiral Life for proudly supporting our outreach programme! We can’t wait to see you all at our next event. 🌟

Y mis diwethaf, cawsom amser anhygoel yn dod â hud Plantasia ar Daith i Ganolfan Siopa Cwadrant Abertawe ar gyfer eu hwythnos gweithgareddau haf 'Gŵyl y Plant'! 🌿 Cyflwynodd ein Rheolwr Sw ac Addysg Lucya cheidwad Sw Lily, rai o’n hanifeiliaid anhygoel i'r fforwyr ifanc eiddgar. 🦎🐢

Un o sêr y dydd oedd ein neidr ŷd hardd! 🐍 Oeddech chi'n gwybod nad yw nadroedd ŷd yn wenwynig ac yn gwneud llysgenhadon gwych ar gyfer cadwraeth ymlusgiaid? Mae'r nadroedd ysgafn hyn yn wych am reoli poblogaethau cnofilod yn y gwyllt, sy'n helpu i gynnal ecosystem iach. Yn anffodus, mae eu cynefinoedd naturiol dan fygythiad oherwydd datblygiad trefol, gan wneud ymdrechion cadwraeth yn bwysicach nag erioed.

Diolch yn fawr iawn i bawb a ddaeth draw, ac i Admiral am gefnogi ein rhaglen allgymorth yn garedig! Ni allwn aros i'ch gweld i gyd yn ein digwyddiad nesaf. 🌟

📸courtesy of/ gyda charedigrwydd A.Harding & Swansea Quadrant Shopping Centre

Watch the fairy-tale adventure unfold with Glass Slipper Events on Saturday 21st September  between the mean and Pesky P...

Watch the fairy-tale adventure unfold with Glass Slipper Events on Saturday 21st September between the mean and Pesky PIRATES 🏴‍☠️⚓️🗡️and the small but Fabulous FAIRIES!🧚‍♀️🪄

Click the link to find out more and book your tickets online 🎟️

Gwyliwch yr antur stori dylwyth teg yn datblygu gyda Glass Slipper Events ar ddydd Sadwrn 21ain Medi rhwng y MORLADRON direidus 🏴‍☠️⚓️🗡️a'r TYLWYTH TEG bendigedig!🧚‍♀️

Cliciwch y ddolen i ddarganfod mwy ac i archebu eich tocynnau ar-lein 🎟️


🌟 Lucy, our stunning Rio Fuerte Beaded Lizard, is full of surprises!🦎 Not only is she one of only two venomous lizard species in the world, but her close relative, the Gila Monster, has venom that might help treat type 2 diabetes in humans! 😲

These incredible creatures, native to Mexico’s deserts, have bead-like scales that give them a striking appearance. Their scientific name even translates to “the terrible one with studded skin”! Despite their fearsome reputation, they’re actually timid and nocturnal.

But here's the concerning part: Lucy’s species faces threats from habitat loss due to urbanization and agriculture. That’s why the Rio-Fuerte beaded lizard is a CITES-protected species. Conservation is crucial to ensure these fascinating creatures continue to thrive. 🌍💚

Lucy has settled beautifully into life at Plantasia Tropical Zoo since arriving in September 2021, and turns 24 in December! Come visit her in our Arid Zone and learn more about the mysterious and magical world of beaded lizards! 🦎✨

🌟 Mae Lucy, ein Madfall Leiniog Rio Fuerte syfrdanol, yn llawn sypreisys! 🦎 Nid yn unig y mae hi'n un o ddim ond dwy rywogaeth o fadfall wenwynig yn y byd, ond mae gan ei pherthynas agos, yr Anghenfil Gila, wenwyn a allai helpu i drin diabetes math 2 mewn pobl! 😲

Mae gan y creaduriaid anhygoel hyn, sy'n frodorol i anialwch Mecsico, cennau tebyg i leiniau sy'n rhoi golwg drawiadol iddynt. Mae eu henw gwyddonol hyd yn oed yn trosi i “yr un ofnadwy â chroen boglynnog”! Er gwaethaf eu henw da ofnadwy, maent mewn gwirionedd yn anhyderus yn nosol.

Ond dyma’r rhan sy’n peri pryder: mae rhywogaeth Lucy yn wynebu bygythiadau o golli cynefinoedd oherwydd trefoli ac amaethyddiaeth. Dyna pam mae'r fadfall leiniog Rio-Fuerte yn rhywogaeth a warchodir gan CITES. Mae cadwraeth yn hanfodol i sicrhau bod y creaduriaid hynod ddiddorol hyn yn parhau i ffynnu. 🌍💚

Mae Lucy wedi setlo’n hyfryd i fywyd yn Sŵ Drofannol Plantasia ers cyrraedd ym mis Medi 2021, ac mae’n troi’n 24 ym mis Rhagfyr! Dewch i ymweld â hi yn ein Parth Cras i ddysgu mwy am fyd dirgel a hudol madfallod gleiniog! 🦎✨


Parc Tawe

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 5pm
Tuesday 10am - 5pm
Wednesday 10am - 5pm
Thursday 10am - 5pm
Friday 10am - 5pm
Saturday 10am - 5pm
Sunday 10am - 5pm


01792 474555


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Our Story

After a £1.1 million re-development Plantasia opened its door to the public in April 2019. Plantasia is now open. Grow Your Imagination. Your adventure starts here. Go on an amazing adventure through a tropical rain forest. Get up close & personal with the animals and discover a variety of rare and exotic plants. Grow your imaginations in this interactive, fully immersive tropical indoor experience for all the family. Discover the different levels of a rain forest; from the dark undergrowth to the breath-taking canopy,there’s so much to squeeze in! Visit our website for prices. Come and celebrate your birthday amongst the amazing animals and rare plants of Plantasia. We welcome school trips, a perfect place to Grow Your Imaginations. Our animals love to go on amazing adventures! We offer unique workshops, delivered by a member of our professional crew, in your very own classroom. Whether you’re seeking a venue for a business meeting, team development or simply a great day out to reward your staff and family, Plantasia will be able to accommodate your request. After your visit join us for a delicious pizza in Canopy Cafe.

Grow Your Imagination ......

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