So it's been a while! At the moment I'm only running telephone consultations and training via WhatsApp, but that doesn't mean inferior results. All training is 100% personalised to you and your dog.
Take Blaze, this stunning Irish Setter. All about his nose, easily distracted, pulled like a train - and not very interested in treats. He was very strong and not easy to walk. We used sniffs and mooching as a reward for listening in and slowing down instead of trying to lure him into position. Look at him now! He'll even take a snack now he's less frantic ❤️
Puppy Gundog Skills
🐶 Doggy Skills 🐶
Your dog's behaviour and what they enjoy doing is the product of how they are raised and, crucially but often overlooked, their breeding. Terriers often like to chase and shake their toys, Beagles stick their nose to the ground and go off independently, Huskies "sing" and run and run and run, and Labradors like to carry stuff around. Use this to your advantage! When choosing an activity or exercise, one your dog is inherently programmed to do could be great fun for both of you. Here's Minnow - she's a six month old Lab x Springer, and although very unlikely to ever work as a gundog absolutely LOVES keeping her paw in!
Puppy retrieve training
🧞♂️🪄 Training Dreams 🪄🧞♂️
What are your training dreams? Is there something you see other dogs doing and wish your dog could do it too? That might be to walk on lead without pulling, or it might be more advanced (here's Minnow working on some gundog skills around general park distractions - sit and wait, then retrieve to hand...mmm slobber 🤤). Whatever it is, we can help!
Pre walk puppy training
🐶🐾 Before your puppy's first walk 🐾🐶
Taking your dog for their first walk is super exciting, and when you have a bouncy pup who does a brilliant land shark impression you are probably desperate to get out and about! Try to make the most of your time stuck at home though - you can use those pre-vaccination weeks to teach all of the basics your dog needs. Here's what Minnow has been learning - she has just turned 11 weeks and won't be on walks for another week.
If you need any help just send us a message - our WhatsApp program is perfect for home learning 🤗
WhatsApp training
🐾 WhatsApp Training Success 🐾
I love getting updates of how your dogs are doing. Here is Wilson showing off some of what he's been learning via our WhatsApp program. He's a friendly adolescent who just LOVES everyone so keeping his attention has been one of our main aims - and look how well he's doing!
If you would like more details of WhatsApp training just send us a message ☺️
Reactive dog progress 🤗
🏅 Star Pup-date🏅
This video might just look like a couple of spaniels hanging out on the beach, and it is! Which is a testament to the amazing hard work of Stanley's owner. Stanley, the ginger pooch, used to be very reactive to other dogs. Over the last couple of years he has gone from needing to be muzzled and reacting to dogs across the street, to interacting and playing with unneutered male dogs (his nemesis 😂) on the beach. So lovely to see him happy, confident and enjoying life! Well done team!
While classes aren't running again just yet, I love getting updates from you and your hounds so let me know how you have been getting on! ☺️🐾
🐾🥇Paw-some Pup-date Alert 🥇🐾
Poppy is a gorgeous spaniel who loves life and pings around at a million miles an hour. This made walking her on lead really hard work, so her owners booked a training session for her. Fast forward a few months and look at her now! They have worked incredibly hard with her and it's paid off. Well done team!!
Bell ringing for toilet training
🛎️ Ring the Bell 🛎️
Joey's owner has taught him to ring a bell so that he can let her know when he wants to go out for a wee. As with everything Joey does, he does it very enthusiastically!! Just a little dose of cuteness to get you through your Thursday 🥰
Working on dog reactivity
🍾 Super Smart Luna 🍾
Luna has never managed to be calm around a dog before, but her owners have been working hard on her general focus and calmness and today she managed a lovely walk with my dog Doug, our resident assistant trainer. We worked on letting her have a look and then praising and rewarding her for looking away agaher Her owners were still ready to step in and ask her to look away if she was struggling, but she managed to make some lovely choices by herself! A few weeks ago she struggled to cope with a fake dog at a large distance, so this is huge progress for her 🥰
Position change stay
🎄Progression Class Pups🎄
It was the final session for the Group Progression Class this morning. They've all done so well! Here's marvellous Moose showing off his excellent stay with a distance position change (sit to down). They also worked on recalling to heel from playing with their mates and stopping when asked.