Letting dogs run loose is dangerous for the dogs, the public, and livestock in fields. Yes, dogs get out by accident, but many dogs are out repeatedly, and when owners are confronted, we are told - oh, but he always comes home for dinner! That is NOT the way to keep dogs, and it is NOT safe for neither dog nor livestock.
We are coming into lambing season, and each year, farmers are met with devastating sights after dogs have mauled their lamb. This is NOT the dogs fault. This is pure instinct by the dog when he sees an opportunity. The trauma and loss caused to the farmer is devastating, and he is left to pick up the pieces, not only to the injured sheep but the stress can cause the remaining sheep to miscarriage.
Farmers have the right to shoot dogs trespassing, DONT blame the farmer. His responsibility is to his fock, YOUR dog is YOUR responsibility.
Dog owners are urged to keep their pets under control, especially during the lambing season when sheep are particularly vulnerable. Don’t let dogs lose in areas adjoining livestock fields–many attacks are caused by dogs, which escape and attack sheep grazing nearby.