Go play across the Rainbow Bridge “Bracken”
I’ll walk this path but only twice
The first was bliss and something nice.
The first path I walked led to you
A loving home and somewhere new.
A home, a friend to me so small
To teach me well and have a ball
To fetch, to sit, to lay and stay
To fuss and run and lots of play.
To guard and cuddle if you by got sad
To give sad eyes if you were mad.
To tilt my head and listen well
And understand your day from hell.
But time moves fast and I got old
And I look to you for me to hold.
I’d look to you for fuss and talk
As I’m getting old and can hardly walk.
To do whats right and do whats best
To put our hearts and love to test.
To walk the path to that open ridge
Where I can finally walk across the rainbow bridge.
To know in your heart that this is not end
From your ever faithful friend.