Decoding Dogs

Decoding Dogs Decoding Dogs Canine Behaviour cracking the code to a harmonious relationship with your dog.


What is functional analysis?

Different dogs can exhibit identical behaviours, but the behaviour of each dog may be performed for completely different reasons. Understanding the reason or reasons behind the behaviour helps me determine the most appropriate way to solve the problem.

Functional analysis analyses a single behaviour or training problem, in isolation, to determine why it is happening and determine what it fulfils for the dog.
Understanding what the dog is trying to gain from this behaviour to get such as for attention, to get away, because it feels good or trying to communicate something such as needing the toilet is the first part of behaviour modification.

Next time your dog is doing something ask yourself why?

Sudden behaviour changes in dogs could be because of pain. My girl hasn’t been herself for a while so I booked a session...

Sudden behaviour changes in dogs could be because of pain.
My girl hasn’t been herself for a while so I booked a session with a physiotherapist. After just one session she is much happier and she is closer to the Tia we all know and love.
With any new client I will always ask when the last vet check was. If the behaviour change is sudden I will always recommend a trip to the vet to rule out pain as a factor.
I know of a dog who suddenly became agressive around food. The poor boy had a broken tooth which made food a painful experience.


Sometimes it takes an hour for us to get out for a walk however it’s worth it in the end. Taking a dog for a walk who is already hyped up can make any behavioural issues worse. Taking a calm dog for a walk sets the mood for the walk and the dog is able to focus more on what you are asking of them. Luna struggles with her emotions and reactivity to people and dogs. This was her today 😍

It is law to have control of your dog at all times this means on and off the lead. If the approaching dog is on the lead...

It is law to have control of your dog at all times this means on and off the lead.
If the approaching dog is on the lead gain control of your dog and let it pass and try to give them space.

Our Dog Wardens receive many complaints regarding dogs acting aggressively, often with these complaints it is initiated by dogs that are not under proper control of their owners.

If you see a dog on a lead be respectful and make sure you place your dog on a lead until you are close enough to speak with the owner. Dogs, like humans, do not always get along together and its important to not place dogs in a position where they feel threatened.

However friendly your dog is if it approaches an on lead dog and an altercation starts you could be found at fault and liable for any costs incurred. You could also end up in court or with formal sanctions placed against your dogs.


Sorry It's been quiet on here I've not long returned off honeymoon and now working on a few things 😊
Always here for anyone who needs help with their dogs!

Please don’t walk your dogs in this heat it is not worth the risk 🥵

Please don’t walk your dogs in this heat it is not worth the risk 🥵

I know I am biased but theis is my beautiful girl Tia after a fresh groom. I groom her myself after years of having to d...

I know I am biased but theis is my beautiful girl Tia after a fresh groom.
I groom her myself after years of having to drag her into the groomers. They always said she was great and I believed them as I know she wasn’t keen on being brushed but she would take it.
I recently acquired a blaster dryer and to my surprise (she loves the hair dryer) she was terrified of it 💔
I understand at a grooming salon she cannot run from it so probably just tolerated it.

So I bought myself some cheap clippers to practice with then some fantastic ones so we can break the groom up. Bath in the morning dry naturally with slow introductions to the blaster she is much better with it. Then lots of breaks when I clip her hair. It was hot yesterday so we were in the front garden back garden wherever she is comfortable.

Have you had to learn a new skill to help your dog in any way?


Did you Buy your dog as a puppy or re-home them from a rescue?
There is no right or wrong answer when getting a dog. Rescuing a dog can be difficult to meet the criteria- no other pets, children, secure garden etc. Plus some may have behavioural issues such as separation anxiety or fear aggression. So why would you want to rescue a dog when a puppy is easier as they are a clean slate right...? WRONG
A puppy must have had suitable parents as they can inherit behaviours and temperament plus a stress free pregnancy for the mother is important as this can effect the pups. Once the pups are born is the breeder introducing mild stressors to the pups such as picking them up to enable their sponge like brain to learn to cope with stress? Is the breeder getting them used to different people, sounds and household objects that may be scary? They also learn so much from their siblings such as bite inhabitation.
Finding a good breeder is important therefore research is key. I know we want everything now but when adding a dog to your family we must be patient. Research what breed you would like and see if it is suitable to your lifestyle. Then speak to owners and breeders of them to see if it would be a good match.

Rescue or bought I am here if you need any support.
Or if you are thinking on getting a puppy or a rescue dog but feel overwhelmed with it all please contact me and I'll help point you in the right direction.


A question I will always ask people is what are you feeding your dog? 🦴🐶
Why is this so important when it comes to behaviour? If you are feeding a poor quality food or one full of sugars and E numbers it could have an effect on how your dog behaves? We all have treats from time to time but you wouldn’t live off pop tarts or plain pasta so why should your dog?
I always check on the All About Dog Food website to gain insight into what I am feeding my dog as the ingredients on the back of a bag of dog food can be misleading without percentages etc.
It can be daunting when looking into what to feed your dog but this site makes it much easier.

This is why I love dogs! They would literally save your life if they could so why do people insist on treating them as p...

This is why I love dogs! They would literally save your life if they could so why do people insist on treating them as possessions they have a right to own and train with force I will never know.

Excited to see this one today the lovely Luna a rescue reactive Boxer who I have been working with for a while now she i...

Excited to see this one today the lovely Luna a rescue reactive Boxer who I have been working with for a while now she is the sweetest 😍

Can you understand what your dog is trying to say? They communicate so well if we just listen. Often people will say the...

Can you understand what your dog is trying to say? They communicate so well if we just listen.
Often people will say the bite came out of nowhere however there would have been signs we just need to watch out for them.

Reward based training. Why are we seeing so many videos saying it doesn’t work and more and more use of aversive tools? ...

Reward based training. Why are we seeing so many videos saying it doesn’t work and more and more use of aversive tools?
I see videos telling you to take your dogs food out and use that as a reward or make sure he is hungry… OR I don’t use treats my dog should want to listen to me…!


I would not go to work for free so why should your dog? If your boss asked you to do something extra in the evening and your not getting paid you’d tell him to ‘go away’
If for example you know you are getting 2 digestive biscuits with your afternoon cup of tea every day. Someone asks you to do something and they will give you an extra digestive biscuit?
No thanks I'll get them regardless. However if they said its for a foxes jam cream they would have my full attention.
SO that's why I use smelly or high value treats when training. It’s something to drive the dog into thinking yes I need that rather than meh I get that regardless. (yes some dogs won't work for treats I will cover this in another post)
Ever noticed how your dog loves the other walker you see when out? Different and much nicer treats maybe? 🤔

Lovely little walk out with my 2 this afternoon. Most dogs enjoy going somewhere new these 2 are no exception. Varied wa...

Lovely little walk out with my 2 this afternoon. Most dogs enjoy going somewhere new these 2 are no exception.
Varied walks are great for mental stimulation especially if your dog is on restricted exercise. Going for a short walk somewhere new can really help if the dog is used to lots of exercise and is struggling with having to rest.

On the flip side some dogs do better with familiar surroundings anxious or nervous dogs thrive on predictably as it enables them to relax more and enjoy the walk knowing where they are and what is around them.

What does your dog prefer?

Did you know you influence your dogs behaviour? This is a huge part in addressing why the dog is behaving the way it is....

Did you know you influence your dogs behaviour? This is a huge part in addressing why the dog is behaving the way it is. The dog looks to its owner for food, safety and comfort so if we are on constant alert when out the dog will be too. How we act when out for a walk can have a huge impact on how the dog behaves.
This is why my behavioural assessments start with getting to know the owner and understanding why the dog is exhibiting the unwanted behaviours to create a personalised behaviour modification programme.
Please message me if you need help with your dog before it becomes to hard to manage. No judgement just helping you and your dog build a better relationship together.




We all struggle some times with things beyond our control and dogs do too. Some common reasons for a dog showing signs of fear are:

Lack of socialisation- it is important that this starts from week one for a puppy. Mild stresses help with their developing brain and help them to overcome problems as they get older. If a puppy has not been carefully introduced to new stimuli before the age of 16 weeks, the dog may grow up fearful of new things. It is important that the puppy has experienced new things before this age for them to navigate new experiences successfully. Take human interaction for example if the dog has not met a human or had any handling from an early age, he may be fearful of people. Dogs raised without this socialisation early on can become avoidant and potentially aggressive towards unfamiliar people than those that have been subjected to meeting people early on in life and rehomed at 8 weeks.

Genetic origin- Dogs don’t inherit ‘behaviour’, they inherit genes which contain proteins, in turn containing information which ‘codes’ for specific behaviours. If the mother has had a traumatic pregnancy or has been in poor health throughout this can negatively affect the puppy’s development.

Learning and experience- Most dogs will take new experiences in their stride and look at the owner for guidance, but it only takes one bad experience to trigger a fight or flight response. The vets for example. Your dog is very poorly or in pain you rush them to the vets the dog now associates that place with pain and being left. Behaviours become ingrained over time the more they do it the more they do it the better the outcome. If the fear means the threat goes away self-preservation has worked and that behaviour will repeat next time the dog finds himself in that situation.

This is why I believe so firmly in finding the cause of the behaviour and using only positive reinforcement to help the dog re-associate how they feel about the perceived threat.


Welcome to Decoding Dogs🐩I am here for you and your dog offering 1:1 Behaviour modification program specializing but not limited to:

* Fears and phobias
* Barking
* Aggression

Fully insured
DBS Checked
Positive reinforcement training techniques

Please message me for more information or if you have any questions.


Underneath a behaviour is an emotion. Underneath that emotion there is a need. When we can focus on what is driving the behaviour, on identifying that need that is not being met and how to give that dog what they need, then we can begin to see how to help that dog.

Couldn't agree more! If a dog growls stop what you are doing take a step back and ask yourself why is this dog growling?...

Couldn't agree more! If a dog growls stop what you are doing take a step back and ask yourself why is this dog growling? What are they trying to prevent happening? Are they scared, in pain, or caught unaware?

There is a very good reason why we say never punish a growl. If a dog is punished for growling they may well stop growling, but that doesn't change the fact that they are extremely uncomfortable or scared in that situation. Without the growl to be able to warn us, they are left with little choice but to escalate their warning signals to us. Perhaps even forced to the point where they feel feel their only option to escape a situation is to bite.


Encouraging dogs to sniff on walks is not only natural and instinctual for them but also has many benefits for their physical and mental well-being.

Sniffing provides mental stimulation for dogs, which is important for their overall mental health.

A good sniff also helps them to learn about their environment, identify scents, and understand the world around them. Through sniffing they can also release pent-up energy, which can help to reduce behavioural problems.

Additionally, sniffing can help to alleviate stress and anxiety in dogs, making them feel more relaxed and comfortable on walks.


Positive reinforcement in dog training is ethical because it rewards desired behaviours, fostering trust and respect. It avoids fear and aggression, common in punishment-based methods, promoting a happier, more confident dog. This approach is effective and compassionate, ensuring dogs learn in a humane way. Canine Principles only uses ethical and kind methods with both dogs and people.


Great advice

I finally have my certificate for my canine behaviour course. It was hard going at times but it was well worth it! 😊 I c...

I finally have my certificate for my canine behaviour course. It was hard going at times but it was well worth it! 😊
I cannot wait to work with you and your dogs to overcome any issues you are facing using positive only methods and understanding.





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