
Lovemygroomer Award winning and certified Membership Only Dog Groomer. We are proud of our Individual approach and grooms with an Asian Free Style influence.

We care for your pet in a pleasing doggy environment with Air Con. Certified Pet Medical & fully insured We are an award winning Grooming Salon Based in Swindon. We have a team of highly skilled groomer with training certification and City and Guild certification. Our focus is on offering great looking grooms, in a safe environment while offering convenience to you as owners. Call us, messenger us or book online

Part FourWelcome to the Christmas Photo Special from LoveMyGroomer and Aggie’s Grooming MagicWe are so very grateful to ...

Part Four

Welcome to the Christmas Photo Special from LoveMyGroomer and Aggie’s Grooming Magic

We are so very grateful to all of our customers that have visited us in 2024.

It has been a challenging year for me and my team but made so much more rewarding and joyful by your visits, compliments and friendship.

We thank and ask all of you to thank our wonderful neighbours Joanne, Pete and Sarah for their patience on those busy days and ongoing support for the business.

Of course my very special thanks to the LMG team who have made all of this possible, they are simply the best in the business.

For all of you that made the journey to us in December we are proud to present our Christmas Photo Special.

We love all of your doggies and feel most honoured that you continue to choose us as your Individual Dog Groomer.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

All my love.


Part ThreeWelcome to the Christmas Photo Special from LoveMyGroomer and Aggie’s Grooming MagicWe are so very grateful to...

Part Three

Welcome to the Christmas Photo Special from LoveMyGroomer and Aggie’s Grooming Magic

We are so very grateful to all of our customers that have visited us in 2024.

It has been a challenging year for me and my team but made so much more rewarding and joyful by your visits, compliments and friendship.

We thank and ask all of you to thank our wonderful neighbours Joanne, Pete and Sarah for their patience on those busy days and ongoing support for the business.

Of course my very special thanks to the LMG team who have made all of this possible, they are simply the best in the business.

For all of you that made the journey to us in December we are proud to present our Christmas Photo Special.

We love all of your doggies and feel most honoured that you continue to choose us as your Individual Dog Groomer.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

All my love.


Part TwoWelcome to the Christmas Photo Special from LoveMyGroomer and Aggie’s Grooming MagicWe are so very grateful to a...

Part Two

Welcome to the Christmas Photo Special from LoveMyGroomer and Aggie’s Grooming Magic

We are so very grateful to all of our customers that have visited us in 2024.

It has been a challenging year for me and my team but made so much more rewarding and joyful by your visits, compliments and friendship.

We thank and ask all of you to thank our wonderful neighbours Joanne, Pete and Sarah for their patience on those busy days and ongoing support for the business.

Of course my very special thanks to the LMG team who have made all of this possible, they are simply the best in the business.

For all of you that made the journey to us in December we are proud to present our Christmas Photo Special.

We love all of your doggies and feel most honoured that you continue to choose us as your Individual Dog Groomer.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

All my love.


Part OneWelcome to the Christmas Photo Special from LoveMyGroomer and Aggie’s Grooming MagicWe are so very grateful to a...

Part One

Welcome to the Christmas Photo Special from LoveMyGroomer and Aggie’s Grooming Magic

We are so very grateful to all of our customers that have visited us in 2024.

It has been a challenging year for me and my team but made so much more rewarding and joyful by your visits, compliments and friendship.

We thank and ask all of you to thank our wonderful neighbours Joanne, Pete and Sarah for their patience on those busy days and ongoing support for the business.

Of course my very special thanks to the LMG team who have made all of this possible, they are simply the best in the business.

For all of you that made the journey to us in December we are proud to present our Christmas Photo Special.

We love all of your doggies and feel most honoured that you continue to choose us as your Individual Dog Groomer.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

All my love.


Part One Welcome to the Christmas Photo Special from LoveMyGroomer and Aggie’s Grooming MagicWe are so very grateful to ...

Part One

Welcome to the Christmas Photo Special from LoveMyGroomer and Aggie’s Grooming Magic

We are so very grateful to all of our customers that have visited us in 2024.

It has been a challenging year for me and my team but made so much more rewarding and joyful by your visits, compliments and friendship.

We thank and ask all of you to thank our wonderful neighbours Joanne, Pete and Sarah for their patience on those busy days and ongoing support for the business.

Of course my very special thanks to the LMG team who have made all of this possible, they are simply the best in the business.

For all of you that made the journey to us in December we are proud to present our Christmas Photo Special.

We love all of your doggies and feel most honoured that you continue to choose us as your Individual Dog Groomer.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

All my love.


Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎We very much appreciate you helping our@top fans and promoting our reputation. Any...

Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎

We very much appreciate you helping our@top fans and promoting our reputation. Any small business relies on customers being promoters of the service, quality and value they offer.

Thank you for taking the to help

Mary Scoble, Fran Ayres, Carol Oleary, Ricky Barney Brown

Drop a comment to welcome them to our community, fans

Hello all wonderful  LoveMyGroomer customers. Christmas is on its way and we are pleased to say that we have book all re...

Hello all wonderful LoveMyGroomer customers.

Christmas is on its way and we are pleased to say that we have book all regular clients that wanted Christmas grooms in December.

We announced a little while ago we are reducing our capacity which means we cannot offer the same amount of grooms as before.

Unfortunately, we are now fully book from the last week in November to January. If you do need a groom we recommend that you start looking now as most will be booked.

We would like to help and give you some names of other grooms, if this helps. Please ask.

We are looking forward to seeing all our Christmas grooming pups.


Individual Grooms, Caring & Friendly Team in a Wonderful Doggy Social Salon


To all our fellow Dog Groomers. Today is our day, celebrate.🥳🎈🎆🙌The team are too busy to celebrate right now as ...

To all our fellow Dog Groomers. Today is our day, celebrate.🥳🎈🎆


The team are too busy to celebrate right now as we are working hard to deliver our Individual Grooms to our wonderful clients.

Many thanks


Just a thought, if you like how we groom and the way we care for your pet please leave a review/recommendation on Google or our FB Meta page💋

Here is LoveMyGroomers version of what to expect from our modern and individual approach to grooming.🐶The loving care an...

Here is LoveMyGroomers version of what to expect from our modern and individual approach to grooming.

🐶The loving care and attention from our team members for your pet
🐶Focus on understanding your pups Individual needs and their comfort at all times
🐶Making sure your pooch gets the time they need and deserve, no clock watching
🐶Attention always, to the detail and quality

❤️Delivering outstanding INDIVIDUAL grooms that you and your fur baby can be proud of.

We are proud to have all of you as our clients💋

All the best

Aggie & the team🥰

🎄Christmas Bookings are now full. Sorry, if you need a groom we will provide alternative groomers

🎅If you are not able to make your booking please let us know soon as we have a wait list.

Individual Grooms, Caring and Friendly Team, in a wonderful Doggy Social Salon

Call Us, email is or

What a week!The lows, followed by the incredible highs thanks to our most wonderful clients.Team and me have bee...

What a week!

The lows, followed by the incredible highs thanks to our most wonderful clients.

Team and me have been given such a boost from the 240 personal messages of support.

The reviews and mentions on Google and FB are so appreciated and help build our reputation.

A special thank you to Molly who spent their treat money to bring us a lovely worded card and human treats. As Molly cannot drive a big thank you to Tracey W for bring our gifts.

My sincere thanks to all

Aggie 🥰😍🥰😘

Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎We are so happy to have such wonderful people as supporters of our business. Thank...

Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎

We are so happy to have such wonderful people as supporters of our business.

Thank you so much


Amy Stephens, Fran Ayres, Carol Oleary, Lauren Raval, Ricky Barney Brown

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard!Thank you for your support and trust in us.AggieRosalind W...

Shout out to my newest followers!

Excited to have you onboard!

Thank you for your support and trust in us.


Rosalind Wise, Sue Parris-Boyle, Leigh Kelly, Andy Scogings, Andy Cook, Becky Montgomery, Ian Marsh, Danny Hale, Hilary Cook, Lee Dennis, Jodie Hastings, Duncan White, Iwona Toms, Becky Tinham


Hello to all our wonderful customers.

**Update: please do not panic. We do not intend to cancel any appointments before Christmas but may ask for some changes to the day or times. We will inform you with plenty of notice before any changes made to your bookings. Apologies for not being more clear. Don’t panic.

We have an important announcement to make. This is not by choice and put upon us. We are sorry to disturb your Sunday.

Out of respect for you and in the interest of transaparency and truth we present the statement below.

We ask that if you require further information to contact us private and remember it is not just us affected so we would like not to cause upset.

Aggie and the Team❤️🐕‍🦺

To Our Lovely LMG Clients

It is with a heavy heart that we must address a troubling situation. We have recently learned that a self-employed groomer, who previously rented space from us and is now working elsewhere, has falsely accused LoveMyGroomer (LMG) and its team of wrongdoing related to an incident in which they were solely involved. This accusation is a blatant misrepresentation of the facts.

Over the past 6-8 months, we have received numerous reports from potential and existing clients about malicious gossip regarding our handling of pets. Phrases such as “dogs died in their care” and “they killed a dog” have been used. It is clear that some of this is part of a personal hate campaign aimed at damaging LMG’s reputation and character.

We are disappointed that some individuals and groomers are spreading these unfounded rumours without knowing the full facts. Such actions have negatively impacted our reputation and caused significant harm to our business.

In consideration of those affected by the incident, we have maintained silence, as agreed with the pet's owner. However, to address the defamatory statements being made and defend ourselves, we feel it is necessary to clarify the situation.

We have sought legal counsel and have evidence to support our case. However, our primary goal is to stop the spread of misinformation. This situation is a tragedy that should not be exploited for personal gain. The actions of the self-employed groomer involved have shown a lack of concern for the consequences or any demonstration of their remorse.

To clarify:

Incident (2023): The incident involved a self-employed groomer who rented a table at our premises. We have an agreement with the pet’s owner on how to handle public statements. The owner has confirmed in writing and verbally that neither Aggie, Peter, nor any current team members were involved in the incident. The groomer responsible has been identified.

The self-employed groomer was responsible for the pet during the grooming process.
The incident occurred while the groomer was washing and drying the pet, which suddenly became lifeless.
Urgent assistance was requested from the LMG team to perform CPR.
Unfortunately, recovery was not possible, and the pet’s owner was immediately informed.

Current Issue:

We have evidence that the self-employed groomer has made false and defamatory claims, including blaming Aggie and Peter, which is contradicted by their own statements.

The groomer has misled potential clients on social media, falsely claiming they left LMG due to the incident, which is a lie.
Despite no fault being found with LMG, we have made changes to our business practices. We no longer use table rentals and have decided to focus solely on our core team. We are committed to enhancing our team's skills and ensuring the safe handling and care of pets. For example, we recently organized and funded a Pet Academy First Aid course for our team.

The behaviour of the self-employed groomer since the incident has been morally and ethically unacceptable. While we choose not to publicly name this individual, we are concerned about them being recommended on community Facebook posts by those who may be misinformed. This groomer continues to spread lies while working under a new name in other groomers establishments.

This incident has been heart breaking and challenging. It does not reflect the current operations of LoveMyGroomer. We strive to provide the best care and attention to our clients and their pets, and we believe our extensive track record of happy customers speaks for itself.

Given the situation, we have decided to limit our exposure in Swindon, relying on repeat customers and referrals. Unfortunately, this means reducing our grooming capacity and informing some clients that we can no longer accommodate them. We are working to transition clients to trusted groomers and will help you avoid any bad actors.

If you wish to discuss this situation further, please feel free to contact me via PM, call, or text.

Thank you for your continued support.

Peter & Aggie Cooper

07894 618795

LoveMyGroomer Ltd

PS. Please note there is no suggestion or belief that self-employed groomers operating under the banner/brand of another organise is in anyway a bad practice, it is just not us!

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Last week we talked about the hardest aspects of running a dog grooming salon. Being able to deliver high standards whil...

Last week we talked about the hardest aspects of running a dog grooming salon. Being able to deliver high standards while being consistent. Judged by client feedback and recommendations.

This week a recommendation demonstrated to us that being true to a core principle of our grooming philosophy is rewarded. First focus on the care of your pet before worrying about the money.

Our compass is set to how we wanted to be treated as a client with our dog Ellie, when booking a groom.

We thank Steve & Lisa for highlighting how we walk our talk. We pride ourselves on offering a different approach to modern dog grooming.

Thank you


PS if you haven’t already recommended us and feel you would like to please visit either Google or Facebook.

Individual Grooms, Caring and Friendly Team, in a wonderful Doggy Social Salon

Call Us, email is or



9 John Ruskin Road, Tadpole Garden Village

Opening Hours

Tuesday 8:30am - 5pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 5pm
Thursday 8:30am - 5pm
Friday 8:15am - 5pm
Saturday 8am - 4pm



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Our story

Our mission is to exceed your grooming expectation.

Grooming is an experience as much as a great look.

It is a little embarrassing to admit that there was a time when we missed the regular brushing of our little girl's coat and found it challenging to even do a simple bath.

Ellie, our Bichon Poodle, didn't look as pretty as she should and her coat was messy, not getting the care it needed.