Woody's Holistic Grooming

Woody's Holistic Grooming Certified holistic groomer offering bespoke cooperative care and welfare services

Woodys Holistic Grooming is a specialist service focused entirely on co-operative care and consent based grooming. I work alongside behaviourists, dog walkers and veterinary physiotherapists to look for the route of grooming issues and provide you with a whole picture as to why a dog may not like a certain aspect of being groomed. No dog will be forced to do anything whilst in my care - instead we work together to create a mutual trust and a safe, positive experience.


Wow. Just wow. There aren’t enough words to explain how amazed I was with Paddy today.

His first groom with me and he was incredible from start to finish. It’s so rare for me to actually get the opportunity to work with a dog who is comfortable enough for me to style so this was a real treat.

I want to use this post however to say a huge thank you to Lydia, his original groomer in Rutland. It’s so obvious how much care and work you have put into making Paddy the superstar he is.

Anyone in Rutland who is in need of a groomer reach out to her at Natures Grooming Spa!


Little Harry cracks me up with his cheeky character. He needs regular baths due to a skin condition and its the perfect time to trim those nails too. He’s usually not a fan of the dryer but he didn’t seem to bothered today as long as his snuffle matt was full 🤣🐾💙


Now that Ellies ear is under control she’s back to being her usual superstar self. Today we were just doing a bath and dry and then when shes back in two weeks we’ll do some trimming again. Breaking things down will hopefully help restore her confidence after a pretty stressful ordeal! ❤️🐾

Everyone knows just how passionate I am about undiagnosed pain and its impact in the grooming salon. This is a fantastic...

Everyone knows just how passionate I am about undiagnosed pain and its impact in the grooming salon. This is a fantastic post by Laura at Dog Communication about how well dogs can hide their pain


This is Twig my yorkie, as many of you know she was born with deformed back legs. She has patella issues, cruciate issues, malformed hocks and also elbow disease.

Despite all of this, Twig would play all day. She is a young dog and would run non-stop, play with toys, play with my other dogs 24/7 if she could. She always wants to go for a walk- she never wants to turn to go home, she would walk all day if you let her.

She’s never grumpy, never shows any aggression even when she’s in pain. She partially ruptured a cruciate a few months ago and despite not being able to use her leg she was still desperate to go for a walk and kept dropping balls in my coffee (obvs I didn’t let her walk or play!) 😳

She has phases where her legs are really bad and she is in pain. It would be really easy for me to think she’s ‘fine’ and not in pain as she would still play all day if I let her. My only behavioural signs of pain with her are that she wakes in the night and takes a while to settle again and she barks a bit more than normal at outside noises.

I’ve also seen night-waking with my Dalmatian, Lucky, when he was in pain and my first sign of his back issues was that he would wake up and wander around in the middle of the night. He also still wanted to walk and play.

People often think that a dog who is in pain won’t want to go for a walk but dogs in pain are often still keen to go for a walk and they will want to chase a ball etc and play if you let them. Don’t ever assume they aren’t in pain because they want to run and play!

Signs of pain can be subtle and these are some that I commonly see in dogs I work with -

🛌 They may wake in the night or find it hard to settle in the evening, pacing or moving from bed to bed

🐕 They may vocalise more (whine or bark) and be more attention-seeking (nudging your hand to stroke them all the time or following you from room to room)

🛋️ Hesitating or unable to climb on/off the sofa, go up the stairs or get in and out of the car or needing a bigger run up to get in. Being slower to get up from resting.

😔 Being unhappy about being handled (groomed/dried etc) or unhappy about people sitting next to them on the sofa or walking past their bed

🐩 Changes in interactions with other dogs on walks- less keen on interacting or less keen on certain types of play etc

🏀. Lying down on walks or walking at a slower place but also conversely running excessively (‘runners high’ endorphins make them feel good temporarily)

You may also notice physical changes (the way your dog moves or the way their body looks.

💊 Please chat to your vet if you see any changes, dogs don’t suddenly change and start or stop doing things for no reason.

Pain is one of the primary causes of many aggression in dogs. Dogs also often don’t stop running and playing when they are in pain- signs of pain can be subtle and easy to miss so please, please seek advice from your vet if you see changes

Laura McAuliffe, Dog Communication 2024

FRIDAY FUN 🐾Many of you will already know the answer to this, but for those that don’t… can you guess what breeds Monty ...


Many of you will already know the answer to this, but for those that don’t… can you guess what breeds Monty is a mix of?


Apparently Ringo wanted his groom on the floor today. Whatever works for you buddy! I’ve got such a soft spot for this boy and we’ve been on a real journey together 💙🐾


Gorgeous little Norman did so well on his first session with me today! He wasn’t sure to begin with and was quite reluctant to approach, but by going slow and not rushing him he eventually warmed up. I’m sure his confidence will only grow once he builds a relationship with me 💙🐾


Lucie just keeps on getting better and better. Today we focused on leg handling in preparation for nail trimming. Lucie was ok with me holding her paw for a few seconds but not comfortable with any equipment being brought close. We’ll continue to work on that, but in the mean time I introduced the wonderful scratch board. Lucie took to it like a duck to water which was just fabulous to watch. I really believe shes going to be one to watch in future ❤️🐾


Bailey is right in the middle of adolescence which is causing him to be a bit more cautious of things. That combined with a recent medical diagnosis regarding seizures meant it was vitally important for me to work within his threshold so we don’t ruin any trust we’ve built together. His nails and paw pads were the priority for today 💙🐾


Gorgeous Barney really struggles to stay still whilst being groomed, but we’re constantly adapting and trying to make the process easier.

I started off with some gentle handling on his legs trying to encourage his confidence, followed by a nail trim, pad shave and then finally an ear trim. I still need to earn more of his trust before I can try him with the shower, but each positive session we have together is one step closer 🐾💙


I did it! Big thank you to the wonderful Flynn for being such a super star 💙🐾🐾

Eek! Tonight I am well and truly stepping out of my comfort zone and going live with Paula at Clipit Grooming. I will be...


Tonight I am well and truly stepping out of my comfort zone and going live with Paula at Clipit Grooming. I will be demonstrating how consent based grooming works with the help of the lovely semi-resident dog Flynn.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous, but I really wanted to take this opportunity to show the world that holistic grooming isn’t La-de-dah, it’s about looking at the whole picture. It’s about exploring why a dog is struggling with something and finding ways to help them cope better in future.

Please join us on Clipit Grooming - I could use the moral support!!! 🐾💙


Aw Lola, such a sweetheart today. She hardly needs any treats anymore (though of course she gets a few for being a superstar). A good short back and sides, bath and towel dry and she’s good to go ❤️🐾


Poor little Ivy has had such a tough time medically recently and so it was hardly surprising she wasn’t too sure on being handled to begin with. Thankfully I’ve made enough deposits into her trust account that she did allow me to complete a much needed haircut. In fact, it ended up being her best session to date! ❤️🐾


And this is why my puppy programmes are as long as they are. I enjoyed every second of Biscuits FIRST FULL GROOM today! I always knew she was special but even I was blown away by just how incredible she was today. Long may it continue! ❤️🐾


Little Poppy did so well today. We continued to try and build up her confidence with clippers and she did fantastically on her body. We still have a bit of work to do with regards to her face being handled, but it’s important to remember that she’s teething and so her mouth is likely to be more sensitive than usual. Slow and steady wins the race ❤️🐾

Is knowledge power or ignorance bliss?Recently we decided to welcome a Syrian hamster into our family. He’s adorable and...

Is knowledge power or ignorance bliss?

Recently we decided to welcome a Syrian hamster into our family. He’s adorable and very much loved by everyone - apart from Monty who couldn’t really care less 🤣.

I did my research and knew that the cages I had for my hamsters growing up were not only inadequate but also deemed as cruel these days. So off I went to find the biggest cage I could afford. The look on Robs face when I walked in with a monster of a cage that barely fit in my car was one I won’t forget any time soon.

I was so excited to start setting up. The people we got the cage from gave us food, bedding and lots of other things, and I’d also got a load of stuff myself too. Once it was all ready, off we went to collect our new addition.

Within minutes of bringing him home he was tearing round the cage, exploring all the different enrichment set ups and finding his way around. Meanwhile I went back to researching - only to discover there were things I’d gotten wrong already. The cage was too tall and the substrate and bedding not deep enough. I realised the bedding I’d brought wasn’t actually deemed safe for hamsters despite what it said on the packet. I panicked and immediately started looking for new bedding and ways I could alter the cage to make it more hamster friendly.

The following day I went out and got even more things. Double checking every purchase and questioning every decision. I went home and whilst Rob and the girls started bonding with Gru, I sat meticulously scrutinising the set up I’d created. I finally felt satisfied and excited, but then I happened to stumble across more research which once again sent me into a spiral of stress and anxiety.

As I sat watching him the following night, I felt sad. I love animals, so much so I’ve devoted my life to them, but in some ways, the more I learn, the less I actually enjoy them. It’s one of the reasons I’ve said I don’t think I’ll get another dog if god forbid something happens to Monty. Because I don’t feel like I’ll ever actually enjoy it again as I’ll be so paranoid about getting something wrong or ruining the seemingly short life they have with me.

The same applies to grooming. I am constantly learning and evolving and sometimes that can consume my mind entirely, trying to make everything completely perfect when in reality that’s not achievable.

I am not for one minute saying we shouldn’t educate ourselves and research animals before welcoming them into our lives. We should always strive to do the best by them, but it’s also important to remember that all animals are sentient beings, they’re not a textbook robot.

The most important thing, is to build a relationship with your pet, get to know their likes, dislikes and little quirks. Try your best, follow your instincts and try to enjoy the journey 🐹🐾

Thank you Amy Thomson Dog Training for this!The statistics are scary. I’ve said time and time again that I strongly beli...

Thank you Amy Thomson Dog Training for this!

The statistics are scary. I’ve said time and time again that I strongly believe majority of the “problem” dogs in the grooming environment are actually dogs who are in pain.

Pain can be present in young animals....

I've just finished watching the Chronic Pain Symposium 2024 (26 hours of talks!) From Canine Arthritis Management (https://membership.elearning.vet/speaker-schedule)

This snippet reveals the prevalence of osteoarthritis, commonly thought to be a disease we only see in older dogs. Revealing in the research 40% of dogs 4 years and under show radiographic signs of OA and of those 60% have pain in their joints. With only half of dog owners picking up on the signs.

This is why we are constantly referring dogs we see for training onto their vets and other professionals if we feel there is something underlying going on contributing to their behaviour.

Please see:

For more information on pain and links to behaviour:



I loved every second with Elsie today. This poor little lady suffers with thyroid problems so her fur isn’t in the best condition. A good exfoliating bath followed by a comb through and tidy up and she’s looking much better, but more importantly her skin will be feeling better too ❤️🐾


We had to strip it right back for Otis today as he’d gotten himself in a bit of a mess. Thankfully he is a total superstar and took it in his stride. He’ll be feeling much more comfortable now I’m sure 🐾💙


I’ve got a real soft spot for Brian. This boy is misunderstood in many aspects of his life, but thankfully he has a wonderful guardian who goes above and beyond to be his advocate. It may not seem it to some, but this boy has come such a long way and i’m proud to be his groomer 🐾💙


It can be really demoralising when a dog you’ve worked really hard with appears to take a step backwards, but it’s important to look at the whole picture. A change in behaviour is usually an indication of something else, whether that be a change in the routine that is causing stress, it could be a pain element, or it could be a past trauma (and don’t forget trauma is different for everyone and you can’t decide how someone reacts emotionally to an event).

Artie did ok today, but he certainly wasn’t his usual self. I did what I could and I’ll welcome him back again next week to do a bit more. Fingers crossed today was just an off day ❤️🐾


1 Fosse Close

Opening Hours

Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 10:30am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm




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Our Story

Welcome to Woody's place dog grooming service - a one to one home based experience. I started to train as a dog groomer after finding it really difficult to find somewhere to take my dog reactive rescue Maximus. Since having Max, i've spent hours and hours learning about dog behaviour and decided to pursue a career working with dogs. My services are very simple - if you want a crufts look i’m probably not the person for you! But if you’re just looking for somewhere friendly and inviting for your fur baby, where their needs are always put first then i’m your girl! I will never push the dog too far, and we’ll take it at their pace - especially if they’re new to grooming!