✨I’m excited to share Oh My Paws has been open for a whole decade! ✨Today marks our 10 year anniversary established in Feb 2015 we have faced many challenges along the way. 3 salon moves and Covid 19 but thanks to our amazing clients we made it through. 💪
It brings a tear to my eye looking back at photos from the beginning seeing all the dogs so young whom I still groom now and those who have crossed rainbow bridge 🌈. I’d like to thank you all for giving me the opportunity to get to know all your dogs and be a part of their lives.
As a groomer you never stop learning and I have come so far in my grooming career over all these years. I’m so excited to see what the next chapter brings and all the new dogs I will get to meet along the way 🥰
Forever grateful for you all,
Lucy & The dog gang (Louie🌭, saffron 🐶 and sage 🐷)