This is Becky’s mum dog, he’s only young and has never been groomed before
My mum and dad were a bit nervous and thought I’d need to muzzle him 😂
I never muzzle a dog without reason, and even then I only muzzle if it becomes dangerous for myself and or the dog (biting bristles on a brush Can hurt)
But as you can see, no muzzle was needed, what a good boy for his first groom
I did however have to change my top after lol those husky shakes really know how to propel the water. I was soaked haha
It’s not just a bath
Final run of product through the hydro sump ensuring it penetrates right to the skin
For some reason I can’t post videos and pictures together and only 1 video a time
It’s not just a bath
Final strip
2.5 hours into 24 seconds how fun, I shall make more of these I think lol
Sonny is letting us all know his mummy is at reception for him lol ❤️❤️
I love doing a hand scissor job ❤️
Isla our dandie dinmont doing the puppy course
Todays lesson was with Isla’s mum, we showed her brushing techniques with the slicker and comb and then showed her how to use the banded comb correctly for hand stripping
Naughty little Isla won’t let her mummy brush her at home haha but now she’s used to coming here she knows what’s expected and she’s always been an angel for me
I think the video speaks for itself ❤️❤️
Omg over the last few weeks little honey has been doing my custom puppy course
5 sessions
Finishing with a full groom
Puppy pack including all the brushes you need for future grooming, health checker, report, and home work 😜 certificate of achievement
Ends with a very happy puppy who just loves to be groomed 😀😀😀
She has been such a pleasure to work with