Miss Molly in England

Miss Molly in England The everyday experiences and adventures of a Mauritian rescue dog in England

Good afternoon , no mist and apart from a burst of sun early afternoon it's been dull and chilly.I've been home most of ...

Good afternoon , no mist and apart from a burst of sun early afternoon it's been dull and chilly.
I've been home most of the day which has given me the opportunity to continue finalising the magazine contents...a final tweaking tomorrow and it'll be online..sadly just for my canine followers! But I'll be giving you an idea of the contents tomorrow when it goes live.
I have of course been out and had a pleasant walk into town with a little run about in Goodland Gardens which was quite satisfying.
As we set off we noticed a discarded cover which the other day was covering a moped or scooter parked up across the road..why the owners had left this lying forlornly on the pavement is a mystery. Next thing we saw was a lorry parked by the Laburnum Court flats, this was right in our path and we had to negotiate our way around it. There were two men , one of whom was up on a cherry picker cleaning off what looked like ivy growing on the side wall of the housing complex.As we walked along Magdalene Street we noticed a rather dangerous looking hole in the road, it's been marked in red and I guess it will be mended soon.
Next stop was the Minster grounds which took us some time to walk though as I was busy picking up loads of peemails as you can see from mum's shots. Needless to say I left several answers but mum declined to take photos of me leaving these!
Then onto Goodland Gardens and from there we returned home via the busy town centre.
Mum was out for lunch...without me! That's twice this week she has been to my favourite cafe The Tea Room in Bath Place and not taken me with her...she knows I'm not very happy about this and it's just as well as I've got four social engagements next week to compensate as otherwise I would be really upset.🐾🐾

We had a smidgen of mistiness early morning but as the day developed it cleared and the sky was quite bright...even the ...

We had a smidgen of mistiness early morning but as the day developed it cleared and the sky was quite bright...even the sun poked it's head out during the afternoon.
My morning was taken up with the second and final training session of Flossie and Pedro both of whom completed their training with flying colours..and thanked me profusely for being such a great tutor...I blushed with pride!
I just had time for a quick nap before mum arrived home..after a coffee she helped me on with my harness and attaching my lead took me out. We were off to Victoria Park to follow up yesterday's exciting discoveries!
However in Eastbourne Terrace I committed the unforgivable😟.
Mum had bumped into a friend and as she stood there nattering I just wandered into the front garden of the house we were stood in front of...and had a ti**le on the path! Mum was horrified and bidding her friend a very hasty farewell steered me swiftly across into Hugo Street and into the park. I was, of course, reprimanded and made to promise I'd never do that again.
Yesterday whilst in the park we spotted a couple of white flags surrounded by coloured writing on the grass...these on closer examination proved to be areas where new saplings are to be planted..one a silver birch..the other a rowan. Additionally several new trees have already been planted and are well fenced round as they take root. These are a field maple, a mayday tree and a Scots pine...the latter bearing leaves...possibly because it is an evergreen?
There are two more at the side of the American football pitch. It's all rather exciting and we are looking forward to seeing them develop.
I've spent the rest of the afternoon finalising my magazine which paws crossed will be online on Saturday...and I'll be providing more details then.
Now for 40 winks( probably 80) before I shall be given my meal🐾🐾

Yes I'm annoyed.. well I was earlier on...you'll find out why if you read on.Wednesday dawned misty...and chilly and aft...

Yes I'm annoyed.. well I was earlier on...you'll find out why if you read on.
Wednesday dawned misty...and chilly and after my early ti**le trot and breakfast I settled down for 40 winks only to be disturbed as mum continued a rather noisy job . Since Monday she's been in the process of sorting out kitchen cupboards and drawers...but due to other distractions namely the Monday pub lunchtime, work and walk with Pat yesterday and a lunch engagement today this task remains unfinished and the kitchen and living room are cluttered with items waiting relocation / allocation to a donations bag.That is annoyance factor no 1 as I dont like everywhere looking so messy.
When we went out for my daily walk it was still a tad misty as you can see from mum's photo of The Minster tower. We were en route for Victoria Park and I'm mesmerised by this greenery growing on the pavement further down the street..it has some fascinating scents and I just have to stop and sniff them. At the bottom of the street there was the inevitable abandoned shopping trolley, these guys certainly get around. We spotted a rather grand looking car parked in St Augustine Street which as yet has not attracted Carrots the ginger cat who has a penchant for sitting on automobiles.
In the park there were some exciting discoveries which we shall examine and report on in detail tomorrow.
Having returned home and had a light lunch I was happy to concentrate on features for Molly's Mag whilst mum went out to lunch.
Her return however and discovering she'd been to The Tea Room in Bath Place without me was annoyance factor no 2. And I sulked!
With the mist having cleared to reveal a lovely sunny afternoon and a much clearer shot of the Minster Tower mum felt obliged to take me out again to try and compensate for having annoyed me! This certainly made me feel better. We returned home and while the sorting continued I slept...mum just couldn't resist taking a photo of me...she says she loves how peaceful and cute I look 🐾🐾

Weather-wise it's been a lovely sunny day with slightly elevated temperatures than previously...it felt lovely and warm ...

Weather-wise it's been a lovely sunny day with slightly elevated temperatures than previously...it felt lovely and warm in the sun!
Up bright and early , out for a ti**le then back for breakfast and later as mum set off for her Tuesday shift I got myself into tutor mode ready for the two trainees to log on.Both Flossie and Pedro were on time and responded well to this first part of the training programme. They are both articulate and certainly show promise of being committed and responsible surveillance agents. I am very impressed.
Mum arrived home as usual just after noon and shared a sandwich with me before we went out to meet Pat Finn ...our usual Thursday walk being changed to today.
We took the same route as last Thursday but it was so bright and sunny today as mum's photos depict. We stopped en route to have a long chat with our mutual friend ..another Pat,before going to The Great Western Hotel for refreshments. Here I was allowed off my lead and having eaten a couple of Biscoff's a very nice lady on the staff of the hotel gave me a few treats...what a lucky girl I am!
All too soon it was time to make our way home...but that means it'll be mealtime so I was quite happy to trot along with mum.
All in all a very nice day🐾🐾

Monday again! Those weekends certainly fly by don't they?I had seen from the calendar that I had no specific commitments...

Monday again! Those weekends certainly fly by don't they?
I had seen from the calendar that I had no specific commitments and after a very relaxing day yesterday...after the walk, I realised I needed to concentrate on the launch of my new venture..the online magazines for local canines.
I got up early, was downstairs by 6.30 and by 7 I'd been out for a ti**le and eaten my breakfast. The rest of the day lay ahead with only the daily walk to distract me from my objective of more work on the magazine.
I made a start, then had a snooze and when I woke mum was getting prepared to take me out..on went my harness and with lead attached we strode out. It wasn't that cold and it was reasonably bright though no sign of the sun as we walked through the Minster grounds. Mum was delighted to see Dave back in his usual place by the exit of the car park and we crossed the grass to have a chat. Dave is a real character, he was previously homeless and selling the Big Issue, then with the help of friends was allocated a flat. Mum was quite concerned for some time as we hadn't seen him, today we learnt that he'd been in, hospitalised 6 times in the last 14 months and today was his first day back. We wished him well and said we would chat again.
On then for a spot of exercise in Goodland Gardens, I was hoping for a stop off in the Shed but mum walked through town and Glory be she bumped into a friend and we went into Cafe Nero...where I enjoyed a few charcoal bones as she and her friend Sarah sipped coffees.
By the time we reached home it was nearly time for mum to go and meet her Monday club friends...and after a light lunch I had a lie down. However I didn't rest long and finally did some more work on the magazine which is almost ready for launching at the weekend..it does require more input though🤔🤔
I was pleased to see that Tommy next door was on surveillance duties as we reached home..which reminded me that I've got a training morning lined up tomorrow for the latest two recruits! 🐾🐾

I've just been woken up! What a nerve! I was perfectly happy sleeping, but mum said that as I've been here on the bed fo...

I've just been woken up! What a nerve! I was perfectly happy sleeping, but mum said that as I've been here on the bed for 6 hours it's time to get up....and as I'll miss my meal if I stay here I guess I've got no option.
We had our first Sunday walk of 2025 today at Upper Holway Open space and it was a good one although Simba and I were often distracted by a new digging place...and we had to be taken away from it on our leads!
I had a slight altercation with a new dog..haven't a clue what breed she was but she was white..she'd paid a fair amount of attention to Simba which might well be the reason I felt I needed to tell her to back off. It was over quite quickly and there were no injuries!
We hadn't been there very long when we spotted the puppy Marley who was very pleased to see us, I gave a little growl to ensure she realised her boundaries. She is very cute but as I remarked to Simba later I think our mums are rather too besotted with her.
There were a few other dogs around but the ones we know well were nowhere to be seen. It was pretty muddy and both Simba and I made our way to the huge puddle for a drink..there's just something about brown water!
But it was back again to the new digging area which eventually led to us being back again on our leads for the journey home...but then Simba and I discovered an interesting hideaway surrounded by bamboo..and we both disappeared inside with poor Marianna hanging onto my lead!
But all good things come to an end and we all went our separate ways home.
Marianna and mum had given me a wipe over in the boot but at home I needed a thorough wash..with shampoo that smells of peppermints. It took some time before mum was satisfied I was clean enough..all I wanted to do was go to bed! Eventually after a good towelling and a cover placed over the duvet I was allowed to get on the bed where I stayed motionless until mum just got me up!
Now for food...and a final ti**le🐾🐾


It's been a relatively quiet day, one in which a morning walk and romp, followed by a visit to the family has led to an afternoon spent in peaceful contemplation...aka sleep!
No frost this morning but quite chilly and tempting as it was to stay on the bed I joined mum downstairs reasonably early. Off we went for my first ti**le trot of the day then back to have some breakfast. A new supply of the Scrumbles kibbles arrived courtesy of Amazon on Thursday and I needed to try them out...although they are the same ones I've been having for ages.
It wasn't too long before mum helped me on with my coat and we drove over to see Julia, Brian and Scott. As usual when in their neck of the woods we stopped at Hudson Way Open Space where I enjoyed several circuits of the space and had a romp with a very likeable Jack Russell called Algie. I was on my best behaviour with him probably because he didn't get too up close and personal!
Considerable sniffing followed once Algie had departed before we continued our way to see the family. Here Brian very kindly offered me my usual TUC crackers which I enjoyed after which I settled down comfortably.
Eventually we left to return home where I was undressed and offered a little cooked chicken before mum left to go out to lunch.I then settled down with the full intention of contemplating how best to present my Molly's Mag next week..in seconds I was fast asleep...and woke only when mum arrived home.
We shall be having a restful evening in preparation for a return to Sunday walkies tomorrow 🐾🐾


Today turned out somewhat different to expectations. I'd checked the calendar and was looking forward to two different social engagements but as it transpired I only had one.
Up reasonably early and out for a ti**le..just a light frost this morning but it felt chilly.
Mum was busy on her tablet and I just lounged about waiting for the signs that we were about to go out. The first sign was her putting on her boots and I got ready to be harnessed...but today mum deemed I needed my coat which a actually has a built in harness. I've got used to getting into the boat and in no time we were out on our way to the Shed to meet Danny for coffee.
As we had time we had a gentle walk around Goodland Gardens where there was a fair amount of decent sniffing to enjoy. When we got to the Shed it was very busy and there were no places available. We waited outside until Danny arrived and made our way over to Coffee #1...plenty of room there and we spent a very pleasant time.
When we reached home we waited for Ross, as he was late mum called him and after a chat it was agreed to postpone our lunch date as he's still not got over his laryngitis. It was a shame but we'll get together for lunch as soon as he's 100% fit.
Mum made some toast for lunch which we shared and as the weather brightened up she took me out for a nice walk around the Trinity area and we ended up in Victoria Park where I had a run around and some stretching exercises.
We've only recently returned and as its not yet mealtime I have been working on more articles for the first edition of my new magazine...but my eyes are feeling sleepy so I think it's time for a snooze..I'll catch up with you all tomorrow🐾🐾

I've got over my disappointment about the lack of snow, although the winter is far from over and who knows we might stil...

I've got over my disappointment about the lack of snow, although the winter is far from over and who knows we might still get some over the next few months..live in hope..die in despair! I won't be doing the latter.
Today was a " work" one for both mum and I and as she went off to the shop I checked over my papers in preparation for an initial assessment of two new " wannabes" for surveillance agents.
The two who presented themselves were from one of the other neighbourhood watch groups and both were very keen, Flossie was a border terrier and Pedro a cross breed. I grilled them quite thoroughly and at the end of the session was able to confirm that they were very suitable..training sessions will commence next week.
Mum was home at her usual time and after a coffee and a change of clothing we set off to meet Pat.Mum had quite a job to control me when I saw Pat such was my eagerness to greet her. Once I'd calmed down we had a fairly short walk along the riverbank before heading to the Great Western Hotel where mum and Pat had hot drinks..and I ate the complimentary biscoff biscuits, I also drank the excess milk mum didn't want!
As we left Pat I was very pleased to hear that we would be seeing her again on Tuesday!
Home, food and once this update is posted I'm off for a snooze!🐾🐾

An amber warning for snow really excited me...but the reality didn't! In fact I'm really disappointed. I've seen loads o...

An amber warning for snow really excited me...but the reality didn't! In fact I'm really disappointed. I've seen loads of photos of heavy snow in many parts of the country but it's not happened here.Just rain although I might have missed a little sleet as I was sleeping this afternoon!
Another early morning when there was a little frost... not enough to make the grass crispy though.I took quite a time checking to see if any of the grass was crispy before I finally decided to have a ti**le and mum and I felt pretty cold and were pleased to get home.
With mum doing some chores I started making a picture quiz for the magazine, I'm aiming on publishing the first edition online by the end of next week...I'm sorry readers it is for canines only but I'll certainly share some of the contents with you.
It was reasonably bright when we went out and it was to Victoria Park that iyr footsteps/ pastels took us. We encountered a rather strange object outside a house.. a Dyson vacuum cleaner...now you know what I think about those household items and I sped up to pass it.
The children in the local school were just ending playtime and forming orderly queues to return to their classrooms, mum said the queues were crocodiles! Have you ever heard anything so ridiculous? I know what a crocodile is and it sure isn't a row of primary aged pupils.
The park was empty and the wet grass and muddy patches were not inviting so I just walked around the playing field twice..off lead but no exercises as such.
Walking home we deplored the state of the streets...so much litter! Even one of the planters was the home for an abandoned crate.It makes us very angry!
Mum's plans for the cinema this afternoon were cancelled as Gill is unwell, I slept all afternoon , mum was in her dressing room sorting out more donations for the charity shop. I've now been fed and perhaps, just perhaps, as it gets colder this evening I might see a snowflake?🐾🐾

It came as a bit of a shock to return to "work" today but I was up nice and early, well before daylight and ready to " r...

It came as a bit of a shock to return to "work" today but I was up nice and early, well before daylight and ready to " rock and roll"
Mum went off to her first shift of 2025 and I prepared to do a surveillance shift! Yes, with a few of our regulars under the weather Samson had contacted me last evening with the request that I step in to help him out.
It was a doddle! Dry and sunny but pretty chilly it seemed that few folk were about, yes there were a number of deliveries but very few passers-by and I had very little to report at the end of my shift.
Shortly after noon mum arrived home and almost immediately took me out for a fairly brief walk. After a very sparse lunch, into the car we went and over to Gill's we drove. You see today is Gill's birthday and we had gone to celebrate it with her, bearing our gifts and a bottle of bubbly!
After greeting the birthday " girl" and Simba, I spent quite some time searching for Poppy the cat. Simba was very keen to play and I did indulge him to some extent, although I continued to search for Poppy as I was unaware she had taken refuge upstairs and when I was so informed I still continued my search..Poppy's scent was everywhere.
Whilst playing with Simba you will notice from mum's photos that I am very much the dominant partner in our shenanigans.We did pop outside from time to time but it was cold and playing indoors was a more attractive proposition. I took quite a liking to Simba's new octopus crackly toy!
Finally we settled down quietly and I had enjoyed some possession of Simba's sofa..where I blend in rather nicely with the decor...Simba seemed quite content to sit on the rug. It was a lovely afternoon with my boy and his lovely mum.🐾🐾

Welcome to the first " proper" week of 2025..one in which we all know what day of the week it is and when the recycling ...

Welcome to the first " proper" week of 2025..one in which we all know what day of the week it is and when the recycling guys will come!
We were both up with the lark this morning and out for that essential ti**le walk before it was light then back for breakfast and, in my case, a snooze.
Not so mum who was as busy as a bee.
We were out by 10 and on our way to my first social engagement of the week..the monthly catch up with Roz. As we walked through town workers were dismantling the Christmas lights etc..yes folks it's all over for another year!
As our usual venue closes on mondays during January we were making our way to Cafe Expresso when we met up with Roz and we all entered the cafe together, it was pretty busy but we managed to get a decent seat and mum ordered a drink plus crumpets and marmite...one of my favourites which I was happy to share with her...and of course dear Roz had brought my sugar free biscuits! One of my other good friends Beryl was also in the cafe and I was overjoyed to greet her.
Before noon we left Roz and walked home, there had been light drizzle earlier but now it was dry and bright..not very warm though.
Mum went off to her weekly rendezvous with some of the BHF gang and I put the finishing touches to....drum roll maestro pleas....Mollys Mag!
This dear readers is my new venture to run alongside my role with the neighbourhood watch group...it's an online magazine for my fellow canines especially those who for one reason or another unable to join the monthly social club. It will contain bedtime stories, games, quizzes, health tips and many more articles. I will be keeping you all informed of some of the various articles to be included.
I'm very excited about it...but now its time for food!🐾🐾

The first Sunday of 2025...and the weather prevented us having a walk!  I was super excited last night on my final ti**l...

The first Sunday of 2025...and the weather prevented us having a walk! I was super excited last night on my final ti**le walk as it had snowed...just the tiniest layer on mum's car and a little crunchy under paw...but then came the rain , the temperature rose and the snow was washed away😢
That rain continued for all night and it was only at 10 this morning that it stopped and I could got out to do my " business".
When we got back home I started looking out for Gill and Simba, with no walk it had been decided we should have a playdate before adjournment to the Hankridge Arms for lunch.
I was on top form and gave Simba no rest when he arrived, I was all over him, and I definitely had the upper hand in all our tussles!
About 11.30 we drove over to Grandma Brenda's house for Gill to collect something and then it was off to lunch.
It was a new venue for we dogs and we were very impressed, the nice lady who was the landlady gave us treats! We were very quiet and well behaved ...then Marianna arrived! Simba and I were very pleased to see her and gave her quite a boisterous welcome before resuming our calm natures and settling down quietly again.
When the food arrived we were very pleased to be given a share..I had a lovely Yorkshire pudding and some of mum's turkey..it was very yummy.
Meals over...and at long last mum had a doggy bag for me...I have waited over 4 years for this! Simba had one as well.
As our mums paid their bills, Marianna took us outside to wait...and we saw our first daffodil in flower!
My tummy was full and I've been snoozing all afternoon! Soon it will be my meal time and some of that doggy bag will be mixed with my usual fayre.
Not a bad way to start the New Year!

A rather grey Saturday, a lighter frost this morning than yesterday but still chilly. Having checked mum's weather app I...

A rather grey Saturday, a lighter frost this morning than yesterday but still chilly. Having checked mum's weather app I've been patiently waiting to see if we really are going to have some snow...nothing yet but I remain hopeful.
Mum put on her culinary queen act this morning when she cooked up another large batch of my homemade meals..plus she cooked some more chicken breasts which are my main treats.
Meanwhile I cracked on trying to sort out the problem I've encountered regarding the new venture I'm launching..paws crossed it looks as if with a little more work it'll be all systems go for the unveiling next week..phew!
You might recall that I had promised to take mum out for a belated birthday coffee yesterday..we didn't manage it but I was adamant we would today. After a pleasant walk/ sniff around St James churchyard and then Goodland Gardens I steered mum to the Tea Room in Bath Place. Jayne was delighted that I was much friendlier with her, mum explained it was one of my New Year's resolutions...and I was rewarded with a biscuit. Mum and I then shared toast and marmite with mum also enjoying a coffee. Calamity struck when it came to payment time..I'd forgotten my money! Mum had no option to get out her card and settle the bill...not my finest moment I have to admit.
We walked home and it seemed to have got colder so we were more than pleased to reach the warmth of our house.
This afternoon mum rationed out my meals into individual bags which she then put in the freezer, I watched as she carefully blended the veggies into the cooked pork and beef mince with rice and then weighed out 18 bags of 300g each.Its very reassuring to know I have plenty of food should we get snowed in...although that's seems highly unlikely...but?
Last evening when I was on my last ti**le walk the sky was lovely and starry and Mum snapped the moon and Venus...and the tower of The Minster which I share with you now.
If the snow doesn't materialise I still have the Sunday walk to look forward to and a Sunday Roast at the Hankridge Arms...YAY!🐾🐾

We woke early, well the usual time for mum but early for me. By the time it was starting to get light a lovely frosty mo...

We woke early, well the usual time for mum but early for me. By the time it was starting to get light a lovely frosty morning was revealed and I was anxious to go out and have some crispy grass under my paws..oh and also to ti**le!
Mum had a hair appointment at 9 and I had another attempt to solve the problem which is delaying the launch of my new venture...still not able to get around it..but if nothing I am persistent and hopefully by Monday I'll have resolved the issue.
When mum came home and she'd had a coffee plus a pain au raisin we set off to drop some lemon juice and honey to Ross Fisher for him to make hot drinks to ease his laryngitis.
As we were in the neighbourhood I enjoyed my daily walk and exercise in the Showell Park open space where lots of crispy grass could be found in the sheltered areas. It was a lovely bright, sunny and cold morning ...my favourite kind during the winter and I had a lovely run around and some interesting sniffing. There are some wonderful skeletal trees and in contrast to these some very green evergreen trees and bushes. A splash of red dogwood adds more colour...as did the bronze of another hedge.It really was a lovely sight.
Home via Aldi where minced beef was bought in preparation for mum to make another batch of my delicious meals tomorrow morning.
The rest of the day has been spent with mum. She's been busy on her tablet and I've been watching YouTube animal videos. A lovely relaxing time🐾🐾


Laburnum Street



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