Another student story of a rider inspired by Légèreté. Maybe you recognize yourself or your horse here. Thank you to Karen Butt for telling us about her and her horse.
"As a teenager and into my early twenties, I enjoyed riding with the local Pony Club and Riding Club, taking part in show jumping, cross-country, hunting and a bit of dressage. I then had a long break from riding, returning just before my 50th birthday!
This time I had a young horse, Elle, a North American Curly, who had been started by Ken Faulkner and his Australian Horsemanship training methods. I enjoyed learning these techniques and as a result I found I had a horse who was versatile, calm and responsive. I've enjoyed many years with her, mostly competing in TREC which involves ridden orienteering and skills tests.
After 10 years together I was still happily riding in a rope halter, however we had one big problem. We could canter anywhere in a straight line but cantering in an arena, circle, figure of eight or asking for left lead showed we had a hole in our training! I was also very reluctant to ride in a bit, afraid of what my hands might do.
Lucky for me, Ecole de Légèreté teacher Nikki Stephens lives very close and I began lessons to address both these issues. I didn't need to worry, from the start learning the flexions and neck extension, taught both my horse and myself the correct use of the bit and my hands. I loved the clear progression that was presented in a way that enabled both Elle and myself to understand what was being asked of us, with so many ways to achieve it. The understanding of the horse's body, psychology and emotions means that Elle's needs are always center of our sessions.
We are now working on lateral movements, poll flexion and towards collection and I'm loving learning movements that I never rode when younger. Elle has visibly changed shape and balance and my riding has improved beyond anything I could have imagined. I'm delighted to say our canter is now a joy and improving all the time. The feeling of lightness makes riding in the bit a subtle way to communicate and nothing to be afraid of!
My aim is simply to see how far we can go. I love that each week we learn more and enjoy more, long may that continue. My huge thanks to Nikki and the Légèreté community who are so encouraging and so willing to share their knowledge and love of all horses."
Thanks so much Karen and Ellie!