Parker and Pooch - Dog Training & Solo Walks

Parker and Pooch - Dog Training & Solo Walks Dog training & solo dog walks in Todmorden, Hebden Bridge and surrounding areas Hi, I’m Clare, founder of Parker & Pooch.

The lessons I learnt along the way while struggling with my own dog’s behaviour inspired me to ditch my career as an accountant and re-train as a dog trainer. And now I spend my days supporting others who were just like me, who want the best for their dog, and just need a bit of a helping hand to get there.

I took Alice out for an early morning walk on Sunday, one of those gorgeous quiet ones when no-one else is around… she m...

I took Alice out for an early morning walk on Sunday, one of those gorgeous quiet ones when no-one else is around… she mooched to her heart’s content, sniffing all the sniffs 😍

Just as we set off, I heard a woodpecker in the trees next to our house. I couldn’t see it - I spent as long as I could searching for it (as long as I felt I could with a dog standing next to me who had zero interest in staring up at a tree that didn’t have a squirrel in it 🤣)

And it got me thinking about reactive dogs… Truly it did, I think I might be obsessed 🙈

It’s easy to feel particularly despondent when our dogs react to something they hear or smell… we’re thinking - oh my days their reactivity is so bad that they don’t even have to see the dog to react 😭

But actually: a dog’s sense of both smell and hearing are far superior to ours. For us humans, sight is usually our primary sense. We do rely on the other senses too - far more than we sometimes realise - but sight is often what we focus on.

That’s why hearing the woodpecker reminded me of this. It makes such a distinctive sound - I knew it was definitely there, I just didn’t get to see it. And me not being able to see the woodpecker didn’t invalidate my experience of it, in fact an image of a woodpecker immediately popped into my head as soon as I heard the noise.

And so it’s exactly the same for our dogs… not being able to see the thing that creates those big emotions doesn’t invalidate their experience of it - they know damn well there’s a dog over there. In fact, if the wind is blowing the right (or wrong!) way, the scent or sound of that other dog means that the experience will be intensified, in such a way that the visual sight of it never would be.

We're having our bathroom replaced next week.(We've had our hideous old one for over four years since we moved in so thi...

We're having our bathroom replaced next week.

(We've had our hideous old one for over four years since we moved in so this is very exciting news 🥳🥳)

But it does mean that Alice is going to be on lockdown, as she's an escape artist at the best of times never mind when there's strange people and all sorts of funny noises in the house, oh, and the front door will probably be wide open all week 🙈

So - it’s going to be long line time and enrichment central (plus her tracker, as an insurance policy)

So I thought I'd share one of Alice’s favourite enrichment activities 🤩 It’s also one of my favourites because it’s genuinely free 🤣 All you need is an old towel and some treat dust.

What's treat dust I hear you ask? 🤔 I don't know what normal people do with the leftover crumbs from the bottom of a bag of kibble or treats, but I put them in a little jar and call it treat dust 🤷‍♀️

Sprinkle some dust over a towel, scrunch it up, and put it on the floor. Hey presto: a sniffing & licking extravaganza, generally followed by an immediate snooze 😍

Hit me up with your go-to enrichment activities for your dogs, the simpler the better 🙏


Now that the evenings are getting a teeny tiny bit lighter, Space Walks are coming back out of hibernation 🤩

For those of you who don’t know - Space Walks are social walks for two dogs who both need a bit more space… these are great for dogs who are scared or worried about interactions with other dogs (or people), and can also be great practice for dogs who get frustrated when they can’t meet other dogs or people.

There's only one rule for Space Walks, and that's that everyone gives and gets the space they need ❤️

Tess and Alice had a Space Walk together yesterday… they first met back in September last year, so it'd been absolutely ages since they’d seen each other - but they slotted back into each other's company like it had been five minutes 😍

Tess was a superstar, giving Alice the distance she needed at the start. And she nailed it when two cyclists came past and she looked like she didn’t have a care in the world 🥳 Meanwhile Alice’s finest moment was munching on something unidentifiable but definitely dead that she found in a drystone wall 🙈🤮

Are you thinking - but my dog needs a football pitch of distance, so Space Walks are no good to me…?

Ok so yes, Tess and Alice were walking close together by the end - Tess struggles with unknown people more than dogs, and Alice doesn’t mind other dogs as long as they don’t get in her face.


No distance is too big a distance not to be catered for 🥰 We've communicated by hand signals, or even by phone before now. A Space Walk can mean the other person is a just little dot in the distance… if that's the space your dog needs, that's the space they'll get 💕

And the other lovely thing about Space Walks is zero judgement. We all have dogs who can be a bit shouty. So if there does turn out to be any barking or lunging, no-one could care less 🤗

We’ve now got a Space Club whatsapp group where you can arrange walks with anyone else in the group. There's no charge for walks or to join the club, it's just a way for like-minded souls to connect with each other, to share the highs and lows of sharing their lives with dogs who need a bit more space, and just natter with other people who truly get it ❤️

So if you're at all interested, and want to join us or find out more, comment below or message me 😊

Despite the excitement of the road re-opening (which is very exciting indeed 🥳🥳) it’s a very dark day at Parker & Pooch ...

Despite the excitement of the road re-opening (which is very exciting indeed 🥳🥳) it’s a very dark day at Parker & Pooch HQ… I put my favourite hat in the wash without checking the care label and now I don't even think it would fit my four year old niece's head 😭😭😭

Happy 12th (ish) birthday to our baby wolf 🥳🥳 [still my favourite ever comment from a passing child 🤩] This time last ye...

Happy 12th (ish) birthday to our baby wolf 🥳🥳 [still my favourite ever comment from a passing child 🤩]

This time last year I didn’t think we had another year left with you, but yet here we are 😍 It definitely won’t be another 8 and a half years, even though I wish it was 💔 But I'll take every day we get, even the ones like today that start with you jumping on my head because you want your breakfast and you want it now 🤣

I will be forever grateful that my first dog turned out to be you, quirks and all. You’ve taught me and continue to teach me more than I ever knew there was to learn about dogs, and in doing so you changed my career and also my life ❤️❤️❤️

Things People Say That Really Get My Goat  #5Of all the TPSTRGMG’s I’ve shared so far (and what do you mean, it’s not a ...

Things People Say That Really Get My Goat #5

Of all the TPSTRGMG’s I’ve shared so far (and what do you mean, it’s not a catchy label? 🤷‍♀️🤣) - this one makes my blood boil the most:

“Your anxiety has made your dog reactive.”

Let's just stop right there and point out that that's absolute bullsh*t.

If your dog is reactive, it’s NOT because of your anxiety.

Yes, emotions can travel down the lead. And sure, things you’ve done or not done in the past might have contributed in some way towards their reactivity. I don’t think there’s a reactive dog owner in the land who hand-on-heart wouldn’t say “I wish I’d done that differently” or “I wish I’d known that before”.

But I would bet Alice’s last biscuit that you didn’t get anxious about seeing other dogs, until AFTER your dog started reacting to other dogs (or people, or cars, or whatever your dog might react to).

And that’s not to blame your dog for their reactivity either. But the feeling of dread when you see a situation unfolding … the off-lead dog running towards you, the cyclist approaching you at speed, the ninja-like runner who’s just appeared out of nowhere, again … that feeling has arisen because your dog has conditioned you to worry. Not the other way round.

And well-meaning (or not so well-meaning) people that come out with nonsense like: “you’re making it worse by worrying” or: “if you just didn’t tense up, then your dog wouldn’t react”…

Well that’s as ridiculously unhelpful as telling a person who’s having a panic attack to not panic.

“Of course, silly me, I should just not panic! Ace, there we go, problem solved”.

The actual best way to stop being anxious about spotting your dog’s triggers?

Is to equip yourself with techniques that will help you and your dog in those situations, and to keep practising those skills - so that eventually you’ll see a trigger approaching and instead of thinking “oh for f*cks sake”, you’ll think “ooh great, let’s see how we get on with this one”. (I promise you that is an actual thing, and it does end up happening)

And yes, a shift in mindset can be a big part of that. But only in conjunction with all the practical stuff.

So… the next time someone tells you that your anxiety has made your dog reactive, feel free to tell them that their nonsense is going to make you reactive. Or just nod and smile if it’s easier.

But either way - deep down, you can be safe in the knowledge that they are, in fact, an idiot (or I can think of other more sweary words if you’d like). And you are very much not ❤️


So, the reason I don’t use “Find it” as a recall cue…

To recap: “Find it” is where your dog learns that hearing that phrase means that you’re going to toss a treat on the ground for them to find. Which means that once you’ve practised it enough, their head whips round to you as soon as you say the magic words.

If you play “Find It” a lot and your dog comes bounding over to you as soon as they hear you say it - because why wouldn’t they, it means the fun is about to start - you might be thinking: ooh this would work really well as a recall cue.

And to be fair it would.

But the reason why I don’t use it for that purpose is this:

I like “Find It” to be a conversation, not a command. And what I mean by that is that if the dog I’m working with doesn’t turn round when I say “Find It”, that’s not a failure.

That’s just information that in that moment, “Find It” doesn’t trump The Thing.

The Thing being the person or the other dog or the squirrel or the sheep - the thing that the dog is too worried about to take their eyes off, or too excited and interested in to take their eyes off.

And so whether I’m using it as a training technique, or I’m just trying to distract a dog to manage a situation… I'd like the dog to turn round to me when they hear “Find It”, but I truly don't mind if they don’t.

Whereas I want a recall cue to mean “come back to me no matter what”. Which is very different to “come back to me if you can”.

To be fair, to the dog - there is no difference. They either will come back or they won't.

But the difference lies in us as human beings.

If you have an expectation that a dog will do something you ask, you will likely be frustrated if they don’t.

Whereas if you have a genuine curiosity about whether a dog will do something you ask, then you won't be frustrated if they don't / can't do it.

And that’s why I don’t use “Find It” as a recall cue. Because I always want it to be a dialogue, not a demand.

I’ve played Find It with Annie possibly a million times. Sometimes her head will whip round and she’ll charge over to me immediately, the game is on. Sometimes there won’t be a glimmer of recognition that I’ve even said anything. Other times I can see that she's heard, but she's decided not to engage.

But every single time - it's information for me: about where her head is at and whether she can connect with me or not.

(And sometimes - like in the video below - she will hear me, finish what she was checking out, and then decide to come over 🤣❤️)

Why teaching a “Find It” cue is one of my favourite things to do… [i.e. your dog learns that hearing the phrase “Find It...

Why teaching a “Find It” cue is one of my favourite things to do…

[i.e. your dog learns that hearing the phrase “Find It” means that you’re going to toss a treat on the ground for them to find. Which means that once you’ve practised it enough, their head whips round to you as soon as you say the magic words]

“Find It” is such a simple game, but it can be used in lots of different situations:

⭐️ To help teach a dog to disengage from things that worry them or frustrate them (like a person, another dog, or maybe a vehicle) or things that interest them a bit too much (like other dogs, squirrels, cats, sheep etc):
▶️ At an appropriate distance, let your dog see the thing, and then say “Find It” to help them turn away from it and do something else instead i.e. find the tasty treat

⭐️ To distract a dog when the worrying/frustrating/interesting thing is going to be too close to use it as a training opportunity:
▶️ Before your dog has seen the thing, say “Find It” to get their attention on you, throw the treat in the opposite direction to the thing, and as soon as they’ve found it, say “Find It” again, and continue for as long as as the thing is around.

⭐️ To create some distance for a dog in the presence of a worrying/frustrating/interesting thing:
▶️ As above, but moving away in the opposite direction to the thing as you play “Find It”

⭐️ To help a dog regroup after a stressful event e.g. barking or lunging at a worrying/frustrating thing that got too close:
▶️ Once the moment is over, say “Find It” and scatter a whole bunch of treats to get their nose down and sniffing

⭐️ Also, playing it at random times on walks - i.e. not in any of the above scenarios - helps to create connection and engagement. Which is always a good thing ❤️

One simple cue, lots of great uses 🤩

But the one thing I don’t use “Find It” for is recall… and I’ll tell you why next week 🤔

Yes I realise it’s another walking post 🙈 but a) old habits die hard, and b) just look at her 😍It’s not been the best of...

Yes I realise it’s another walking post 🙈 but a) old habits die hard, and b) just look at her 😍

It’s not been the best of weeks… with all the snow and ice plus the ongoing hole in the road, and so having to cancel walks and training sessions 😭 but an hour with Tyra today made everything alright ❤️ The cold stuff does make life tricky at times, but it also makes our beautiful hills even beautifuler (and yes that absolutely is a word 🤣)

I know I said I wasn’t doing walking photos anymore, but Chai the snowdog is too beautiful not to share ❤️ (I think he w...

I know I said I wasn’t doing walking photos anymore, but Chai the snowdog is too beautiful not to share ❤️ (I think he was a little bit miffed that the snow was too iced over to properly roll in 🤣)

Sometimes you just know from the off that a new client is going to be bloomin' marvellous 🥰 Boo’s lovely humans took eve...

Sometimes you just know from the off that a new client is going to be bloomin' marvellous 🥰 Boo’s lovely humans took everything on board, put the effort in with their homework, and look where it got them 🤩

🐾 This weeks walks 🐾I’m back! 🥳 What's new? I’ll tell you what's not new: road diversions, black ice, and forecasts of s...

🐾 This weeks walks 🐾

I’m back! 🥳 What's new? I’ll tell you what's not new: road diversions, black ice, and forecasts of snow on the way 🙈

What is new is that I decided over Christmas that I’m going to stop doing my weekly walking facebook posts…

With the exception of Chai (who’ll do just about anything for a treat 🤣) none of my walking doggos truly enjoy having their photos taken - and sometimes it feels like I’m spending more of their walks working out how best to get a good shot of them than I am actually making sure they have a fun and enriching walk.

And that surely can't be the right way round can it 🤷‍♀️

So… no more weekly walking posts, no more me getting distracted by what I could be posting on facebook later. Instead, more of me and the dogs loving our walks and living in the moment ❤️🤩

Say what you like about the robots, but ChatGPT is much better (and quicker) than me at making a word cloud from all my ...

Say what you like about the robots, but ChatGPT is much better (and quicker) than me at making a word cloud from all my 2024 walking posts 🤣 I also think it’s quite telling that apparently “mud” was my third most commonly used word, closely followed by “rain” 🙈

Well that's me done for the year… another 12 months of working with fab doggos 🐾 and fab people ❤️ Whether you comment on my posts and/or hit the like button, or you just enjoy reading them - thank you all so much for being here and supporting my little business 🙏 Have yourselves a lovely Christmas break, and I’ll see you all in 2025 🤩

🐾 This week's walks 🐾Tess and Tyra were the lucky Hebden pups who got a walk on Monday, before I gave up on the trek to ...

🐾 This week's walks 🐾

Tess and Tyra were the lucky Hebden pups who got a walk on Monday, before I gave up on the trek to the other side 🙈

[For those of you that aren't local: as of a week ago, we've effectively been cut off from the next town along, as a collapsed sewer pipe means the only road through the valley has been closed while the powers that be try and work out how to fix it… in the meantime it means lengthy diversions and traffic chaos 😭 and so no walks for Chai or Juno 😟]

Tess got herself a Midgeley Moor spectacular, cue much delight and bouncing through the heather 😍 and she even posed for me which never normally happens 🤩

And miracle of Christmas miracles, I even managed to sneak in a side shot of gorgeous girl Willow too when she was distracted 🥳 That was her serene calm-before-the-storm face, before she turned round, saw the phone, and launched herself off the wall, which reminded me why I don't take photos of her anymore 🤣🙈

Tyra was in a gloriously giddy mood too - I mean she's always in a good mood, but she was positively beaming 🥰 - so she got an extra long walk as we were having too much fun to turn around ❤️

Annie got the mist and murk up at Bridestones, and gave Layla Dog a run for her money on Muddiest Dog of the Week… I think they both sealed their places as founder members of the Bog Squad 🐾🤣

Chewie was very interested in Mr Cheese & Onion Pie Man (aka Chris) who happened to be walking past the canal with some tasty baked goods from Manning's 🫔🥧🤣

And me and Mr B gambled on not needing waterproof coats. A decision we both came to regret later 🌧 Mr B also won this week's extra large gold star ⭐️ for not getting all kinds of starey at a lurcher/greyhound type who was walking past, and instead stayed lovely and relaxed, having a little look at said lurcher/greyhound, and then checking back in with me, and repeat 🥳 The first time I think hes's ever done that when out with me 🥳 Well done my beautiful boy ❤️

I don't post much about the individual training cases I work with, as often I don’t feel like they're my stories to shar...

I don't post much about the individual training cases I work with, as often I don’t feel like they're my stories to share. So this might be a tricky one to guess… but - here’s a question for you:

What breeds or breed types do you think I’ve worked with most this year?

I mean just training not walking (walking is easy, you can just look at the photos 🤣)

As a bit of a clue, or not - last year’s top 3 were:

1. collie
2. pointer
3. spaniel

And none of last year’s top 3 are in this year’s top 3 🤔

So what do you think they were? Put your guesses below, and I’ll pop the answer in the comments later 🤩

🐾 This week's walks 🐾[A day early as I’m off on a canine first aid course tomorrow]Chewie was in a particularly fine tre...

🐾 This week's walks 🐾

[A day early as I’m off on a canine first aid course tomorrow]

Chewie was in a particularly fine treat-mugging kind of mood 🥰

Tess was also very much full of beans… the only photos I have of her are blurry and undignified 🙈 rolling around on her back like she just didn't care 😍

The squirrels were out in force baiting poor Mr B 🐿

Layla Dog was wanting to get up close and personal with the camera for a rare change 🤣

Annie and her semaphore ears celebrated her birthday in style 🥳 by dunking her brand new harness in as many bogs as she could find 🤩

Juno was mostly on the hunt for pheasants, but she is also probably the only dog I walk whose reaction to seeing a little 🐀 move in the grass is to jump back in fear rather than jump forward 🤣

And answers on a postcard for what Tyra was up to 🤷‍♀️

The dance of the reactive dog walk 💃🐾💃🐾I spy a lady and a dog walking up the track towards us.There’s a fork in the trac...

The dance of the reactive dog walk 💃🐾💃🐾

I spy a lady and a dog walking up the track towards us.

There’s a fork in the track, so I pause to see which way they’re going to go.

They take the right hand fork - towards us - so we head off into some long grass, to create the space that Juno needs.

Halfway across, I glance back to check how much time we have. I realise that the lady has only just spotted us. She stops, and she waves.

I wave back.

She smiles, she points behind her, and she and her dog turn together and walk back the way they’ve just come.

We walk back onto the track and wait a little while, to let them get further ahead of us.

And all is right with the world 💕

(Of course, often the dance isn't as elegant as that… sometimes it's more of a stampede to find the nearest ditch to dive into 🙈🤣)


I've said it before... if I could have a superpower, it would be that I could smell like a dog (I should rephrase that but I'm not going to 🤣)

This is Alice sitting in the middle of a bramble bush next to the car park at the end of a walk - I want to know what she’s smelling and why it’s so amazing 🤩

Is it just me, or would you love to know exactly what your dog is sniffing? (excluding 💩 obviously 🙈)




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