We've always said that the hardest and most important job in the practice is being on reception, and we think this post sums it up beautifully. We feel privileged and honoured to have Emma on our team - Thank You for being amazing!!
So you fancy being a Veterinary Receptionist?
Understandable, working in a vet practice is pretty cool but can you...
Answer a phone......while two other lines are ringing and several clients are waiting at the desk to be booked in, to pick up medicines and to pay for their treatment
Take a call about a sick pet......calm down a hysterical owner, ascertain the relevant details, find and speak to a vet or nurse in the clinic, remember their advice, relay that to the owner and then book them in for an emergency appointment (also while the waiting room is still full)
Cuddle a cute puppy...... when just a few minutes before you were offering tissues and sympathy to a family who had lost a beloved companion.
Make a cup of tea...... for a distraught colleague who has just dealt with a really traumatic situation, comfort them and then help and support them to face the rest of their day
And that is just for starters!
Veterinary Receptionists are the beating heart of a veterinary clinic. They are the people who you will first speak to on the phone, who will greet you at the desk, who plan our days and keep the show on the road.
They will welcome your new cute addition to the family and be the sympathetic and kind presence you need when you face that final day with your companion.
Today is Veterinary Receptionist Appreciation Day! And oh my goodness, do we appreciate them!!!
Thank you VERY much for all you do for all of us!