Have a read of this 👇
This post is 100% right.
People these days are turning to ‘therapists’ for their horses who have no where near the experience they seem to think they have. Yet the therapists who do have the knowledge and experience are pushed to one side. Usually in favour of the latest gimmick.
Then to make matters worse, they the owner then complain to other therapists about who they have used.
Do me a favour either complain to the therapist who actually treated your horse or just shut the f*** up.
So I posted this on my private page as often we are silenced by the popular but I really want to raise awareness about so called therapy practices that have most decent therapists sat picking their jaw off the floor at what horses are put through in the name of therapy
We often call trainers and riders out on abuse while ego filled therapists seem to get away Scott free
Why should we stay silent because what this guy is doing here is in no way therapeutic for the horse yet the likes and oohs in the comments are to me so disappointing especially as I recognise other therapists
I have called it out before and been at the end of abuse for saying simply what I see
Therapy over the years has degraded and it's sad that while some of us are trying to make a change we get labels such as trouble maker, not playing by the rules and usually the same labels as horses that don't want to put up with people's s**t but I can't sit quiet and say nothing or only share in a place where fellow therapists who I trust are out there not doing this s**t
Simply you cannot hypnotise fu***ng horses, but you certainly can press in areas to appear you are some mystical being😒
Putting the leg over a horses head or sitting on the head does absolutely nothing therapeutic wise
Owners please look at your horses reaction to a therapists hands its not always an explosive reaction that means it's unhappy a horse that is spaced out wobbling side to side with it's head to the floor is probably exploding on the inside
Check people's credentials but also check i with your horse to see if their credentials are worthy
If I get cancelled so be it facebook is not where I earn a living
But please think of the horse not the ego when you call a therapist we are there first to do no harm
Just to add even as militant as I am in being a voice for the horse i to am guilty of being quietened for fear of reprisal by "bigger" names but isn't that exactly what the horse does stays quiet for fear of something worse happening
And people wonder why I don't collab it's because most people are not in it for the horse and those that are are shunned by those who want to stay in cliques
Just adding this isn't a picture it's a screenshot i took off a reel and there is loads of videos even worse are the training vids
P.s I am not a man hater neither do I own a pitchfork 😀😀