Just like that BarkandGo walks for 2024 are now complete. What an amazing year we have had and I feel really blessed to have just the most amazing dogs and 2 cats but sssshhhh don’t let the dogs know that 🤣
Everyday is a fun day at BarkandGo and it really is the most rewarding Job and to be honest it never really feels like a job 🥰
Mums and dads you are just the best and always very supportive to me and I thank you for that. Another big thank you for the beautiful cards and gifts and Kirsteen has certainly had a bubble or 2 reading them all 🥰
I want to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and here’s to another exciting new year at BarkandGo in 2025.
Much love from Kirsteen Evie and Lilly ❤️