
Dobercademy Dobercademy Dog Training School and Behavioural Centre. Wherever you are in the World, we can help We run fun classes to suit all.

We run positive, fun filled Obedience, Scentwork, Agility and Working Trials classes and 121 Behavioural programmes both in person and online. Dobercademy Dog Training and Behavioural Centre offers the original outdoor first class training school for all your dog's needs whether he/she be a puppy, beginner, novice or much more advanced standard. If you have a more difficult or serious problem we w

ill help sort out your behavioural issues with a series of one to one consultations tailored to suit your dog's individual needs. Our 121 sessions will help with a range of problems from excitability to reactive behaviour to other dogs. Call us to arrange a free, no obligation telephone consult to find out more. We operate both in person and online for those who are in need of help but are not in Aberdeenshire. We also offer online training courses & advice so we are able to reach you wherever you are in the UK or the World. Our online academy is available with step by step demo lesson modules and information to help you build your relationship with your dog and train the behaviour you want. You can also work your way through our Dobercademy Good Dog Award Scheme from Bronze to Gold and receive your Certificates and Rosettes.

This one off amazing offer finishes on Friday 7 September when prices go back to normal so grab it whilst you can 💪

This one off amazing offer finishes on Friday 7 September when prices go back to normal so grab it whilst you can 💪

AUTUMN TERM AT DOBERCADEMY If you are struggling with behaviours you are finding stressful, then your dog is undoubtedly...


If you are struggling with behaviours you are finding stressful, then your dog is undoubtedly struggling too.

Understanding behaviour, why it’s happening and where it is coming from is the first step towards building a future that’s much less stressful for both you and your dog.

Here at Dobercademy we specifically help you to understand & learn about behaviour, build relationship, connection and focus from your Dobermann.

It’s not about being “alpha” and it’s not about what others tell your your dog “should” be or do either - it’s about you understanding your Dobermann family member, his species & breed specific needs and seeing him as a sentient being.

When we know how to do this everything else becomes much more simple and our dogs become a pleasure.

With 40 years of Dobermann experience, a pure passion for our breed and training through kindness, knowledge & understanding we are able to help those who want the best for their Dobermanns.

Come & join the Dobercademy Community of like minded Dobermann owners enjoying themselves whilst training. They all share with each other, are supported daily by us and are experiencing and addressing the same struggles & often very normal Dobe behaviour. When one knows better one can do better. Our community of support for each of our programmes is kind, non-judgmental, safe and the goodwill & fun is always amazing.

Our New Programmes for Autumn are about to be released so if you love your Dobermann despite the challenges, whatever they are, we have something for you if you want to learn & gain the knowledge so you can train with kindness & understanding.

What’s coming up Autumn 2024:

Talks :

“Understanding Barking & solutions for when it becomes a problem”

“Toy Play : the importance and how it really can impact yours & your dog’s life & training positively. Why, how and when!”

“Prey drive and how to help your dog refocus on you”

The doors to our Reducing Reactivity and all things Dobermann membership are reopening in October so if you have a reactive dog this is definitely for you

Our Puppy & Asbo Adolescent programmes will run again with full guidance & support

Plus : interviews “what is it really like to work with Dobercademy”

What’s going to be useful for you? ⬇️

To stay up to date for details Join is here in our private free training group & don’t forget to agree to our group rules :

LAST CHANCE : PAY WHAT YOUu CAN AFFORD Don’t must our amazing offers two weeks to go before this offer terminates and no...


Don’t must our amazing offers two weeks to go before this offer terminates and normal prices resume
Email us now : [email protected]

Good morning  I hope everyone is enjoying a lovely weekend with their dogs. I’m popping In today to say hi & introduce m...

Good morning I hope everyone is enjoying a lovely weekend with their dogs.

I’m popping In today to say hi & introduce myself, Sharon Chamberlin, & Sassi, my youngster, to everyone and share a bit about myself as we have gained so many new followers & members which I’m so excited about and I’d love to say welcome to all

I’m passionate about our breed and promoting training through kindness knowledge & understanding as our breed is often so misunderstood.

I personally founded Dobercademy in 2008. My own Dogs, and horses have always been my motivation & my reason for living. They form the core love of my life.

I started my training business In 2008 and over the following years built up a team of 9 instructors running as many as 12 classes a day throughout the week at our premises in Chorleywood Herts. My focus of course has always been Dobermanns although we catered for all breeds there, running obedience classes, all dog sports such as agility, flyball, working trials, Scentwork and I even did some htm!
Behavioural problems were of course always at the core of my interest and we specialised there too.

In 2020 life changed for all of us and I went straight online (having never done so before) so I could continue helping owners during the pandemic.

This worked so well and was so successful for owners too that what followed was a complete life change for me. I sold the business in Chorleywood & started again in Aberdeenshire in the beautiful countryside here and I continued to build and improve my online programmes, add to my collection of amazing resources, built some amazing Dobermann community support & coaching for my clients and I now help Dobermanns and their owners all over the world.

I do still see owners in person if they are local to me and now owners even travel to me too and stay locally and enjoy our amazing countryside and beaches for a holiday with their dogs whilst also getting some in person training here too

However, even those coming to me in person are required to work with me online now for a bit first, because when an owner arrives somewhere new with their Dobe often the dog is simply too overwhelmed/overexcited or anxious for us to be able to achieve any meaningful learning for him or her so when I coach & help them online first the owners learn to understand what’s going on with their dog and can then do the necessary homework I set before visiting me the training session when they do arrive is much more successful and we are able to move forward more quickly. That is why online training works so well, because I coach owners to understand & address what is going on for their dog in relation to their dogs big feelings/emotions (and Dobes do have big feelings!) we look at the environment & distractions and importantly we are able to address these issues first. I work by coaching the owner first to be their dog’s best advocate and trainer- the relationship always needs to be between you and your dog.

So here we are with 5,700 followers on our man page promoting training thru kindness knowledge & understanding & successfully helping dobe owners all over the world and I’m very privileged to be waking up to working with my passion every day.

So what about me Personally ?

Well, Iv grown up with animals and they have been my life. During my younger years I evented and competed my horses and trained and competed my own Dobes in obedience, WT and I have also successfully shown at Crufts. I qualified as a dog training instructor in 2008 with Barking Mad Dog Training School & Behavioural Centre in association with the APDT and since then I have regularly studied and I still do study & attend many educational behavioural seminars & workshops annually in order to keep myself up to date with the very latest science and teaching methods for our dogs

I now specialise completely in Dobermanns who are my breed, my absolute passion and they are certainly a breed apart. My expertise in the breed means I’m able to understand what’s going on for you and give specific advice around the issues lots of owners I see struggle with in the breed. Tbh lots of it is natural Dobermann behaviour & it’s just about learning about their needs that are coming from those big feelings & emotion which of course shows up as behaviour. This behaviour altho normal dog behaviour for them can prove extremely challenging & difficult for us. I help owners understand how to take care of those needs specifically and then life becomes good!

I have a lifetime of hands on experience, and together with my learning and my qualifications too this means I have a wealth of expert Dobermann knowledge & help to give.

Welcome to Dobercademy to all our new followers & thank you to those of you who have followed us for a while.

Why not drop us an email if you are looking for help : [email protected]
We look forward to meeting you


Sassi Rocks!! Out and about in the woods practicing distance control 💪


Seize the opportunity always! We didn’t miss the chance to “train” at the busy service station we stopped at today on our trip. Never waste a training opportunity to work on “proofing” focus in many different environments. Take that moment to continue training the behaviour you want your dog to practice! And have fun!

This weekend don’t forget to look at our one off amazing offer to boost your loose lead or if you have a puppy or youngs...

This weekend don’t forget to look at our one off amazing offer to boost your loose lead or if you have a puppy or youngster why not supercharge your knowledge with our incredible perfect puppy programme

Pay what you can afford live Further to our “live” today here you can see a little of the content in our offered program...

Pay what you can afford live

Further to our “live” today here you can see a little of the content in our offered programmes:

Those of you who follow Dobercademy regularly & have worked with us too will know how I love to help & explain far more than you’d ever learn in ordinary local dog training classes.

And now I want to extend our help to more of you with a very special offer for just one month! I’m going to make it easy for everyone to learn so much more & understand your dog and how to work with him or her!

So - How am I going to do this?

For one month only Im making two of our most popular work through yourself online programmes available to all because

I absolutely hate that anyone who would benefit from my knowledge and help has to miss out because of money.

So, for this month I’m offering my loose lead walking master programme and our in depth how to raise a perfect puppy programmes, to all of you at a price you can afford!!

Yes you heard right! - you can purchase either of these
programmes (limited to one to each person) by just paying what you can afford!

The loose Lead Masterclass programme costs £75 but for just this month I’m inviting you to purchase the programme which will be yours to keep at a price you believe you can afford to pay.

The perfect puppy programme coats £120 but again is on offer at a price you can afford.

This is not a reflection on the value of the programmes but rather an extremely generous one off offer from me for just one month to enable those of you who need & would like our help but previously money has got in the way.

Both these programmes provide access to our exceptional training, learning & information that will help transform your walks and once purchased are yours to keep.


Our full & thorough independent work through yourself course is ready & waiting to help you.
Discover all the important “stuff” you didn’t know and nobody teaches you about loose lead walking!
All the missing parts are filled in for you in our course and with all our instructional step by step videos and tutorials plus all the knowledge, coaching & skills that are included you and your dog are set up to succeed!!”


We Teach so much more than just obedience

Six Virtual puppy classes delivered via Zoom which will equip you with all the knowledge and skills you will need to ensure that your puppy will reach his full potential to become the well rounded and well behaved, polite member of society you will be proud of. Build your relationship and connection with your puppy and learn how to get his focus. On this course we will cover: walking nicely on lead, coming back when called, waiting when asked and bringing stuff back to you, plus nosework, distance control & all the usual puppy problems from mouthing & biting, jumping up & toilet training, coping with multidog households and so much more. This course includes access to a full library of instructional videos, pdf print outs, ebooks, socialisation checklist, what a day in the life of a puppy should look like and diaries to ensure your success! Learn what socialisation actually should look like.

We cover car travel, how to exit your house, what to do if your puppy is a bit nervous & so very much more. It’s not just a puppy course but a whole educational experience for both you and your puppy”

This offer is a one off honesty box offer that is available to everyone for just one month to purchase one of our above courses.
Starting today you can pay £10, £20, £30, £40, £50, £60, etc up to the full prices of £75 for loose lead or £120 for perfect puppy.

How this works is that you name the price you can afford with a minimum payment of £10 and if that’s all you can afford that’s fine. If you can afford more then what you truly believe you can afford should be your offer.
And If you can afford the full programme price then please offer it.

All I ask is that you are honest in your offer to pay what you can afford and then the programme is yours. There is no judgment or means test here - just honesty. Thank you

All you need to do to take us up on this offer is Email us at

[email protected]

In your email quote “This Month Only” and tell us which programme you want to have and what you can pay and we will make this magic happen for you so you can get started.

We look forward to helping you all !!

Share with your dog friends & in the Dobermann groups if you can
As this offer is open to everyone and is for a limited period only please help us to help as many as possible

Thank you


We are offering access to our Loose Lead Walking Masterclass, and our How to Raise the Perfect Puppy online training and educational Programmes for one month only at a price you can afford!!

Email : [email protected] for access


Calmness & Self control for Dobermanns.

Is your Dobermann 100 miles per hour? It’s very normal for a Dobermann to be on high alert and also to want to run & chase a lot of the time - they are after all a high drive working & guarding breed. Dobes can also find it very hard to resist getting involved in anything involving movement whether invited or not! Our own girl, Sassi, has a hugely intelligent brain, but also one that is so busy at times that it literally flits from one thing to another in her head & she simply can’t resist anything involving movement. She’s one of those Dobes, because of her brain activity, who finds absolutely everything really really exciting and as a result her brain is in overloaded & she becomes very over stimulated very quickly & easily & chase is definitely her thing! It’s sometimes very hard when your Dobermann is unable to listen, settle or seems to be on the go the whole timeIntroducing Impulse control can help our dogs learn to be able to self regulate and start to listen too even in arousal. One of the first steps we work on here at Dobercademy is “place” and a well rehearsed “place” practiced & proofed through the appropriate stages isa huge asset which helps introduce the concept of “self-control” to our dogs too. Iv shared a video I made here of Sassi on her “place” able to watch and “control” her natural instinct & want to chase & eat, whilst I work through the stage of introducing more excitement & movement to her including food thrown on the floor. Imagine being able to ask your dog to wait to allow children to cycle past, walk past the “ball thrower” at your local park, stop your dog from picking up something out you don’t want him to eat, or not chase that jogger!! Impulse control is a powerful concept! Self control and being able to think in arousal or around distractions is fundamental to training for me. Even in play and training and especially out walking we all need to have control of a Dobermann for the safety of ourselves, our dog & others. Learning self control is therefore pretty important and this, as with all training, starts at home.

PS - I hope you all enjoy my utter nonsense skipping & noise 😂😂


If you are struggling with your loose lead walking or you are about to get or have a Dobermann puppy watch out for our live later today : we have an exciting announcement which will contain an offer you will not want to miss!!


Today at 12 free loose lead & recall presentation see you there 💪


Loose lead and Recall help
We are looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow for our free training session at 12 midday BST and here is how it is going to work:

You will all receive the Zoom link this evening ahead of the session so you can join us live on Zoom tomorrow and there will be a question & answer session after our training presentation for those of you registered.

We will live stream into Dobercademy Dobermanns Training with their Friends Group.

Everyone who has registered for our free event on the link below will be entered for our free prize draw to win a copy of our in depth loose lead walking E-book.

Re-set & boost your training - all welcome

Join us :


Join us on Friday at 12 as we announce & demonstrate, complete with with full instruction, two simple & free counting games to kick start your loose lead walking & recall skills Sign up here & you will also get the chance to win our 20 page Loose Lead walking E-book which is full of hints & tips to help you achieve this elusive life skill that is so important to train. you there

Please feel free to share our free offer with family & friends


Join us in our free group ❤️


Loose lead walking or recall problems? Join us for some great tips




The love of the Dobermann, in particular, and of all dogs in general is where Dobercademy was born from and what brings us all together, here and now, many years on from our birth.

At Dobercademy we are all inclusive and non judgemental, we are kind, supportive & welcoming. We train through kindness knowledge & understanding. That is our strap line.

Often those who have a desperate, need for help with training, learning & understanding of their dog will stumble across us and their world is changed because of our ethics & the way we support clients & train. We will not turn anyone away because they are from another country where cropping & docking laws are different to those we have in the UK now.

We know all our owners & followers want the absolute best for their dogs and they want to train through kindness, knowledge & understanding. We know their love for their dogs is unconditional and inclusive. That is why they choose to come to us.

One of the things I purposely built and most appreciate about Dobercademy is our diversity and inclusivity.

On our pages, and more particularly in our training groups, we have owners from many countries. We have rescues, we have mixes and we have a few that are reactive dogs of another breed. We have dogs from highly-vetted breeders and we have some from unknown origins and puppy farms. We have cropped and docked rescues and we have those who have cropped and docked dogs from puppyhood. Because of that, our followers & our training groups are unique in that we are welcoming of a wide variety of appearances in our dogs and there is acceptance & no judgment. I’m proud of that.

Just as we are accepting of different skills and abilities, we also want to be an inclusive and welcoming place for owners of any of these dogs. A place where appearances are not important and no shame is attached.

Cropping & docking is a very emotive & controversial topic and one which causes many fall outs as differences of opinion are aired and argued over on other pages. What’s important to us here at Dobercademy is that everyone who consults us does so to further their education and because they want to learn a better way and train their dog with kindness. That means we do not judge what’s gone before or turn them away. It’s the future that counts. It’s the kind help, support & advice we know we can offer to an Individual who wants to know more & learn a better way that makes us stand out. It is because of this that we are able to help so many and create our safe spaces which are our specialised training groups for those who choose to learn from us and work with us. It is in these safe spaces that is home and welcoming and non judgmental to everyone that we hold our training.

Of course, to understand cropping & docking It is important to understand the origins of the Dobermann. They were bred and designed to be an elite & ultimate protection dog. As such ears were traditionally cropped and tails docked in order to help them do their job & with as little risk of them coming to any harm while performing their duties. The longer the tail and ears, the easier it would have been for them to have been caught or injured while protecting their person. By having the cropping and docking done there was also the by-product that was required in bygone days that these dogs became easily identifiable & feared by looks and reputation alone. It was desirable then to have them look intimidating and some would say that with their amazing physique and these modifications they were an extremely outstanding and effective deterrent on looks alone. Add in their dedication and drive and they definitely became the most elite protection dogs in the world in their time.

Of course in our modern world today, for the most part, our breed are now pets and not primarily used for protection work and quite rightly pertinent and necessary questions have arisen as to the practice and need for cropping & docking to continue. Just as changes for the better have occurred in training, so too have changes in ethics come about and the law now bans cropping and docking in many countries. People have advocated for an unaltered dog to be a modern evolution of the breed. Natural tails & ears. This of course is now the norm in the UK and Dobercademy fully supports these ethics and the law that now exists and we celebrate natural ears & tails.

What is important to us though is that everyone who wants to learn through kindness, knowledge & understanding and those who seek us out for this purpose are welcome here and are not judged. We know that In some other countries, preservation breeders do continue the practice of cropping & docking in order to successfully compete in their national competitions and meet breed standards. We do not turn away pet owners of these puppies who desperately need our help & want to learn from us.

At Dobercademy, we are now international and as such we absolutely want to be a welcoming place for everyone to learn without judgment, to share their lovely dogs whether they have 4 legs or 3, tails or no tails, and whether their ears are on point or not. All owners of all dogs are welcome here.

When one knows better one can do better. I believe we need to keep it kind, always for every one of us and whatever our opinions remember that everyone is here with Dobercademy to learn and do better for their dogs and themselves so before we post our opinions I ask that we please be respectful of others. Everyone here has a right to be part of our learning and not be judged or hurt by words.

Thank you to all our amazing kind followers, friends and most of all, to our wonderful clients for choosing to be with us whilst we further education & make changes to lives.


This little video demonstrates the power of teaching “place” an exercise that we start immediately working on in all our programmes, right from puppy upwards. Here you can see that Coco is nicely settled whilst I work my other dog, Kiedy. One cannot train two dogs at once and teaching “settle” has so many different uses & advantages in so many areas of our everyday life. Follow us on our free group for training hints & tips :


Are you joining us? DOBERMANN TRAINING HELPLOOSE LEAD WALKING & RECALL Hi everyone I’m proud to share just a short clip from our day out today with our girl, Sassi who is 19 months old now. If you are struggling with pulling on the lead or you have recall issues you may be interested to know that next week we will be announcing some exciting news about some free tips & training we will be providing which once again will take place on our private members group which is free to join. If you are not already a member then join up on the link below so you don’t miss out : do Answer the membership questions to gain access to our private group. This is necessary because Dobercademy trains through kindness knowledge & understanding and as such we operate a kind safe space inside our Membership Group. We look forward to welcoming you


DOBERMANN TRAINING HELPLOOSE LEAD WALKING & RECALL Hi everyone I’m proud to share just a short clip from our day out today with our girl, Sassi who is 19 months old now. If you are struggling with pulling on the lead or you have recall issues you may be interested to know that next week we will be announcing some exciting news about some free tips & training we will be providing which once again will take place on our private members group which is free to join. If you are not already a member then join up on the link below so you don’t miss out : do Answer the membership questions to gain access to our private group. This is necessary because Dobercademy trains through kindness knowledge & understanding and as such we operate a kind safe space inside our Membership Group. We look forward to welcoming you


Hope you all are having a fantastic week. Just wanted to reflect a little bit. This week was our first week in the current ASBO class. Most of the clients that we are working with this time have joined us from Puppy 1 and Advanced Puppy class and already are hitting those teen age challenges. It has been an absolute joy and honour to work with these families and their companions as they have welcomed these new dogs into their lives and have set them up for a lifetime of love and successful family life.

It takes a lot of time, patience and dedication to take on a puppy and I think an extra measure for Dobermann puppies. They are incredibly smart and challenging and will improve your abilities as you raise them into healthy and happy adults. It can truly take a village some days and I am so happy that our groups can provide that sense of support and understanding to one another as they progress through. Some days are really, really hard and some days are an absolute joy. Having a group that you can come and freely share both with other dedicated owners can be so empowering.

A shout out to the group for working so diligently with their puppies and striving to provide for all of their breed needs on top of their puppy needs. It is a true joy to see the progress these families are making and inspires us to bring the best information and learning to them. - Wendy Lee



Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 6pm
Saturday 9am - 4pm
Sunday 9am - 4pm




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