In the professional dog industry we often use the term reactive dog but what does this mean. A reactive dogs is a dog that displays excessive lunging, barking or growling when it sees or hears people and/or other dogs.
Our first dog Zeus brought me into the world of reactive dogs. I grew up with friendly furry Samoyeds who weren't reactive and then we rescued Zeus. He was 50kg of fluff who would lung and bark, even at a great distance, at other dogs and could be unpredictable with people.
Walks were hard work, we were either hypervigilant looking for his triggers to avoid or it was a case of managing a thrashing 50kg of scared frustrated dog on the end of the lead.
Back then I didn't understand Zeus' trauma and it was embarrassing taking him out. We had to be very selective who we trusted and who could handle him, I was very skilled at hanging on to him but we knew if we or someone else made a mistake that could result in him pts and someone else getting hurt.
We had a trusted friend who took the time to get to know him and was strong enough to handle him but as we started a family, days out had to be either planned in blocks to warrant asking our friend to travel the 300 mile round trip to help us out or we had to make sure we were home in four hours for him. Now with my work on dog behaviour from the Wolf and Dog Development Centre, I am even more equipped to handle situations that arise and read their body language to know how to help them.
If you have a reactive dog and you are struggling to walk them or leave them to go out for the day, contact me to see if I can help take some pressure off.