Thrive don’t just Survive… 🫐🥕🥚
The food you feed your dog is so important for their physical AND mental health. 🐩
Switching or adding Raw into your dogs food can do a great deal of good; 🍠🥦🥥
The two way feedback between gut and brain is not fully understood but we do know that mood is influenced dramatically by diet and gut health, and that raw meat and bones vastly improve the health of the gut. 🥩🦴
Your probably wondering “Why does high protein raw feeding not have the pitfalls of high protein complete?” The answer lies in the gut which plays host to so many beneficial bacteria and chemicals that are essential for self-control, energy, balance of mood, happiness and contentment - this can affect mood via the link between gut and brain rather than exclusively via the bloodstream.🦠
Some more benefits of raw food: 🦴🐕
•Improved Bioavailability📌
The heat used to process kibble can degrade
nutrients and rob your dog of valuable
vitamins, amino acids, and enzymes that your
dog uses to thrive.
•Holistic Approach📌
With diabetes, food allergies, cancer, and
obesity on the rise in canines, a natural diet
acts as a potential holistic preventative.
•Enhanced Metabolic Efficiency📌
Raw foods provide greater metabolic
efficiency which leads to more consistent
energy and greater stamina for your pet.
•Greater Dental Health📌
The enzymes found in raw foods promote
better dental health for your dog by combating
harmful bacteria that causes plaque buildup, bad breath and gum inflammation.
•Nutrient Dense & Smaller Less Smelly Stool📌
Nutrients and vitamins found in raw food
ingredients provide greater benefits and are more easily absorbed than synthetic additives.
📕Raw Feeding for Health & Behaviour📕
📗Dog food directory -helps you find the most nutritious dog food for your budget- 📗
📘Benefits & Myths of Raw feeding📘
https://perfectlyrawsome.com/raw-feeding-knowledgebase/raw-feeding-myths/ #:~:text=Myth%3A%20Raw%20feeding%20will%20makes,on%20serotonin%20in%20the%20brain.
There are many myths surrounding raw feeding. Find out the truth about Salmonella, feeding raw bones, & more in this article written by raw feeding pros.