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Cosset & Walker We offer a really unique Pet-Sitting Service in the Sale M33 area, tailored to your pet’s needs x

When you’re looking after beautiful Alby and he knows it’s because mum and dad have gone on a well deserved holiday….but...

When you’re looking after beautiful Alby and he knows it’s because mum and dad have gone on a well deserved holiday….but keeps asking you where the dog is? 😬😳🤐🤪

You’ve managed to fudge around it so far muttering something about possibly kennels…?? 🤷🏻‍♀️

And then DISASTER…!! He sees a message coming in from his mum, complete with photos of Little Dotty on holibobs with mum and dad 🤔😌🙄🙈🌴😎

That face 🥰 xx

When you see a post on facebook about a cat that’s looking ‘lost’ and ‘scared’…..and immediately recognise it as one of ...

When you see a post on facebook about a cat that’s looking ‘lost’ and ‘scared’…..and immediately recognise it as one of your little charges 😮‍💨

Except when you rush straight over to get him, you see that (as suspected!) he was neither lost nor scared, just up to his usual tricks of looking for a bit of action 🙄🙈😅

This time that meant going into (and being gently ejected from)….Greggs. As well as making himself comfortable on a chair in…wait for it…The Vine Pub 😎😅🤣

He is temporarily grounded 🐱😌☺️🥰 xx

I’ve just found a VERY important envelope…nestled…it turned out…under my foster dog’s little blankie…!! 😅🤭🙈🤪A client mes...

I’ve just found a VERY important envelope…nestled…it turned out…under my foster dog’s little blankie…!! 😅🤭🙈🤪

A client messaged me yesterday to say she’d posted a card through my letterbox…and we simply couldn’t understand why I hadn’t got it…???!!! 🤯🤷🏻‍♀️😢😭

And we STILL..ahem…have absolutely NO idea how it could POSSIBLY have ‘transported’ itself from my letterbox to underneath that blankie…??!! If only there were even a single clue…🥰🥰 xx

Some of my clients just don’t want to be on social media…!! “NO PAPARAZZI” PLEASE…!!!! 📸😅🤣🥰 xx

Some of my clients just don’t want to be on social media…!!

“NO PAPARAZZI” PLEASE…!!!! 📸😅🤣🥰 xx

Turns out that my new (extremely dapper!) ‘older gent’ was absolutely right - he is MOST DEFINITELY ‘well able to look a...

Turns out that my new (extremely dapper!) ‘older gent’ was absolutely right - he is MOST DEFINITELY ‘well able to look after himself thank you very much Auntie Maggie’ 🐱😎🥰❤️

No wonder he was so aghast at even the very notion that he might possibly need a babysitter for the few days his mum is away 😌😅🤣

So….this is him every morning 🤭

As soon as he’s finished the delicious breakfast I’ve prepared for him…he heads STRAIGHT across to No. 4 for his ‘second brekkie’!!!!! 🤭🥰

Without so much as a backwards glance at his new ‘Auntie Maggie’ I might add!! 🙄😅

What’s more…No. 4 KNOW he’ll be heading over…so will leave a ‘selection of pouches’ out for him to choose from….😜🥰😋❤️

PS Having said all of that…even ‘fiercely independent old timers’ need their cuddles at night….best part of my day today ❤️❤️❤️

Love you Mr Marbles 🐱 ❤️ xx

When it’s your very first visit with this gorgeous 16 yr old gent, and you’re super excited, and gently explain to him t...

When it’s your very first visit with this gorgeous 16 yr old gent, and you’re super excited, and gently explain to him that you’ll be ‘looking after him’ while his mum’s away…

But you’re not entirely sure there wasn’t the flicker of an inward eye roll from him 🙄 as if to say ‘Well ok…I’ve managed perfectly well for the last 16 years but yeah…you ‘look after me’ 🙄😅🤣🥰

Welcome to our wonderful Cosset & Walker family Mr Marbles - I love you already beautiful boy 😎🥰❤️ xx

Another ‘Top Tip’ today from my little charges on how Aunty Maggie can try to stay cool during the heatwave - this time ...

Another ‘Top Tip’ today from my little charges on how Aunty Maggie can try to stay cool during the heatwave - this time expertly demonstrated by Kiki…aka ‘Poj’

Thank you Poj…I mean Kiki…I’m actually VERY tempted!! 😅☀️🥵😂❤️ xx

When you’re literally melting ☀️ and one of the little ones valiantly tries to demonstrate ‘ways’ in which you could may...

When you’re literally melting ☀️ and one of the little ones valiantly tries to demonstrate ‘ways’ in which you could maybe try to cool yourself down….☀️🫠🥰😎

Thank you Bowie for the expert assistance 👍🏼🙄❤️🤣xx

Gosh I can’t believe it’s nearly the end of July already!! It’s been a really really busy month with lots of people away...

Gosh I can’t believe it’s nearly the end of July already!! It’s been a really really busy month with lots of people away for their Summer break 🏝️

As well as looking after all my usual little ones I have been lucky enough to help look after this beautiful little lady while her Foster Mum went for a well deserved holiday.

She’s called Sophie and is currently under the care of ‘Karen’s Kitties’ (Stray and Feral Rescue) after being abandoned by her family who moved away and just left her behind to fend for herself 😤

She really struggled with everything when she first arrived, understandably completely traumatised, and just hid away 😢 And she’s clearly never been taught to play, having no idea what toys are for 😔😢

But slowly, she’s come to see that she’s safe now and she has really begun to come out of her shell, enjoying her food, getting braver with toys, and joy of joy even started jumping up on the sofa to sit next to me ❤️

And her purr now is just unbelievable, the loudest I have ever heard 🥰

It’s been an absolute joy getting to know her and spending lots of quiet time with her ❤️ She really took to my big old dog walking coat early on so I had to wear it every time I saw her even when it’s been roasting ☀️ so she could lie on it 😅🤣

She’s not ready for adoption yet as she still needs building up as she’s still very skinny but she really will make the best companion for someone when she’s ready so if anyone is interested please message me and I can put you in touch with her Foster Mum ❤️

She so deserves her happy ever after 🐱💕 xx

I have just seen this post and thought I’d pop it on here in case anyone might be interested….as I can immediately think...

I have just seen this post and thought I’d pop it on here in case anyone might be interested….as I can immediately think of a couple of people who would be ABSOLUTELY PURR-FECT for this….!! 🐱❤️🐱

So..I’ll..ahem..just leave that there for a moment..😅😌🥰😉🐱🤩 xx

When someone steals Auntie Maggie’s cardigan while you are busy cleaning..but there is more than one cat so it’s impossi...

When someone steals Auntie Maggie’s cardigan while you are busy cleaning..but there is more than one cat so it’s impossible to know who the culprit could be…isn’t it LEWIS!! 😌😉🤣🥰

When someone tries to assure you that they have “plenty of room” in the random empty Amazon box thank you very much…but ...

When someone tries to assure you that they have “plenty of room” in the random empty Amazon box thank you very much…but the bigger picture says otherwise….🤭😌😁🥰

I think this is by far the happiest post I have ever had the pleasure to make…Just over 5 months ago, Pippa, one of my p...

I think this is by far the happiest post I have ever had the pleasure to make…

Just over 5 months ago, Pippa, one of my precious little charges, went out for her usual morning wander and then just disappeared into thin air 🥺😖😥💔

Her mum had seen her crossing over the road and into a neighbour’s garden (as she had done thousands of times before) and expected her back within the hour as usual as she was super timid and never went far.

FIVE MONTHS she has been missing 🥺 We put up posters, we leafleted, we posted all across social media, we knocked on doors literally begging people to please please please check their sheds and garages…did absolutely everything we could possibly think of to find her. But simply nobody had seen her.

Every few weeks her mum would do a desperate new post on Facebook to say she was STILL missing, that the family were heartbroken and that they would never give up looking for her….

AND yesterday came the call that felt like it really must be a dream….

PIPPA HAD BEEN FOUND!! She was in someone’s garden near Carrington and they had seen the latest facebook post and her picture and messaged Pippa’s mum asking if this cat could possibly be Pippa…and it WAS!!!!!

And to make your day as happy as mine…just look at this photo 🤩 Gorgeous gentle beautiful Pippa finally back home with her loving mum after five long months of heartbreak 🐱❤️🐱 xx

When I’m reading to Merlot and there’s a stunning plot twist neither of us foresaw..!!! 🤪His little face and the little ...

When I’m reading to Merlot and there’s a stunning plot twist neither of us foresaw..!!! 🤪

His little face and the little paw on my leg 😅🤣❤️❤️❤️

One of the absolute best parts about “Maurice Made It” is that Maurice ‘a former rescue himself’ is now in a position to...

One of the absolute best parts about “Maurice Made It” is that Maurice ‘a former rescue himself’ is now in a position to help lots of other little rescues in need 🐱❤️

So Maurice and I were delighted for example to be able to offer some much needed branding to an absolutely fantastic but very small local Cat Rescue “Karen’s Kitties Stray and Feral Cat Rescue” just by something as simple as creating a little logo for them together with some business cards that they are able to hand over in emergency cases 😔

We also made them some ‘personalised’ Tote Bags that we hoped might not only help raise a few pounds for them for some much needed vets fees but might also help in raising more awareness locally of this very important little Rescue.

As they had (literally!) just rescued yet another two more cats from the most appalling of circumstances who they had named Billy and Midnight, I decided to make ‘Team Billy’ and ‘Team Midnight’ Tote Bags which Karen’s Kitties then raffled….and they sold 115 tickets at £1.00 a ticket!! 🥳

So Maurice was happily not only able to save the wonderful ‘Karen’s Kitties’ the cost of branding, business cards etc so they could quite rightly concentrate on using their very limited funds to pay for Billy and Midnight’s vet fees instead…he also added £115.00 to their little pot…and we couldn’t have been happier 🤩🥳 xx

I’ve had the most wonderful message from a lovely lady I made a Father’s Day gift for yesterday and I thought I would sh...

I’ve had the most wonderful message from a lovely lady I made a Father’s Day gift for yesterday and I thought I would share it (with her permission!) to help give an idea of the sort of thing pet owners can expect from my new little venture “Maurice Made It” 🎨

I wasn’t actually offering Father’s Day presents as the last two months have been super busy with school holidays etc and my Petsitting commitments must obviously come first, so I am still finalising things with “Maurice Made It” before I do the first official launch.

But this lovely lady approached me to ask if there was any possibility that I could make a Personalised Mug for her elderly father as a surprise for him. I did begin by saying I wasn’t currently offering Father’s Day gifts as I hadn’t had chance to work on any designs etc but she said she just wanted something really simple and quite traditional, nothing fancy, perhaps a photo of her dogs if possible…?

She said that her dad is 86 years old and hasn’t enjoyed the best of health recently but that despite all that he has still continued to be the absolute best ‘Dog Grandad’ to her 3 rescue dogs and has always been on hand to look after them when she’s had to go to work etc and that they all absolutely adore him 💕 Two of her rescue dogs are also from Romania (although not via the same charity that saved Maurice)…so…well…with all could I say no 🤷🏻‍♀️😅

And I’m so glad I did it because she has not only sent me the loveliest message of thanks but also some beautiful photos that she took to show all her friends - including one of her dad alongside one of her rescue dogs and his new Mug and Coaster 😅💕

She wrote :-

“Hi Maggie I just wanted to say thank you so much. My dad’s mug and coaster are amazing - the colour is so bright and the pictures are so clear and he loved them. We also loved all the little surprises when we were opening the packaging. I loved the little scratch card and that it had such a lovely little message for dad was such a lovely touch and dad loved that Maurice’s thank you card was addressed to the dogs and not me haha. I took some photos to show my friends what we received and thought you might like them too. I wish you and Maurice all the best and will definitely be in touch to buy from you again I’ve loved this. Jo x”

I mean, I just couldn’t have asked for a better response. It’s everything I want a customer to feel. Not just happy with the product but happy with the whole experience which she clearly was 💕 I’m so excited 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

If anyone wants to follow the “Maurice Made It” page

to get notifications when there are new product launches etc it’s up and running now and I will be working hard on that in the next couple of weeks xx

When it’s Father’s Day but your dad’s away 🐰🐱🐰 so you get a little bit of extra ‘Auntie Maggie’ time in the garden while...

When it’s Father’s Day but your dad’s away 🐰🐱🐰 so you get a little bit of extra ‘Auntie Maggie’ time in the garden while the sun is (temporarily!) shining!! ☀️😎

HAPPY FATHER’S DAY ❤️ to ALL the wonderful dads of all my wonderful little charges - both present and past 🌈

Thank you for being the best Dads ever 💕❤️💕


********** UPDATE ***********I am so happy to say that Pippa and Stella have found their new forever home 🤩They are just...

********** UPDATE ***********

I am so happy to say that Pippa and Stella have found their new forever home 🤩They are just settling in as we speak, and Kaye has already been sent lovely pictures of them exploring their new garden and having cuddles on the sofa ❤️

I am so happy. And so grateful to every single person who took the time to help these two little ones when their whole world suddenly collapsed on Sunday night. I had only intended my post to reach people locally but the support for these two has been incredible.

Huge thanks to Michelle Newns-peers from Greater Manchester Lost Dog Search & Rescue Capture Team C.I.C for the usual invaluable assistance when it comes to dogs in dire need.

And of course to Ruth (and her husband) who have this afternoon opened up their home and their hearts to Pippa and Stella 💕

This lovely couple had homed an older bonded pair for Michelle’s charity previously and she saw what a wonderful life they were given with them - one of the dogs being an older staffy and very similar to Stella. Having eventually lost both dogs after four years they knew when they saw Pippa and Stella that it was time to help two more dogs who had found themselves in such similar circumstances - an older bonded pair who had suddenly lost everything. And Michelle agreed. She could not praise Ruth and her husband highly enough.

My wonderful friend Kaye (who took Pippa and Stella in on Sunday night without hesitation even though it made things difficult for her own rescue dog) sent me the following message this afternoon :-

“They’ve gone off to their new forever Home. An absolutely lovely couple, the man fell in love with Stella straightaway, you could tell. They both quite happily went off in the car. I wish I’d taken a picture of Stella, sitting in the middle of the backseat, seatbelt on and ready for her new adventure. ❤️ “

Thank you again to every single person who helped save these two beautiful souls from such an uncertain future. The kindness of strangers.

Maggie x


A rather sad post I’m afraid.

My friend’s neighbour collapsed at home yesterday (near Ashton Village) and unfortunately passed away.

He had no family and his two sweet little dogs now have nowhere to go 😔

My lovely friend Kaye Tew took them both in last night to prevent them from being taken to kennels by the RSPCA but she already has her own rescue dog and is not able to keep them long term.

Heartbreakingly of all, Pippa the little chihuahua is 16 years of age 😢 And she relies on Stella the Staffy for everything and is extremely anxious without her so they absolutely must be rehomed together. They are both super friendly.

If anybody knows anyone who may be in a position to provide a new loving home for these two poor souls please message me privately 😔

Obviously home checks will be made.


When you have been entrusted with a gorgeous new ‘little charge’…and take some photos just to let his mum know that he’s...

When you have been entrusted with a gorgeous new ‘little charge’…and take some photos just to let his mum know that he’s doing absolutely fine with his new ‘Auntie Maggie’…but the kitchen spotlights make it look like I’ve taken him to a rave…😳😅🤣❤️

I don’t think my newest little charges want me to leave…!! 🚪⛔️😅🤣🥰  They just keep singing “Bank Holiday PAW-TY” 🎵 😅🤣❤️ x...

I don’t think my newest little charges want me to leave…!! 🚪⛔️😅🤣🥰

They just keep singing “Bank Holiday PAW-TY” 🎵 😅🤣❤️ xx

How do you spend ‘a Bank Holiday Weekend’ as a Petsitter…Trying to get the newest (half brother) rescue kittens to ‘high...

How do you spend ‘a Bank Holiday Weekend’ as a Petsitter…

Trying to get the newest (half brother) rescue kittens to ‘high five’ you of course…🤷🏻‍♀️🙄😅😂

Sprinkle got it straight away ❤️

Oreo is still…’working on it’…🙄🤪🙃🥰

Happy Bank Holiday 🐱🐰🐹🐔🐭🐠 ###

I told Maurice that he really should have his own separate little page and Instagram account for his new “Mauri...

I told Maurice that he really should have his own separate little page and Instagram account for his new “Maurice Made It” idea 🎨

I said I had quite a few cat visits to do today but that when I got home this evening we could maybe set it up together ❤️

Poor Maurice, I think he must have got a bit over excited because I’m pretty sure that at no point this morning did I mention ANYTHING about going to ‘Hair & Makeup’ first 😬🤷🏻‍♀️😌🤭😅🥰 xx

🌟 ANNIVERSARY ALERT 🌟 I first set up ‘Cosset & Walker’ in May 2009…so exactly 15 years ago!!! ❤️And it remains the BEST ...


I first set up ‘Cosset & Walker’ in May 2009…so exactly 15 years ago!!! ❤️

And it remains the BEST THING I have ever done - getting to spend every single day with the loveliest, funniest (sometimes naughtiest!) little treasures I could ever have hoped for!! 🤭🥰😎

It really has been an absolute dream come true…and I hope to be celebrating another 15 years in time to come..because I literally could not think of anything else I would rather be doing 🐶🐱🐔🐰🐹🐭🐢🐠

I rarely get a day off…and of course along with all the countless laugh out loud moments each day there is also such a lot of heartache, often, at times, more than I think I can bear, especially in the last couple of years as I have begun to lose the last of my precious ‘old timers’ who I have looked after from the very early days…but I guess that’s just a natural part of looking after animals for so many years now 😢😓🥹

There has also been quite a major change to Cosset & Walker in the last few months (as all my dog walking clients are aware!!!) as I have…extremely reluctantly…been forced to give up the whole dog walking side of the business for the forseeable future while I have long term physio on a pretty bad knee injury I suffered last year 😢 It’s so much better than it was (thank goodness) and doesn’t affect my petsitting duties at all but it does look like it will be several more months before it is back to normal. Obviously a huge, huge blow all round 😓

BUT you know what they say…as one door closes another one opens!! 🤩🥳

So, to celebrate my 15 year anniversary I am launching an ADDITIONAL brand new service (ie fun personalised custom pet products) which is something I have wanted to do for the longest time now but have just always been way too busy.

My Petsitting service will not change in any way - this is just something EXTRA that I want to add to the service I already offer…and I am beyond super excited.

I am making some really fab little products, all of which will be completely bespoke to each individual, with lots and lots more new products and new designs continually being launched throughout the year. I want people to get super excited when they place an order and want them to love absolutely everything about the entire experience, even down to the packaging 🤩 And of course (for Cosset & Walker clients)…FREE DELIVERY!!! 📦 🚚

I have named this new side of the business : “Maurice Made it” 🤩🐶🌟

This is in honour of my own wonderful old timer “Maurice” - who a lot of you already know - and who is just an absolute legend ❤️🐶😎❤️

Maurice ‘made it’ (against all the odds) out of a Kill Shelter in Romania…and then all the way to the UK…and into my life…over 5 years ago and he has been my absolute world ever since ❤️ He is just everything and more ❤️

And NOW he is Chief Su-paw-visor of everything that gets ‘made’ in the ‘Maurice Made It’ studio ❤️ He literally ‘signs off’ every product personally 😉🐶❤️

Not bad for an old boy from the streets of Romania…

Sneak Peek for you… xx

Happy Fri-yay!! 🤩🥳❤️Friday is always my favourite day of every week because…as most of you know…I get to volunteer at th...

Happy Fri-yay!! 🤩🥳❤️

Friday is always my favourite day of every week because…as most of you know…I get to volunteer at the amazing local ‘kennel-free’ dog rescue Dogs 4 Rescue…❤️

And each week I have the ABSOLUTE PRIVILEGE of being allowed to take their beautiful disabled dogs on a little Road Trip to a nearby ‘secure field’ where they can..well..basically continue to live their best lives..!!! 🥰🤩😎

Panda and Candy only have use of their two front legs as their two back legs are completely paralysed. Laika was shot by a restaurant owner in Bulgaria as she was searching bins for food (unfortunately an every day occurrence over there) and although she is still able to walk she suffered spinal injuries which left her doubly incontinent 🙁 Odin has all four legs but has a condition which means his brain doesn’t ‘talk’ to his back legs properly and so he gets around using a “boingy boingy” movement 🥰 And all four are the happiest dogs you will ever meet 🤩

Goodness me…what more loveliness could you possibly ask for your Friday..?!!! ❤️

When one of your own super precious “oldies” is feeling a bit under the weather…😕 xx

When one of your own super precious “oldies” is feeling a bit under the weather…😕 xx

I’m looking after an extremely timid little cat called Bailey and, as her owner doesn’t go away very often, we decided i...

I’m looking after an extremely timid little cat called Bailey and, as her owner doesn’t go away very often, we decided it would be better (and safer for Bailey) to keep her indoors as it’s only for a few days.

Bailey has actually been perfectly happy with this arrangement as she doesn’t venture very far anyway when her mum does let her out. So that part has worked perfectly.

What we didn’t bank on however….was Bailey’s boyfriend from next door “missing her” and constantly outside looking for her 😭😭😭

Oh my goodness, talk about feeling like you’re thwarting love’s young dream 🥹❤️

After 15 years of petsitting there isn’t much I haven’t done - but having to carry a cat to the front door to let her boyfriend know that she’s ok and that he doesn’t need to worry about her is a new one even for me 😅🤪😂 And as if that isn’t cute enough, handsome boyfriend has only got one eye 😌🥰❤️

When you know a client’s little girl is worried about whether you have been able to collect their dogs from ‘Daycare’ be...

When you know a client’s little girl is worried about whether you have been able to collect their dogs from ‘Daycare’ before it closes (after the family are delayed getting home)….a ‘Ring Doorbell’ can prove rather helpful🤭😉🤣

Below is the camera ‘notification’ my client got on his phone that someone was at the front door wanting to speak to them to tell them she was home 😉🤣😎🥰❤️

My friend said today she can’t wait for Friday, she’s having such a rubbish week at work, and she ended it by saying “It...

My friend said today she can’t wait for Friday, she’s having such a rubbish week at work, and she ended it by saying “It’s alright for you…!!”

It’s alright for me..?!! Like it’s EASY being in charge of the Choo-Choo Train…?!! 🚂🤷🏻‍♀️😅🤣😎🥰




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