From helping out with the beautiful (if ridiculously active!) RSPCA kittens….to the other end of the spectrum 🙃🐱❤️
It’s not often I can take on new clients but “Mr. B’s” lovely mum contacted me saying they’d recently moved to Sale and wondered whether I could possibly help to look after their special boy 🐱 so that they could go away for the weekend.
She explained that he was an older boy, and they had rescued him a couple of years ago, that he was already on a special diet for bladder stones and had now just been diagnosed with Diabetes so needed insulin injections twice a day.
Well…to be honest…she’d already had me at the ‘he’s called “Mr. B” part’ never mind everything else. What an ace name! ❤️
And he’s beyond gorgeous, one of the most beautiful, good natured cats I have ever met 🥰 The sort of cat you remember from your childhood as just being the perfect family pet ❤️
He was straight on my knee for cuddles. And takes his insulin injections like an absolute pro 😎
He did see me referring to my notes 📝 one of which was that, being diabetic, he was obviously not allowed any of Auntie Maggie’s ‘naughty’ treats just his own natural ones…and I’ll swear he tried ‘oh so very casually’ to attempt to cover up that part 😌😅🤣
Oh my goodness what an absolute joy. Welcome to the Cosset & Walker family “Mr. B”. ❤️🐱❤️ xx