Training clean up
When you train at a sandy equestrian centre and your dog cleans himself on your freshly made bed….. that’s what dreams are made of !!!
Never in my life have I had a job that makes me so happy . These kids haven’t stopped playing all of them are only children so getting them out and playing with each other makes my heart melt x
What a lovely day today so so greatful to my customers for being so flexible with shorter walks and changed times . Mum had a tooth out in hospital this morning and then My Murphy went and ripped out his dew claw requiring a vets appointment this afternoon . Thank you all for being so lovely and understanding I have the best customers and best doggies here are 2 Chester’s and a Danny ( cockapoo jackapoo collie ) xx love my job so much xx
My last walk of the day every day and it just makes me happy . Lucy is so much fun and a real character to walk and she just loves Murphy and Ace … couldn’t be happier with the work choice I made a year ago .. this is definitely me!!!
Lucy xx
Even with diva Nancy barking she is still wagging her tail just love her x
Lovely walk this afternoon with Lucy and her never ending Wag!!
I don’t think I have ever seen her without a waggy tail!!!! Just love her !!
Well thank goodness the rain has stopped so I can enjoy some time with 2 of my boys on this lovely fresh Monday morning !! Have a great week all and remember I am available for cat and small furry pop ins aswell as dog walks if you need anything this half term
My last walk of the day is always with Lucy …. She makes me smile so much as her tails doesn’t stop wagging.. normally walks with my Murphy who is now her new best friend but he is poorly today…. However the tail is still wagging . I feel so lucky that her mum chose me to walk her I absolutely adore this beautiful girl who is a credit to her mum x