Anchor Aquatics

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Anchor Aquatics Anchor Aquatics is a New online store, supplying aquarium products for UK home fishkeepers.

We are based in Hayle, Cornwall and run by Joe & Liz Purser. We have been keeping and breeding fish for over 30 years. Many different types of equipment have been used in our commercial fishroom and domestic display tanks, so we are well placed to make recommendations based on our experience. We supply the UK mainland with aquarium products - aquariums, equipment, medications, decorations, accesso

ries, food and live fish for your home aquarium. All these are delivered quickly to your door. Our experienced, friendly team always go the extra mile to provide you with a positive shopping experience

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Admire the vibrant Sterbai Catfish (Corydoras sterbae) 🐠✨🌻Named after Gunther Sterba💪Maximum size 7cm💦Ideal Conditions 🏡...

Admire the vibrant Sterbai Catfish (Corydoras sterbae)
🌻Named after Gunther Sterba

💪Maximum size 7cm

💦Ideal Conditions 🏡

🏝Keep their water stable with slightly acidic to neutral water (pH 6.0 to 7.5) and a temperature of 22 to 29 C . Ensure an open area for swimming as they are quite active.🌡️✨

🍽️ Food🌿

🥦They thrive on a diet of catfish pellets, flakes, micro pellets and frozen foods 🍤

🤝Tank Mates 🐠

👪Pair them with tank mates such as pencil fish, hatchet fish, tetras and other peaceful fish such as other corydoras and danios 🤗

🤔Navigating Challenges 💡

🌿No real issues, keep them warm and with a soft sandy substrate

💪Keep a shoal of these elegant fish and they will be sure to delight.

❤️️They will readily spawn in aquariums, so look out for eggs!

✅Joe Says : A really active, playful species that don't succumb to disease and are generally easy to keep🌟💫


🌈 Raise a smile for the Oranda fancy goldfish (Carassius auratus)🐠✨💪Maximum size 25cm💦Ideal Conditions 🏡🏝Keep their wate...

🌈 Raise a smile for the Oranda fancy goldfish (Carassius auratus)🐠✨

💪Maximum size 25cm

💦Ideal Conditions 🏡

🏝Keep their water stable with slightly acidic to neutral water (pH 7.0 to 8.0) and a temperature of 10 to 28 C .🌡️✨

🍽️ Food🌿

🥦They thrive on a diet of pellets, granules flakes and frozen foods 🍤

🤝Tank Mates 🐠

👪Keep them in a species only goldfish aquarium 🤗

🤔Navigating Challenges 💡

🌿They need a big tank over 1 metre long to thrive due to their large adult size

🚀Provide lots of filtration as they are messy eaters and produce a lot of waste

Keep in groups of 6 or more as they are very gregarious and suffer if left in solitary situations

✅Joe Says : with the right care these fish can live for 20 years, so well worth the investment. Economical to keep as they don't usually require a heater.



🌈 Delightful- The Swordtail (Xiphophorus hellerii)🐠✨Meet the exotic Swordtail—a gem of the aquarium world that adds a fl...

🌈 Delightful- The Swordtail (Xiphophorus hellerii)🐠✨

Meet the exotic Swordtail—a gem of the aquarium world that adds a flash of colour to your tank.

💪Maximum size 14cm

💦Ideal Conditions 🏡

Keep their water stable with neutral to alkaline water (pH 7.0 to 8.0) and a temperature of 15 to 28 C . A dark substrate is beneficial🌡️✨

🍽️ Food🌿

🥦They thrive on a diet of small quality flakes, small pellets, and granules 🍤

🤝Tank Mates 🐠

Pair them with tank mates like Tetras, Rasboras, or Corydoras for a peaceful community. 🤗🌐

🤔Navigating Challenges 💡

Provide them with a 3 foot tank so they can stretch their legs as adults

✅Joe Says : Keep one male per tank in smaller set ups as they can be quite territorial and may clash with others

🌟Simple to keep for all ages and abilities, swordtails often breed in community tanks and often some of the young survive in a busy community tank 💫




🚀🐟 Say a cautious hello to the Red Bellied Piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri) 🌿✨Despite their 'Jaws' reputation there are n...

🚀🐟 Say a cautious hello to the Red Bellied Piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri) 🌿✨

Despite their 'Jaws' reputation there are no documented tales of humans being devoured by these notorious fish (maybe there were no survivors.....☠️)

🏡Water conditions 💦
Maintain a spacious tank with soft to moderately hard water, a pH range of 5.5-7.5, and a tropical temperature between 23 - 27°C. 🌡️

Tank Size

Due to their large adult size of up to 35 cm and their very active nature, they need a tank of at least 500 litres, juveniles can be housed in smaller tanks

🤔Problems 💡
House in large tanks with loads of extra filtration and water changes as they are very messy eaters, creating masses of waste.

Flakes, granules, pellets and frozen

🤝Tank Mates 🐠
Keep in a species only setup or it will soon be! Any smaller tank mates are likely to be bullied/tormented and then eaten when injured.

Ensure a well-aerated tank with a decent current to mimic their natural river habitat. A clean, well-maintained environment keeps them thriving. Plastic plants and tough decor are recommended.

✅Joe Says : Ideally keep in tanks that use sump filtration. Put heaters in your sump - so the fish don't smash them as they charge around.

Not really commonly available now but I included this species for interest


🌈Don't miss the X - Ray Tetra (Pristella maxillaris) 🐠✨🌻Named after Albert Ulrey in 1894 - so its an old favourite reall...

🌈Don't miss the X - Ray Tetra (Pristella maxillaris) 🐠✨

🌻Named after Albert Ulrey in 1894 - so its an old favourite really.

💪Maximum size 5cm

💦Ideal Conditions 🏡

🏝Keep their water stable with slightly acidic to neutral water (pH 6.0 to 8.0) and a temperature of 24 to 28 C . Ensure an open area for swimming as they are quite active.🌡️✨

🍽️ Food🌿

🥦They thrive on a diet of flakes, micropellets and frozen foods 🍤

🤝Tank Mates 🐠

👪Pair them with tank mates such as pencil fish, hatchet fish, tetras and other peaceful fish such as corydoras and danios 🤗

💪Keep a shoal of these elegant fish and they will be sure to delight.

❤️️Their see-through bodies help to keep them camouflaged in the wild - and stops them being eaten - always a positive!

🧡They have excellent hearing which is also a bonus in the wild

🏝One of only a few species that can also live in salt water

✅Joe Says : These fish are very hardy and are excellent for beginners. Provide some dark areas and keep at least 6 in a shoal🌟💫



👑✨ Discover the unusual Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum)  🐠🌿 🌊These extraordinary creatures are a type of salamander that n...

👑✨ Discover the unusual Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) 🐠🌿

🌊These extraordinary creatures are a type of salamander that never fully develop into adults. They remain in their larval stage all their lives👑

💦 Water conditions🏡

✅Maintain pristine water conditions with a pH of 6.5 - 8.0 and a temperature of 15 C to 23 C. Provide a well-planted tank with rocks and caves to help them feel at home. Sponge filtration is best as circulation is reduced which they prefer.

✅Provide dark shelters as these nocturnal creatures need somewhere to hide out by day


✅Treat your Axolotl to a protein rich diet of earthworms, bloodworms and pellets

🐠Tank Mates

Pair these fish with peaceful companions like guppies, zebra danios and white cloud mountain minnows for a peaceful community 🏰

Navigating Challenges 🤔💡

Occasional problems may occur with smaller tank mates as your axolotyl may try to eat them

✅Joe says : Avoid handling them unless essential - and then wet your hands to avoid damaging their skin. They love to dig so provide them with soft sand.



🦈🌟 Unveiling the Upside-Down Catfish (Synodontis nigriventris)🌈🐟Dive into the mesmerizing world of the Upside-Down Catfi...

🦈🌟 Unveiling the Upside-Down Catfish (Synodontis nigriventris)🌈

🐟Dive into the mesmerizing world of the Upside-Down Catfish, a great character for your tank with its antics and strange swimming behaviour 🏞️

🔱They spend much of their time upside down, grazing on plants and decor. This is perfectly normal - if a little odd!

💦 Water conditions🏡

Maintain an aquarium with slightly acidic to neutral water (pH 6.0-7.5) and a temperature between 22 to 28C . Adults reach 9.6 cm. Provide ample hiding places and caves for their wellbeing.

Spoil your catfish with a balanced diet of quality flakes, pellets, and occasional treats like live or frozen foods. They also appreciate vitamin enriched brine shrimp

🌱They happily share their space with peaceful tank mates like Tetras, Barbs and Corydoras

😱 Potential Problems

Keep nitrates under control as these catfish may get barbel infections with high levels. They are gregarious so keep at least 6 for their well-being.

✅Joe says : These fascinating fish are susceptible to bloating so try to avoid feeding floating foods as air will be gulped as they eat.



💪Have you ever considered a moving bed biological filter for your aquarium ?💚Ziss Moving Bed Filters utilise moving filt...

💪Have you ever considered a moving bed biological filter for your aquarium ?

💚Ziss Moving Bed Filters utilise moving filter media, driven by air which provides your aquarium with clean, healthy water.

❤️️Beneficial bacterial colonise the media and can process large amounts of waste and toxins making your aquarium safe for fish and invertebrates.

🚀Provides essential oxygenation and circulation.

🏝Eventually de-nitrifying bacteria establish in the media and this reduces harmful levels of nitrate (many other types of filter are never able to do this)

◾️For aquariums up to 300 litres

Benefits Include:

✅Extremely efficient form of aquarium filtration that can reduce aquarium ammonia and nitrite to harmless levels

✅Contains integrated cleanable air diffuser which gives beneficial oxygen to the filter media

✅Self cleaning filter media

✅Suction cups enable easy placement

✅Virtually maintenance free

✅Also contains a sponge filter for mechanical filtration

◾️Recommended for use with an Eheim Air Pump 200 or equivalent air pump
◾️3 models to choose from for aquariums from 50 to 300 litres

✅Joe Says : We have used this type of filter in many of our tanks over the years and their ability to process fish waste is astonishing. Simply set and leave - and they are a great air bubble feature as well🌟💫




🌈Enjoy the Panda Catfish (Corydoras panda) 🐠✨🌻Reminiscent of mammal pandas - they have large black patches around their ...

🌈Enjoy the Panda Catfish (Corydoras panda) 🐠✨

🌻Reminiscent of mammal pandas - they have large black patches around their eyes

💪Maximum size 4cm

💦Ideal Conditions 🏡

🏝Keep their water stable with slightly acidic to neutral water (pH 6.0 to 7.4) and a temperature of 21 to 25 C . Ensure a soft sandy substrate as they love to forage in a sandy base🌡️✨

🍽️ Food🌿

🥦They thrive on a diet of catfish pellets, micro pellets and frozen foods 🍤

🤝Tank Mates 🐠

👪Pair them with tank mates such as pencil fish, hatchet fish, tetras and other peaceful fish such as other corydoras spp 🤗

🤔Navigating Challenges 💡

🌿They don't appreciate elevated temperatures for long and water hotter than 25C can accelerate their metabolism and shorten their lifespan

💪Keep a shoal of at least 6 of these elegant fish and they will be sure to thrive.

❤️️Vacuum your aquarium substrate during weekly water changes to reduce dirt and debris and your pandas will thank you for it

✅Joe Says : We have kept pandas for many years and they are great fun, undemanding and often play in the current for hours!🌟💫




🌈Admire the vibrant Boeseman's Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia boesemani) 🐠✨🌻Named after Dr. Marinus Boeseman, a Dutch ichthyo...

🌈Admire the vibrant Boeseman's Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia boesemani) 🐠✨

🌻Named after Dr. Marinus Boeseman, a Dutch ichthyologist known for his contributions to the study of tropical fish species.

💪Maximum size 13cm

💦Ideal Conditions 🏡

🏝Keep their water stable with slightly acidic to neutral water (pH 6.5 to 8.0) and a temperature of 26 to 30 C . Ensure an open area for swimming as they are quite active.🌡️✨

🍽️ Food🌿

🥦They thrive on a diet of green flakes, micro pellets and frozen foods 🍤

🤝Tank Mates 🐠

👪Pair them with tank mates such as pencil fish, hatchet fish, tetras and other peaceful fish such as corydoras 🤗

🤔Navigating Challenges 💡

🌿Keep their tank with a lid as they can jump out! This can easily happen if they are spooked as they swim fairly high up in the water column.

💪Keep a shoal of these elegant fish and they will be sure to delight.

❤️️The female will take good care of youngsters ( for a while ) if you are lucky enough that you have breeders in your tank - although this is rare.

✅Joe Says : They don't tend to bother smaller tank mates as they have a narrow throat and can't swallow them🌟💫



🌈 Enjoy the colourful Redline Dwarf Cichlid (Apistogramma hongsloi) 🐠✨💪Maximum size 7cm💦Ideal Conditions 🏡🏝Keep their wa...

🌈 Enjoy the colourful Redline Dwarf Cichlid (Apistogramma hongsloi) 🐠✨

💪Maximum size 7cm

💦Ideal Conditions 🏡

🏝Keep their water stable with slightly acidic to neutral water (pH 5.5 to 6.5) and a temperature of 23 to 30 C . A sandy substrate is vital. Use lots of hiding places and dim lighting🌡️✨

🍽️ Food🌿

🥦They thrive on a diet of flakes, micro pellets and frozen foods 🍤

🤝Tank Mates 🐠

👪Pair them with tank mates such as pencil fish, hatchet fish, small tetras and other peaceful fish 🤗

🤔Navigating Challenges 💡

🌿Keep their tank with a lid as they can jump out!

💪Keep either a single pair or 1 male to several females in a larger tank

❤️️The female will take good care of youngsters ( for a while ) if you are lucky enough that you have breeders in your tank - although this is rare.

✅Joe Says : Filtering through peat is beneficial, so is the use of dried almond leaves to create a perfect tank🌟💫



🌈 Discover the wonderful Panduro Dwarf Cichlid (Apistogramma Panduro) 🐠✨ Named after Peruvian explorer Jesus Victoriano ...

🌈 Discover the wonderful Panduro Dwarf Cichlid (Apistogramma Panduro) 🐠✨

Named after Peruvian explorer Jesus Victoriano Panduro Pinedo in 1996

💪Maximum size 7.5cm

💦Ideal Conditions 🏡

🏝Keep their water stable with slightly acidic to neutral water (pH 4.5 to 6.5) and a temperature of 24 to 28 C . A sandy substrate is vital. Use lots of hiding places and dim lighting🌡️✨

🍽️ Food🌿

🥦They thrive on a diet of flakes, micro pellets and frozen foods 🍤

🤝Tank Mates 🐠

👪Pair them with tank mates such as pencil fish, hatchet fish, small tetras and other peaceful fish 🤗

🤔Navigating Challenges 💡

🌿Keep their tank with a lid as they can jump out!

💪Keep either a single pair or 1 male to several females in a larger tank

❤️️The female will take good care of youngsters ( for a while ) if you are lucky enough that you have breeders in your tank

✅Joe Says : Ensure low nitrates at all times. They will not tolerate an elevated level for very long🌟💫



🌈 Discover the colourful Dwarf Gourami (Trichogaster fasciata) 🐠✨❤️️Meet the Dwarf Gourami  - a blast of colour with man...

🌈 Discover the colourful Dwarf Gourami (Trichogaster fasciata) 🐠✨

❤️️Meet the Dwarf Gourami - a blast of colour with many different variants

💪Maximum size 9cm

💦Ideal Conditions 🏡

🏝Keep their water stable with slightly acidic to neutral water (pH 6.0 to 7.5) and a temperature of 18 to 28 C . 🌡️✨

🍽️ Food🌿

🥦They thrive on a diet of green flakes, granules and frozen foods. Offer daphnia and brine shrimp as a treat 🍤

🤝Tank Mates 🐠

👪Pair them with peaceful tank mates such as tetras, corydoras and rainbowfish 🤗

🤔Navigating Challenges 💡

🌿They may succumb to the incurable 'Dwarf Gourami Disease' although this is less prevalent than it was due to improved bio-security with breeders

💪If you are lucky, a pair may breed in your tank after the male has built a nest out of bubbles and debris

✅Joe Says : Keep them in a well planted aquarium with only a gentle current.🌟💫



🎅Christmas gift idea ??🎄💚The Eheim Autofeeder + is a Wi-Fi controlled aquarium fish feeder.  Part of Eheim’s new Digital...

🎅Christmas gift idea ??🎄

💚The Eheim Autofeeder + is a Wi-Fi controlled aquarium fish feeder. Part of Eheim’s new Digital Family this feeder can be controlled by smartphone, tablet or PC/Mac

🧡Email notifications sent when food levels run low

❤️️Can be linked to other Eheim digital devices - such as Thermocontrol +e heater. You will get an email before feeding in the event of a temperature increase

💚Also link to Eheim professionel 5e filter to reduce/increase flow during feeding

Benefits Include:

✅Intelligent automatic feeder controlled via WLAN

✅Set both feeding times and food amount individually

✅Overfeed protection

✅Suitable for flakes, pellets and other dried foods

✅Can be used to feed turtles

✅Mains powered (3 watts) - so no flat batteries.

✅Made in Germany with 3 year warranty

Dimensions Width 14 cm x Height 12cm x Depth 7cm




Remember these ?❤️️The Clown Loach (Chromobotia macracanthus)💪Although they grow slowly, they can reach 12 inches as adu...

Remember these ?

❤️️The Clown Loach (Chromobotia macracanthus)

💪Although they grow slowly, they can reach 12 inches as adults

💚Great characters, they always play in an aquarium in groups, hence their name

🚀Not great with live plants as they love digging in the substrate

I suppose they have been replaced by better suited aquarium species in recent years and are not as commonly available now



🌈 Discover the exotic Long-nosed Elephant Fish (Gnathonemus petersii) 🐠✨ Named by the German naturalist Wilhelm Peters.❤...

🌈 Discover the exotic Long-nosed Elephant Fish (Gnathonemus petersii) 🐠✨

Named by the German naturalist Wilhelm Peters.

❤️️Meet the Elephant nose - a true odd-ball in our world of aquatics!

💪Maximum size 25cm

💦Ideal Conditions 🏡

🏝Keep their water stable with slightly acidic to neutral water (pH 6.0 to 7.5) and a temperature of 22 to 28 C . A dark sandy substrate is vital. Use lots of hiding places and dim lighting🌡️✨

🍽️ Food🌿

🥦They thrive on a diet of frozen and live foods 🍤

🤝Tank Mates 🐠

👪Pair them with tank mates such as Angelfish, gouramis, geophagus spp, large tetras and other peaceful fish 🤗

🤔Navigating Challenges 💡

🌿They are sensitive to medications and need soft sand to sift through.

💪Curiously they have a very large brain relative to body mass and need a well decorated tank to stimulate them

✅Joe Says : Keep one in a tank unless your aquarium is large. Use an ultra violet filter to ensure premium water conditions. Ensure some areas of complete darkness so these nocturnal creatures can feel secure during daytime.🌟💫



🌈 Delightful- The Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia praecox) 🐠✨Meet the exotic Neon Rainbow—a gem of the aquarium wor...

🌈 Delightful- The Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia praecox) 🐠✨

Meet the exotic Neon Rainbow—a gem of the aquarium world that adds a flash of colour to your tank

💪Maximum size 6cm

💦Ideal Conditions 🏡

Keep their water stable with slightly acidic to neutral water (pH 6.0 to 8.0) and a temperature of 22 to 28 C . A dark substrate is beneficial🌡️✨

🍽️ Food🌿

🥦They thrive on a diet of small quality flakes, small pellets, and live or frozen foods. Ensure they are not over-fed - as they just keep eating! 🍤

🤝Tank Mates 🐠

Pair them with tank mates like Tetras, Rasboras, or Corydoras for a peaceful community. 🤗🌐

🤔Navigating Challenges 💡

They can jump when nervous, so keep the lid shut

✅Joe Says : Keep some floating plants to diffuse the light and give them more confidence. Often they will breed in a community tank and some of the fry actually survive to adults.

🌟Witness the magic of neon rainbows—beautiful, very colourful and perfect for many aquariums The flashes of blue colour from a shoal is quite stunning.💫




Trevarnon Lane, Connor Downs



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