Day 17: National Dog Training Month 💥
Settle – Teach your Boxer to relax and stay calm with this simple yet effective exercise!
Settling is an invaluable skill that helps your Boxer learn how to relax in any environment. By creating a comfortable and positive experience, you can guide your Boxer to associate the settle position with calmness.
Why is the Settle Exercise Important?
⭐ Encourages your Boxer to stay calm and relaxed in different situations.
⭐ Helps build self-control.
⭐ Teaches them a specific, relaxed position they can use anywhere.
⭐ Strengthens your bond by promoting trust and cooperation.
Top Tips:
✅ Start on a comfortable surface, like their bed, to encourage relaxation.
✅ Guide your Boxer into a sphinx down position, then gently lure their head towards their shoulder to encourage their hip to rest on the floor.
✅ Reward generously when their hip is on the floor to reinforce the relaxed position.
✅ Reward near their shoulder to prevent them from returning to a sphinx position.
✅ Practise on both sides, as dogs often have a preferred side for settling.
✅ Use low-value treats if your Boxer gets too excited, to help them focus on relaxing.
With patience and consistency, your Boxer will master the settle position, making it an excellent tool for calming them down in any setting. Let us know how your Boxer enjoys learning this calming exercise! 🐶
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Day 16: National Dog Training Month 💥
Spin – A fun party trick that doubles as a training tool for focus and movement!
Teaching your Boxer to spin isn’t just entertaining — it’s also a fantastic way to redirect their attention from triggers and keep them moving. It’s even a helpful exercise for loose lead walking training.
Why is Spin Important?
⭐ Builds focus and engagement with you.
⭐ Redirects your Boxer’s attention in distracting situations.
⭐ Helps with keeping your dog moving.
⭐ It's super fun! ;P
Top Tips for Teaching Spin:
✅ Keep the treat at a height where your Boxer stays standing (not too high or too low).
✅ Practise in one direction first.
✅ Keep sessions short to avoid your Boxer getting dizzy!
Spin is a fantastic exercise for focus, fun, and energy release.
Let us know how your Boxer enjoys learning this exciting new skill! 🐶
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Day 15: National Dog Training Month 💥
Tease Game – A fun and engaging exercise to teach your Boxer impulse control!
The Tease Game is a brilliant way to help your Boxer learn patience and make good decisions around food. By rewarding disengagement, you’re building their self-control in a positive and engaging way.
Why is the Tease Game Important?
⭐ Helps your Boxer develop impulse control.
⭐ Teaches them that patience leads to rewards.
⭐ Builds focus and strengthens their decision-making skills.
⭐ Provides a fun and interactive way to train Boxers of all ages.
Top Tips for the Tease Game:
✅ Use high-value food, like a sausage or your Boxer’s favourite treat.
✅ Start with a closed fist holding the food, and wait patiently for your Boxer to disengage (even slightly).
✅ Use a glove for the first few repetitions if your Boxer tends to nibble or mouth your hand.
✅ Once they’ve mastered the basics, make it more challenging by moving the food and adding some playful teasing movements.
✅ Always reward with the treat immediately after your Boxer makes the correct choice.
With a little patience, your Boxer will quickly learn that self-control pays off. Let us know how your Boxer enjoys the Tease Game! 🐶
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Day 14: National Dog Training Month 💥
Harness On – A simple and effective way to help your Boxer feel comfortable with their walking equipment!
Many Boxers instinctively pull away when a harness is placed near their face. This exercise encourages them to actively participate by putting their head through the harness themselves, making the process stress-free and positive.
Why is the Harness On Exercise Important?
⭐ Builds your Boxer’s confidence and comfort with their harness.
⭐ Reduces stress and resistance when putting on walking equipment.
⭐ Creates a positive association with wearing a harness.
⭐ Makes walks more enjoyable right from the start.
Top Tips for the Harness On Exercise:
✅ Use your Boxer’s food as a reward to encourage them to engage with the harness.
✅ Hold the harness steady and guide your hand with the food through the hole, moving it slowly to encourage your Boxer to put their head through.
✅ Reward generously as your Boxer puts their head into the harness.
✅ When clipping the harness, scatter food on the ground to keep your Boxer calm and focused.
✅ Practise in short, fun sessions to keep your Boxer engaged and happy.
With consistent practice, your Boxer will associate their harness with positivity and look forward to getting ready for walks. Let us know how your Boxer gets on with this exercise! 🐶
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Day 13: National Dog Training Month 💥
OK, Go! – A simple game for impulse control and safety!
Teaching your Boxer the “OK, Go!” cue is a brilliant way to manage their excitement and ensure they only move away from you when it’s safe. It’s perfect for managing situations like unclipping the lead or greeting people and other dogs.
Why is OK, Go! Important?
⭐ Builds impulse control and focus.
⭐ Ensures your Boxer waits for permission before moving.
⭐ Adds safety by preventing them from running off in unsafe situations.
⭐ Strengthens communication and responsiveness.
This exercise is simple, yet incredibly effective for teaching your Boxer to listen and wait, even in exciting situations.
Let us know how your Boxer does with OK, Go! 🐶
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Day 11: National Dog Training Month 💥
Middle – One of the most versatile behaviours you can teach your Boxer!
Middle is an exercise that provides control and builds confidence, whether your Boxer is on or off lead. By teaching them that staying between your legs is a safe and rewarding place to be, you can use this skill in a variety of everyday situations.
Why is Middle Important?
⭐ Builds your Boxer’s confidence and focus.
⭐ Provides a safe position for your Boxer in busy or challenging environments.
⭐ Helps prevent unwanted behaviours like jumping up.
⭐ Useful for recall, lead handling, or simple tasks like wiping paws or checking ears.
Top Tips:
✅ Use food in both hands to guide your Boxer around your leg and into position.
✅ Reward generously when your Boxer is in the middle position to reinforce the behaviour.
✅ Introduce a release cue (e.g., “break”) to teach your Boxer when it’s time to move.
✅ Practise regularly to make Middle a reliable and automatic response.
Middle is a fantastic exercise for building trust and creating a calm, controlled Boxer. Let us know how your Boxer enjoys learning Middle! 🐶
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Day 10: National Dog Training Month 💥
Troubleshooting Game – A fun and engaging game that gives your Boxer a job to do while building confidence and independence!
This simple enrichment exercise challenges your Boxer to figure out how to get their treat, providing both mental stimulation and a sense of achievement. Plus, it’s a great way to keep them entertained while strengthening problem-solving skills.
Why is the Troubleshooting Game Important?
⭐ Builds your Boxer’s confidence by letting them solve problems independently.
⭐ Provides mental stimulation, which helps tire them out in a positive way.
⭐ Encourages appropriate, focused behaviour by giving them a “job” to do.
⭐ Perfect for Boxers of all ages and experience levels.
Top Tips for the Troubleshooting Game:
✅ Start simple if your Boxer is new to enrichment — just use one box.
✅ For more experienced Boxers, increase the challenge by nesting boxes or using multiple layers.
✅ Use high-value treats like lamb tripe or your Boxer’s favourite reward.
✅ Let your Boxer figure it out independently — no need to help or guide them.
✅ Always supervise to ensure your Boxer is safe and having fun.
Whether you’re working with a puppy or an experienced Boxer, this game is a great way to keep them engaged and build their confidence. Let us know how your Boxer enjoys the Troubleshooting Game! 🐶
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Day 9: National Dog Training Month 💥
Collar Grab – A simple game to help your Boxer feel comfortable with handling and restraint!
There are moments in every Boxer’s life when they’ll need to be restrained by their collar or harness — at the vet, during recall practice, or in unexpected situations. This exercise prepares your Boxer for those moments, ensuring they feel calm and confident rather than uncomfortable or stressed.
Why is the Collar Grab Game Important?
⭐ Teaches your Boxer to associate collar or harness handling with positive experiences.
⭐ Helps them stay calm in situations where restraint is necessary.
⭐ Prepares your Boxer for real-life scenarios like vet visits or recall training.
⭐ Builds trust between you and your Boxer.
Top Tips for Collar Grab Training:
✅ Use a few pieces of your Boxer’s daily food portion as rewards.
✅ Gently touch or grab your Boxer’s collar or harness — no tugging or choking.
✅ Start with short touches, then gradually build duration (e.g., hold for a few seconds).
✅ Reward immediately after letting go to reinforce the positive association.
✅ Keep sessions short and stress-free to ensure your Boxer enjoys the exercise.
With this simple game, you’ll help your Boxer feel more relaxed and cooperative during handling. Happy training, and let us know how it goes with your Boxer! 🐶
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Day 8: National Dog Training Month 💥
Attention Ping Pong – A high-energy game that turns your Boxer’s focus into fun!
This exercise is all about teaching your Boxer that paying attention to you means exciting things are about to happen. It’s a fantastic way to channel their energy, practice recall, and kick off training sessions on a fun and positive note.
Why is Attention Ping Pong Important?
⭐ Builds focus and attention in a fun, engaging way.
⭐ Strengthens your Boxer’s recall skills.
⭐ Makes training sessions more enjoyable for both you and your dog.
⭐ Teaches your Boxer that being around you is the best deal ever!
Top Tips for Attention Ping Pong:
✅ Use 10–12 larger, easy-to-see and soft food pieces that your Boxer can quickly find and eat (no long sniffing required!).
✅ Be silly! Use funny noises, an excited tone, or even run to keep your dog engaged.
✅ Make sure to practice on a surface where the food is easy to spot (e.g., short grass or a clear surface).
✅ If using a lead, throw food close enough to avoid tension but still allow movement.
✅ Keep the game fast-paced, and reward their focus by throwing the next treat as soon as they turn toward you.
Whether on-lead or off-lead, this game is perfect for puppies and Boxers of all ages.
It’s fun, active, and a great way to bond while boosting focus and recall. Ready, steady, get it! 🎉
Let us know how your Boxer loves playing Attention Ping Pong! 🐶
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Day 7: National Dog Training Month 💥
Name Booster – A simple but powerful game to strengthen your Boxer’s response to their name!
Teaching your Boxer their name is one of the first things we do, but over time, we may overuse it or use it incorrectly, leading them to ignore it. This game helps remind your Boxer that their name means something amazing is about to happen!
Why is the Name Booster Game Important?
⭐ Encourages your Boxer to focus on you when they hear their name.
⭐ Builds a positive association with their name.
⭐ Makes training easier and strengthens your bond.
⭐ Reinforces their name as a positive cue instead of background noise.
Top Tips:
✅ Use two types of food: one lower value (e.g., kibble or pate) and one higher value (e.g., cheese, raw meat, or a favorite treat).
✅ Use a happy tone when calling their name.
✅ Reward with the high-value food immediately after they respond to their name.
✅ Keep sessions short and fun to ensure your Boxer stays engaged!
Have fun, and let us know how it goes with your Boxer! 🐶
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Day 5: National Dog Training Month 💥
Free Check-ins – A simple yet powerful way to boost your Boxer’s focus and engagement!
Rewarding free check-ins teaches your Boxer to pay attention to you without being asked. By capturing and rewarding this natural behaviour, your Boxer will offer it more often, making training sessions and outings much easier and more enjoyable.
Why are Free Check-ins Important?
⭐ Build engagement and focus on you.
⭐ Encourage your Boxer to pay attention without prompting.
⭐ Make training out and about much more effective.
⭐ Reinforce a strong connection between you and your Boxer.
Top Tips
✅ Practise in a variety of environments to make this skill reliable.
✅ Remember: what gets rewarded gets repeated!
By rewarding free check-ins, you’re building a Boxer who naturally pays attention to you, setting the foundation for better engagement in all real-life situations.
Let us know how your Boxer is progressing! 🐶
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