Loose lead walking is covered in all paws4fun group classes, once trained and maintained in lead manners a dog should walk well with all family members, here is my dog Jive a Gold KCGC certified dog who is also a certified Therapy Dog and Trick Dog Champion with his friend Alice being a pair of angels. #kennelclubaccreditedtrainer #derehamdogs #positiverewardtraining #paws4fun# #kidsarounddogs #therapydog #thekennelclubgoodcitizenscheme
Want a better recall
Get ready for your summer beach holidays ! Get in touch. #kennelclubaccreditedtrainer #positiverewardtraining #paws4fun #norfolkdogs #norfolkdogs
Safe natural enrichment
What does your dog like to do when given their own choice when on a country walk ? Digging, rolling, finding sticks, climbing?
Show us a photo of their favourite activity. #kennelclubacreditedtrainer #positiverewardtrainer
Killing Sticks
I taught this dog to find interesting sticks, there were a lot about today, i dont throw them as that can be dangerous, he doesn’t eat them, maybe just a nibble, its fun to play with objects that keep him busy. #paws4fun# #kennelclubacreditedtrainer #positiverewardtrainer #derehamdogs #caninebehaviourist
Flexi leads!
Only in the right place, not on dogs that can lunge suddenly or instead of training recall and loose lead walking. Buy quality and check for safety regularly. This is an on lead area, the flexi is useful as long lines on two dogs is more tangle than i wish to deal with. #kennelclubacreditedtrainer #positiverewardtrainer #derehamdogs #paws4fun #norfolkwildlifetrust
Importance of playing with your dog.
Be more fun than chasing that dog/ squirrel/ deer, play with your dog with attitude in all sorts of areas. We found this dead football today ! It came home. #kennelclubacreditedtrainer #positiverewardtrainer #caninebehaviourist
Doggy- Washy-Woos I went to see Steph at her new grooming salon venture yesterday in Fakenham. Her salon is huge and beautiful. Share her page and wish her luck.
Recall ! How do you get this ? Ask me how ? #paws4fun #positiverewardtraining #derehamdogs #kennelclubacrerditedtrainer
My handsome herding breed ! Is bred to control movement. How can we help them navigate urban life ? 🦮🐑🚗 cars are not sheep.
In my life time so far i have shared my life with a few rescue dogs, they taught me so much, they were challenging and fun.
Three of these are dogs trust and one is a Romainian from FAITH rescue.
At one time three of my dogs were rescue.
I hope everyone gives some consideration to looking for rescue before buying from breeders but by all means buy from good breeders and buy the right dog for you so that it doesnt end up in rescue.
Thank you for your support in following my buisness, helping you and your dogs with training and behavior 🐾🐾
Gressenhall fun dog show.
Wait and release cue confusion here, needs so much more work.
Training your dog should be an every day occurance, sometimes waiting for eye contact before letting the dog have something or do something they want to do, like going into the garden or being free in the park, being allowed to have their favorite thing, this is not a case of being strict or using grumpy commands, this is building connection.
We need to have dogs under control, its a legal requirement in the uk.
The way i work with my dogs and my clients dogs builds relationship value buy allowing the dog to think about how to achieve their goal by offering you desired behaviour.
The Premack principal in use in dog training.
My youngster is getting so good at his wait that now his release cue needs so much more work, a daily practice with the correct word alongside fake words. #paws4fun #positiverewardtraining