O.C Equine

O.C Equine Qualified Equine Podiatrist covering Leics/notts/derby


I find retracted soles so interesting, and I have a theory that negative palmar/plantar angles (lack of soft tissue structure in the back of the foot) and the compression of the vascular system of the solar corium are at play (i.e. Less blood supply = sole corium becomes thin, hence cannot produce good thick sole).

We also see it more commonly in wet conditions, and I think perhaps there is a second relationship between sole depth (or lack of) and almost a "curling" effect of the soft tissues within. Which in turn create a bull-nosed dorsal wall (or a slouching) in addition to the retracted soles. I feel when so much sole is lost due to over-exfoliation you lose so much structural stability...

💡... imagine a steel beam in a building and cutting a chunk out of it from the middle, the ceiling would surely droop in the middle??? Poor analogy, but it makes sense in my head. 😂

I also think there could be different types of retracted soles, the type where the horse is only environmentally challenged, these horses have good caudal structures otherwise and bounce back quickly once they are back on dry ground, because the vascular supply isn't actually compromised. They are just temporarily exfoliating sole at a faster rate than they can grow it, as the wet ground is acting like a scouring pad.

And then I think you have the group of horses that could be suffering with low grade inflammation/laminitis. Again, directly affecting vascular function - which is crucial for growing anything, as it is the blood cells that carry nutrients and oxygen to bodily cells and helps remove cellular waste products too.

A separate group could be those horses that are npa, where the "slouching" is what is compressing their vascular network. Once angles are improved, and providing all systemic inflammation is kept to a minimum, the corium could heal, and produce good sole once again??

And then perhaps the group that are most severely compromised, are those horses that are both npa and low grade laminitic?

The outward appearance may look the same, but the route to recovery may differ completely. Some horses may just need drier ground and some time.

Perhaps others need to have their angles corrected to prevent compression of the solar corium, so to improve blood supply so that thicker sole can be created.

Perhaps some have systemic inflammation, which could stem from a number of culprits! I am highly suspicious of poor gut microbiome health being a major contributor. There is already research out there suggesting that certain strains of bacteria have a direct link to the onset of metabolic disorders in horses.

Perhaps... Perhaps... Perhaps!! 😂

Hind gut dysbosis is unbelievably common in my practice, i've had several clients now take the equibiome test for their horses. And high levels of pathogenic bacteria have been found, alongside poor good bacteria colonies being present, and the gut being overrun with bad bacteria (which means good bacteria die, and when bacteria dies it increases the acidity of the gut, which then kills even more of the beneficial bacteria, and suddenly you're in a vicious cycle!) you end up with a horse with a lot of systemic inflammation (which affects the hooves!)

Sorry I am off on a tangent... And this is just me thinking out loud and I'm not saying I am correct. But I do keep seeing certain patterns.

I love this video that Lindsey has kindly created, I love all of her content as it sparks open conversation and thinking. Please do support her work, I can't imagine the time it takes to create such videos. Dissections are incredibly hard to do as neatly as this (i've done a few... And I made a mess) 😂

What are your thoughts???😀

Can't wait for the frog on this horses hoof to improve, now the ground has dried up! A lot of my clients are in the same...

Can't wait for the frog on this horses hoof to improve, now the ground has dried up! A lot of my clients are in the same boat, and I've had a lot of clients worry. It was a particularly evil winter this year with the never ending rain 🌧️

Some of the products I'm enjoying at the moment are:-

Leovet - Frog Medic (particularly like the nozzle, bit like a WD-40 can! So great for nooks and crevices!) I also use this in the white line/sole junction.

Red Horse Products or Horse Leads hoof clays and hoof sprays/cleansers are particularly beneficial for regular application to keep 🦠 at bay.

Even after a trim a lot of frogs look a bit necrotic, but with good, consistent hoof hygiene and stimulus to the ground (so shortened trim cycles/boots and pads if necessary) they will heal ❤️

A gorgeous hoof, on an even more gorgeous gelding!

A gorgeous hoof, on an even more gorgeous gelding!


Some summer requests ☀️
At this time of year, a podiatrists work gets more difficult/dangerous. As the ground hardens so do the hooves, and flies (particularly horse flies) can make the most well behaved horse uncomfortable, and kick their bellies (or me!). In addition to this, there is also the sweltering heat, please provide somewhere with shade (preferably with good air flow) to keep me feeling well/prevent heat stroke 🫶
I usually bring my own drinks, but please if I'm doing multiple horses allow me to rest in between, so I actually drink. 🫣

Please may I ask all clients to either lay a dampened towel for horses to stand on/wrap hooves in wet nappies prior to my arrival (over night would be amazing/few hours before) so that hoof horn is more supple to cut through. And please, please reduce the flies by providing fly spray! ❤️

Thank you this would all be greatly appreciated 😘

First trim for baby Pokie 🎀 And what a great job she did! ⭐

First trim for baby Pokie 🎀
And what a great job she did! ⭐

Special thank to  for capturing pup and I getting caught out in the rain at our hoof trimming appointment the other day!...

Special thank to for capturing pup and I getting caught out in the rain at our hoof trimming appointment the other day! These are brilliant, so grateful to have the puppy phase captured, that myself and my partner can keep forever 🥰

Fresh trim for Apollos fronts today, will do his hinds on Saturday. As he has been challenging with hoof handling due to...

Fresh trim for Apollos fronts today, will do his hinds on Saturday. As he has been challenging with hoof handling due to his rearing. I find if I keep the sessions short, and keep him under threshold I can give him a much better experience. The rearing is reducing significantly, and he's starting to trust me now ☺️

He's got gorgeous hooves, now that he's had a few frequent trims the stretching is less, and he's getting a really nice sole/white line connection to the inner wall now. 🫶


Apollo 🍏

Starting to get the idea with lunging, moved him around a 20m circle today also. He's VERY nappy at the entrance way to the ménage, he is very good at backing up on to the grass verge too! (our school is not fenced all the way round). So that was a little frustrating for me 😂 I could feel myself getting stressed so hand led him past the gate way instead 🫣

I remember Nemo doing exactly the same stunt as a baby, and I taught Nemo pretty early on how to double lunge/drive because I very rarely had a second pair of hands, and the extra line just helped. I typically lunge with two lines, I just feel you can give the aids better, and it's nice to be able to switch between a lunge to a driving position, and incorporate lots of serpentines and figures of 8's etc. so I will be getting Apollo used to the roller next and letting him get used to lines being draped over him so he doesn't spook. I've done a lot of work with him, wafting things behind him, and he has become much better, so hopefully this will be an easy next step☺️

Despite my frustration with the napping and going backwards 😂 I am very proud of him, he's maturing so much at the moment and filling out lovely. ❤️

Very hard to film and give the cues at the same time, so went a bit pear shaped at the end 😂😂

When your horses escape before you due to set off for work. Thankfully all retrieved now. Nemo turns 13 today, obviously...

When your horses escape before you due to set off for work. Thankfully all retrieved now. Nemo turns 13 today, obviously wanted to celebrate with Apollo, with a night on the town. Honestly 🫣😵

Just wanted to share this club footed case study. As it illustrates how collaboration can be the key to improving not on...

Just wanted to share this club footed case study. As it illustrates how collaboration can be the key to improving not only the hooves, but posture and the whole health of the horse.
JBT Veterinary Physiotherapy has been seeing this horse regularly, and with joint care between the owner and Ella at River View Equestrian there have been DRAMATIC improvements. The proof is in the pudding, consistency, patience and diligence works. ❤️
Safe to say this mare is much more comfortable now.

We did a thing! ❤️Big thank you to Belvoir Equine Vets  for the care you both (Tom/Meisha) have given Nemo over the last...

We did a thing! ❤️
Big thank you to Belvoir Equine Vets for the care you both (Tom/Meisha) have given Nemo over the last few months. To have had two major surgeries in the space of a year, and one of them being life saving colic surgery. It has been an absolute rollercoaster of emotions. I feel Tom has played a large part in saving Nemos life, by acting quickly and giving him a speedy referral to Oakham Veterinary Hospital Equine. The care Nemo received from all of the team at Oakham vets was amazing, it has been the hardest year of my life, having just lost my thoroughbred to colic last year too. We still have a long road to getting back up to fitness, and losing some box rest weight. But at least we are back on board at the walk! I will be forever grateful to you all, thank you for keeping my best friend alive✨

Lilly rocking her new scoot boots ✨I am absolutely packed in the diary! I'm really sorry guys, I've had so many enquirie...

Lilly rocking her new scoot boots ✨

I am absolutely packed in the diary! I'm really sorry guys, I've had so many enquiries for hoof boot fits that I just don't have space for. If you're currently a client of mine for podiatry, I can still tag it on to your future appointments. But I am at full capacity for non-client boot fits at the moment, as bookings extend towards the end of July as it is. ❤️

Thank you to all my clients for being patient with me, I know I have an overflow of workload at the moment. Both admin a...

Thank you to all my clients for being patient with me, I know I have an overflow of workload at the moment. Both admin and physical appointments! It's a really busy time of the year, now that trim cycles have shortened to 4-6 weeks on average. I was supposed to be doing admin tonight but then I realised I have been doing admin and working up to 10pm for the last few weeks, that I haven't really spent much time with my boys! So I do apologise but I've self-indulged tonight and started teaching Apollo to lunge. I feel really guilty about spending some time with him, which is really silly of me. But I do care about what my clients think of my service. I have a list of everything I need to get done, and I promise you haven't been forgotten about. But for my own mental health I really just needed to finish at a sensible hour! And spend some time with the boys ❤️


I've had a last minute cancellation for tomorrow (lunch time onwards). If anyone is wanting an appointment ☺️

Hi everyone 👋 So I am doing some market research in relation to improving my equine podiatry services. I've wished to da...

Hi everyone 👋

So I am doing some market research in relation to improving my equine podiatry services. I've wished to dabble into an online consulting/online course creation (for horse owners) sphere for a while now. Please note: I do NOT wish to teach members of the public how to trim. I can however (if you're interested) point you in the direction of reputable teaching schools that are set up for this purpose. Additionally, I want to abide to my professional associations guidelines and will not discuss trims of individual horses and/or trim methodologies. The content is purely going to be on educating horse owners on how to safely embark on their barefoot horse journey.

Please help me put together meaningful courses, content and online services to help those of you who are either starting (or are considering) starting out on your barefoot horse journey. Or for those that have always had barefoot horses but feel they need some more guidance.

Please click the link below to fill out this 1 minute survey 👇 every submission will really help me gain a better understanding of what is needed within the industry. Please share to all your horsey friends ❤️

You can find my form "Horse Owners Guide to the Barefoot Horse " at:

Please click the link to complete this form.


Hey all, 👋 due to my foot injury last week I will need to shuffle some appointments in the near future around. I will contact you asap, and apologise for any inconvenience. My foot is still sore, so having to pace myself a little to ensure I leave time in-between clients to rest it for a bit.

I have a few initial hoof summary feedback forms to send to people, and will try my best to have them finalised by the end of today, but I am hosting my Grandma's birthday lunch and would appreciate being able to enjoy some family time.

I've had a lot of clients messaging on weekends/anti social hours or expecting super speedy responses. Unfortunately there is only one of me, and I would value your patience and consideration. We' re all entitled to some down time, and like you I am not a machine. Just a polite reminder to be mindful and to adhere to my working hours wherever possible. Which are Mon-Friday (8am-5.30pm) queries outside of this, or during holidays may not be answered💕

I have tried to work only one Saturday per month, and I have had my arm twisted serval times in to saying yes to doing more than this. So just to clarify no more Saturdays are available, so please don't ask - as I am soft touch! 😂

Further to this, I have had minimal cancellations recently so thank you so much. And prompt payment has been much better this month, which I really appreciate.

I had to put my little online project on the back burner due to my commitments, but I am back to chipping away at this. I definitely undermined how time consuming and challenging it is to produce online content! However, I'm going to put out some market research surveys to try and help me narrow down what topics should be covered, and the most helpful. So keep your eyes peeled for that, and I would appreciate your feedback ❤️

Additionally I am still wanting to use photographs of my actual client case studies for this project. All of those that contribute will be gifted this online content for free, as a thank you. 🫶

I anticipate I will be going away on holiday mid July, but myself and my partner are useless at nailing down a date 😂 so once we know, I will let you all know!

Think that's all for updates, I've just posted up Nemo and Apollo progress for any one who is interested. As for Skye our new pup she is settling in really well, and she will see you at your appointments real soon for tail wagging and kisses! 😘


Apollo 💚

He's been having the bit/bridle in his mouth for a few weeks now. Thought I'd trial walking to the field in it this morning. I really need to find a lunging coupler that fits a small pony. As not finding it ideal passing it through the rings. However, despite the tack malfunction he did super well. Will need to have a Google/eBay search! As he's a tiny dot and Nemo's coupler doesn't fit! 🫣

First day back exercising properly for Nemo as he's been given the all clear by the vets ☺️ Up to now I've just been wal...

First day back exercising properly for Nemo as he's been given the all clear by the vets ☺️

Up to now I've just been walking round the school in hand for 10-15 minutes. So it was nice to go up the gears (which he loved 😍) he had so much impulsion, but wasn't silly about it. Which was a joy ⭐

If my clients could please fill this quick survey in, I would be very grateful. The EPAUK are very keen to be recognised...

If my clients could please fill this quick survey in, I would be very grateful. The EPAUK are very keen to be recognised by the NEWC, so your feedback is crucial for equine podiatry to be accepted widely across the UK as an alternative to farriery for barefoot horses.

(I am 30 years old) ☺️
Thank you 💕

❓ Do you have five minutes to help The British Horse Society?

📝 We all know how vital regular hoof care is to our horses, ponies, donkeys and mules. To futureproof this care, The BHS needs your help to assess the availability of qualified farriers in the UK and the Republic of Ireland via this quick survey 🔗 forms.office.com/e/QjLDuMJqk3

🐴 If you’re over 18, they’d love to hear about your routine hoof care and your experiences when accessing farriery and hoof care provider services for the animals in your care.

🤝 Your insight will allow the BHS to work in partnership with other equine welfare charities, and the industry, to make access to the farriery profession easier so that, together, we can futureproof horse care in the UK.


Update on my foot 👣

Swelling has reduced significantly, got a whopper of a bruise. Cancelled this mornings work just so I could arnica and cold compress it some more, trialing 2 lighter horses trimming this afternoon. But so far I can walk and put full weight on it. So 🤞 all is well, and no more appointments will be disrupted this week. ❤️

Hi all 👋 Sadly I took an unfortunate kick today (horse has string halt, and was a complete involuntary action - she's a ...

Hi all 👋

Sadly I took an unfortunate kick today (horse has string halt, and was a complete involuntary action - she's a lovely mare and was just unlucky!). I was able to weight bear but now that I've trimmed 6 horses on it, and driven a manual 4x4 home for 45 minutes I am now unable to walk on it! I'm hoping it is just swelling, and some rest, antiinflammatories and frozen peas will work their magic 🫣✨

I have had to cancel all appointments tomorrow, but hoping that it won't effect the diary too much. Of course I won't know for sure, if I'm in agony tomorrow I'll go to the walk in centre for an x-ray. But for tonight, I'm lounging on the sofa with my partner, the pup and a takeaway!!! ❤️


I'd like to introduce you to Skye 💙
Mine and my partners 9 week old puppy!
She will be coming along with me to most client appointments. She is due her 2nd jabs this coming week, so unfortunately she can't interact too much with the outside world yet. But I'm sure she would be very appreciative of cuddles and a game of tug of war with you all! 😍


If anyone is still awaiting an appointment, or were thinking of booking an appointment - please may you drop me a message. As I'm organizing the diary over the weekend. ☺️


Hello everybody 🤠
Hope you're all having a nice bank holiday weekend so far. I appreciate some of you are waiting for bits and pieces from me, just to let you know I've been working flat out all the way through the weekend and into today. And will continue working the rest of this week too. I will get back to all of your inquiries as soon as possible. ☺️


Did some fantastic CPD with Tomas G. Teskey Veterinary Insights this morning. Thank you Tomas Teskey for being so generous with your time and knowledge. It was a really good recap to have a trim demonstration followed by the neatest distal limb dissection I have ever seen! 🤯
What I thought was incredible was the ergot ligaments and their role in blood transportation!

Hope to see you in the UK real soon 😀

For any of my clients/students/other professionals I work with, I highly recommend his books and online resources.

Who's a pretty boy then? ❤️In-hand walks around the new school for Nemo ☺️Start shifting the box rest weight!

Who's a pretty boy then? ❤️
In-hand walks around the new school for Nemo ☺️
Start shifting the box rest weight!

I thought it would be fun to share a video from when I bitted Nemo as a youngster! Interesting to see how much more I br...

I thought it would be fun to share a video from when I bitted Nemo as a youngster! Interesting to see how much more I break training down now. I was only 19/20 in this video, so a whole decade later bitting Apollo! Nemos always been quirky, but I think I have done ok! And he's done tremendously. I feel so blessed, he is the greatest teacher, and has made me the horse woman I am today 🫶

Patience and kindness always prevails ❤️

I forgot how fun it was to have a youngster, feel better second time around as I have so much more knowledge!! 🤩

Hello (: So Finding Nemo is growing up fast, we thought it was time to see how he reacted to having a bit in his mouth. Not sure if this is his first time or...


First time bitting Apollo 🫶

My gosh he was such a good boy! He never ceases to amaze me, he's got such a beautiful attitude and really wants to please.

Small 5 minute session to begin with, eventually I want to clicker train that he lowers his head into the bit himself. But he is starting to associate the "kiss" with "a good job!" marker. So that's great ☺️👍

Love this little pony so much 💕

Apollo came on to the yard this afternoon, thought I'd test to see what he does know, and what he doesn't know. He ties ...

Apollo came on to the yard this afternoon, thought I'd test to see what he does know, and what he doesn't know. He ties up well, doesn't pull back and happily eats from the hay net. Not tried without the hay net yet, but will test this too. He lets me brush anywhere above his knees and hocks. He lets me spray his tail, and the base of his mane, but doesn't like anything near his ears. Good boy to brush his forelock and wipe his eyes too. ☺️

He absolutely hates me touching his legs or picking them up. Had a few little bunny hops and rears 😂 he's got a lot to trim off, so arranging for the vet to sedate him so I can safely get the job done. I wouldn't normally use sedation, but it is in his best interest to get the bulk off, and then do leg handling and hoof trim practice with less to do. That way I can stick mostly with a rasp, and glide over once a week as opposed to it being a full set up trim every time. I typically tidy Nemo every 2-3 weeks and this works well for him 😀

On the offset he's got potential for good hooves, but he needs leg handling education which I will be prioritising. However he's been a ⭐ moved to a new place, got Nemo moving him around, taking on all the surroundings letting me brush him, and walk him around. There's a lot for him to take in, and he's behaved impeccably ☺️❤️

Hope you're all enjoying the snow 🌨️I've had my little family up to visit for the day. Millie (my niece) was introduced ...

Hope you're all enjoying the snow 🌨️

I've had my little family up to visit for the day. Millie (my niece) was introduced to Apollo. He is incredibly gentle the perfect family pony ❤️

Nemo was also with us but he just isn't a horse that enjoys fuss! So he remained close to his pile of hay 😂

A few squabbles still being had over hay piles! I'm still playing around with quantity, not wanting any wastage. But I equally want them to have enough out in these freezing temperatures, as I don't want them eating the frosty grass or arguing! 🥶 I have also been making their herbal museli warm and wetter than usual, which makes it smell beautiful and helps increase their water uptake!



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