Today, in one of our Gundog spaniel classes, we were celebrating the progress of this cracking little Working Cocker. 🥳 She has always had a very strong prey drive and we’ve had to be very careful when training her, making sure she is kept within threshold and building her up very slowly so as not to lose her to the environment. Luckily she is very food driven and her handler has been able to build some great skills using treats. What she wouldn’t do was retrieve an item when outside, despite walking around the house holding toys all the time. As time went by and her desire to retrieve did not improve we decided to clicker train the hold and delivery. This takes a lot of time, patience and skill from the handler. Today, not only were the seen retrieves a success, she succeeded at some basic memory retrieves too. This was a milestone indeed. To say we were thrilled was an understatement. 👏🤩🥳💥⭐ #ClickerTraining #workingcockerspaniel #positivegundogtraining #fieldandfido #MilestoneAchievement #progress