Counterfeit products !
We wanted to share this information with you all in order to prevent your pets being affected. It has come to our attention that counterfeit veterinary products such as Protexin Pro-Kolin advanced and Lintbells senior joint supplements have been copied and sold via well known sites. It isn't possible to know what has been used to make these fake products so encourage you to check your products if bought through third party sellers, if you suspect it is counterfeit stop using the product and contact where you bought it from.We have shown above the batch details for the counterfeit Protexin product.
These are just two examples of counterfeit veterinary products, please ensure you are purchasing products you give to your pets via your Vet or the manufacturer directly to ensure you are getting the product you purchased.
We would like to reassure you that all products sold via Vets are from the product manufacturer and therefore will always have been put through rigorous quality checks