last ride before catching flu 🤧 Juliet Ward
Sending off Dundee to his new place last week hasn’t been easy but I’m very grateful for the amazing times we’ve had together over the summer. The pony with the happy ears has reminded me of the joy of bareback riding, with his eagerness to please, responsiveness to the lightest aids, and trust in the world and his rider he’s a pure joy!
Thank you so much for letting me be a part of your journey Samantha Linge Frith, Dundee could not wish for a more dedicated, caring, knowledgable and fun owner.
I am going to miss you both!
Comparing looks and feeling
Not only did I have the pleasure of riding Elf, but also getting filmed which offers the possibility of checking whether my feel reflects to how it looks and vice versa.
I recently rode Juliet Ward’s lovely Lola and thought this little sequence of the first 5 trot circles of our ride is quite interesting. I’m recently experimenting with the idea of ‘doing less’, just giving a little position and basically trying to staying out of the horse’s way as much as possible.
At least for Lola this approach works really well. Previously she took a minimum of 20-30minutes to find the level of relaxation she found here within 5 circles.
We then spent the remaining session on maintaining it throughout transitions/changes of rein/school figures and had both lots of fun.
Brilliant evening ride with the best boy and what a treat to have our bridleways cleared
After lots of quiet leading practice over the last few weeks Estrella mastered the next stage in her education tonight without any doubts or teenagery outbursts. What a super girl! Brilliantly led by Bex and Elf.
Dani is so familiar now with the facilities at EDC that she was not the least bit concerned and went straight to the first haynet in sight and started munching away. Got to love a foody :)
Experimenting with the boys. The first time we tried to lead Billy of Dundee neither was very impressed. But since they spend much more time together and even ate from the same feeder the other day it was worth trying again.
Providing they can continue to go so nicely next to each other without squabbling Billy’s fat camp can start!
Juliet and Lola on top form today 👍😀
Planned outing turned into practicing loading. After an hour or so Dundee was so chilled out about the whole trailer thing that we did take him for the outing in the end. And coming home he loaded just as well. Clever clever pony!
Thanks for a brilliant afternoon Sam
The journey goes on.. it is time to transfer the relaxation work Lola has done on the ground over the last 8 or so weeks into the saddle. Juliet is doing a super job and it is such a joy for me to watch Lola softening and moving more freely with every minute she is ridden. She is clearly enjoying her work and that is the best indicator that we are on the right track!