🐕On Saturday, 20th July, we had another great afternoon at Woodside Hall Nursing Home’s lovely garden. The weather was kind, albeit a little warm still, but not as hot as the day before. The dogs were also well behaved.
🐶We had 24 dogs and their owners turn up to enter at least 1, and often most of the relevant 8 classes. There were dogs of all ages, 3 lovely dogs who entered the veteran dog class (over 10 years old), Boris, Poppy and Evie, as well as a few gorgeous, well behaved puppies of under 6 months old who entered several of the other classes as we didn’t have a specific puppy class. There were dogs of all sizes up to a gorgeous Bernese Mountain dog and a St Bernard. There were even several junior handlers with their dogs, such a lovely experience for the youngsters.
🎉We made £117.08, having taken the cost of the rosettes out.
💙We would like to thank Woodside Hall for hosting the event and supporting with stalls, and Kate, our wonderful Judge, who came all the way from the other side of Brighton. Kate is also a Canine Concern volunteer who coordinates the Sussex universities and police visits.
💙We would like to thank the A22 store, Wahl and Burns for supplying gifts for the goody bags for the 3 winners of each class.
💙We would also like to thank the Woodside Hall nursing home staff as well as our kind volunteer helpers, Helena, Janice and Sarndra. Thank you too for all the people who turned up to either watch or partake in the show with their lovely dogs. Without you all we couldn’t have had such a great day.
✨Until Next year!!
#canineconcern #therapydogs #workingdogs #caredogs #ukcharity