A little bit of grid work and distance handling this week, in the Polytunnels. Grid work is so important to teach dogs striding, collection and extension. It also helps them learn to work away independently. We’ve had loads of fun this week. Next week is Steeplechase, in preparation for our little show on 14th xx
Ripples training
I have been very relaxed about Ripples training, because I really believe there is no rush. I taught her, her name first, where to toilet and the house rules, which included, you come when called, you wait nicely for your food, In means come in, go in etc. on and off and the beginnings of walking nicely on the lead. When it came to more formal training, she didn’t really like it, especially waiting, sit and down. But this weekend we’ve had a break through, with the help of Lisa Fiske. Who took it right back to the beginning and just rewarding stillness. The video clip is her having a little bit of fun at my field, but her agility foundation skills are just beginning. The moral of this story is, that every puppy is an individual, they learn at different rates, some find it easy, whilst others will have challenges. I’m very excited about the future for this little girl 🥰