Again lucifer loving his bum being done. Think we found his sweet spot.
The most relaxed cat. Don't let his name fool you lucifer was a dream and fell asleep. We love him and his sister kizumba.
Cat day Sunday 11th August
Excuse the salon its was a hairy afternoon.
It's not often we get to do show style trims on dogs but when this dog came in with not 1 knott in her and the owner wanted to start to put a continental show trim into her poodle, I jumped at the chance. She's not even 1 yet so lots of training to go as she's was a bit wriggly but I cant wait to see her as she grows up. What a stunning little girl.
Thank you for trusting me with such a big trim. 💖
Just love when dogs are so relaxed in the salon they go to sleep. Such a sweet girl. I groomed these girls together so they felt secure in the fact they were together and it shows.
Another of her having her marshmallow facial and head massage.
For such a young dog she was a dream to groom. ❤️
The amount of hair that came off her was incredible.
Just look at this gorgeous rottweiler enjoying her spa day. She loved the mud mask massage.
Such a sweet, beautiful girl. Can't wait to see you again.
Add a spa package to any full groom for £8
Some of this weeks and last weeks dogs. We are getting full now for February and March is starting to look pretty busy.
Please if you want to book register you dog with the link from the last post or call me and I can register you and get you booked in.
We look forward to see all the smiley faces and wagging tails soon.
Wow what a week last week was. Had such a great time meeting old and new customers. Lots of snuggles.
Love Natalie, Marc, George and Bernard
Another week done. We loved meeting all of you. Cant wait to see you all soon. As you can see there was something in the air with cheeky tongues out. ❤️❤️❤️
Remember I'm away this weekend but still on the phone for bookings and Facebook messages as ive got my diary with me.
Have an amazing weekend guys.
Natalie, Marc, George and Bernard 🐶🐕❤️
Just a 7 month old puppy enjoying a cuddle on the table after him being such a good boy. So proud of him