⭐️Happy new year everyone ⭐️
Ready for 2025!!!!!?????
I’ve been doing holiday yard care over the break but today is first day back to lessons and training
I’ll message everyone prior to any booked lessons just to make sure I have the right date and time but if you would like to contact me to confirm also that would be great
It’s a good time to get a plan together for year ahead for what events or training goals you are wanting to achieve
Gives us a set time frame to work towards
Let me know when you see me and we can get the ball rolling
I can help you with training, groundwork and ridden lessons but also your weekly training programme, tack, feed and care advice
I have got some dates down for events I want to do and my training plan to get there for T***y and Dora, and Silverado
I’m still unfortunately without transport but fingers crossed I can get my car back in time to get this year rolling
Looking forward to seeing everyone
Happy horsin’ 2025 🐴💕xx