Never relay on automations! We are sorry the offers havent posted the last couple of days ... so by way of a sorry we are going to extend the redeption time til the 16th December!
So the current offers are.......
🎅£5 off All Christmas Jumpers!
🎅50% Off Personalised Animated Social Media Christmas Card!
🎅12% Off Umbrellas!
🎅20% Mugs!
🎅25% Off Personalised Baubles!
🎅£5 Off Christmas PJ's!
🎅50% Off Sleigh Decals!
Don't forget you can still get all these wooftastic offers at our website until 16th December! £5 off our Santa Paws PJ's . Create a pawsome Christmas with your furbaby.
head to >>>>>>>>> to pick up your amazing offers today!
#divadog12daysofchristmas #divadogdesigns #christmasiscoming #wooftasticchristmas
On The Third Day of Christmas Diva Dog Designs Brought you another amazing offer!
On the third day of Christmas ..... Diva Dog brought you another howling offer!
Get 25% Off these fabulous personalised baubles! Personalised with a short message and the breed of your choice you cant go wrong. Available in a range of colours and fabulously finished by hand!
Don't forget you can still get a woofing £5 off our Santa Paws PJ's . Complete the look with one of our sleigh decals which has a whopping 50% off and you are guaranteed to have a wooftastic Christmas!
head to >>>>>>>>> to pick up your amazing offers today!
#divadog12daysofchristmas #divadogdesigns #christmasiscoming #wooftasticchristmas
12 Days of Diva Dog Offers!
On the second day of Christmas ..... Diva Dog brought you another pawsitively perfect offer!
Bark up the right tree with Diva Dog Designs' latest fabulous deal! Get a woofing £5 off our Santa Paws PJ's range, available for any breed, complete with their unique silhouette! These high-quality PJ's are the pawfect way to show your furry friend some love this Christmas! Complete the look with one of our sleigh decals which has a whopping 50% off and you are guaranteed to have a wooftastic Christmas!
head to >>>>>>>>> to pick up your amazing offers today!
#divadog12daysofchristmas #divadogdesigns #christmasiscoming #wooftasticchristmas
We would like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding due to our personal circumstances, all orders up to and including the 20th November have now been dispatched, All remaining orders will be dispatched by Tuesday.
We are truely sorry they have taken a little longer and even missed Black Friday to get your orders out. So to make up we give you the Diva Dog 12 Days of Christmas! Every day we will introduce a new fabulous freebie or amazing offer.
Today we give you a whopping 50% off our Santa Sleigh Decals. Available in every dog breed ... just choose the any breed decal and type your breed in the box!
Head over to to nab yours at this fantastic price. Check back tomorrow to find out the next deal in the #divadog12daysofchristmas
#divadogdesigns #merrychristmas🎄
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
#LestWeForget #wewillrememberthem
Dont forget to check out our bundles!
#divadogdesigns #divadogdesignsdiscount #grooming #doggrooming #dogshow #dogshowing #showdog #dogobsessed #dogstagram
Check Out Our New Website!
Come and see our revamped website.....brighter and on trend with and easier to use layout! To celebrate we are giving you 10% off your order. Just use NEWWEB10 at checkout.
#divadogdesigns #newwebsite #discountcode #10%offeverything
Looking for specials for your dog show?
Looking for specials for your dog show then look no further....
Want to know more then get in touch at>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
#divadogdesigns #dogshowing #dogs #dogshow #dogshowtrophy #showdogs #showdog #dogobsessed #anythingdog
New Diva Dog & Tori Graphic T's and Tops
*********SUMMER FUN WITH DIVA DOG & TORI!*************
Check out the new arrivals in our exclusive Diva Dog Range.
Take a look here>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
#divadogdesigns #divadogandtori #lovedogs #dogobsessed #summerfunwithdogs #dogsofinstagram #dogloverstop
*************DRUM ROLL***************
Introducing the new face of
Meet Diva Dog and his friend Tori! They will be featuring on our exclusive Diva Dog Range. High quality, high fashion and highly wearable ... lots of choice and a wide range of colours and styles. Check it out on our website!
#divadogdesigns #newdesigns #divadogandtori #dogobessesed #dogloversuk #dogloversuk