Unfortunately, this little madam has had to be rehoused out of the cabin. We are wanting to re open the cabin to serve snacks and drinks to customers at Centre Paws Ltd and also have visitors at weekends, and have been working on it to get it ready. Dee dee has no kitchen manners and eats anything and everything that is edible, it doesnt matter what it is, even learning to knock bins over to get in them. And climbs and sits on things she isn't allowed. But does anyway lol. She has always been like this, since the day she arrived and it's not stopped. We can't have her living in the cabin if we plan to serve food, although she's welcome to pop in during the day. So, here she is in her new caravan. A shed or kennel wouldnt do. Bethan has also decided she's moving in with her, and has brought teddies and toys from home making it her play den also. Lucky cat and child π