Queenie and Niffler’s owner provided us with some oil to give the girls once they had recovered from their surgeries at the practice. The oil is a mix of Linseed, Soya, Olive and Salmon oil and is made at a ferret rescue centre.
As you can see they loved it! It was a great way to encourage the girls to eat post surgery 🥰
#ferrets #ferretspay #vets #warminsterwiltshire #warminster #vets4pets #vets4petswarminster
Whose dog loves muddy puddles just as much as Lylla?
We would love to see some photos below 😂❤️
#muddypuddles #vets #warminsterwiltshire #warminster #vets4pets #vets4petswarminster
An alternative day in our Veterinary World 🌍 had to be done! 😂
Looks like Kate has found her favourite Christmas toy on sale!! 😂🎅🏻
🐾 DR BRAMBLES CLINIC - Visiting for a health check 🩺
Ever wondered what happens in a health check at your pets booster appointment ? Dr Bramble and our amazing vet Tori have collaborated to show you what goes on !
The vets will check your pets
- Teeth
- Weight
- Eyes
- Ears
- Body Condition & any lumps or bumps
- Heart & lungs via stethoscope
A full health examination is given at every annual vaccination appointment ❤️
Dr Bramble health status is all up to date thanks to Tori 💕
#vets4petswarminster #vets4pets #cockerspaniels #cockerspanielworld #emergencyvets #cockerspanielworld #warminster #warminsterwiltshire #codford #gillingham #frome #fromesomerset #military #militaryfamily #MilitaryPets #militarypets #veterinarian #dogtricks #drbramble
Vet Kate has taken on a little abandoned kitten and Vicky has loved helping take care of him. Here she is giving him a little brush with a toothbrush, which is similar to the mum licking a kitten for comfort 💙
☀️ It's looking like it's going to be a beautiful day for us at the Frome Cheese Show, so come along and say hello! 👋 We can be found at stand 82A 🐾
#fromecheeseshow #fromecheeseandagriculturalshow #veterinarian #vetstagram #vets #fromesomerset #frome #gillingham #codford #westbury #warminsterwiltshire #warminster #vets4pets #vets4petswarminster
In Dr Brambles clinic today we’re looking at how to brush your dogs (and cats) teeth at home 🏠
This can be a scary prospect but is the best way to prevent dental disease for your pet in the future.
It’s best to start easing your pet into brushing once a day (if you can!) as soon as possible to get them used to it. 🦷
If you are struggling there are other options available to reduce tartar build up 🦷🪥 Please give us a call on 01985 853970 for more information.
Follow the video below for tips and tricks how to brush your pets teeth 🦷
#drbramble #catteethcleaning #dogteeth #dogteethclean #wiltshirewildlifehospital #wiltshirewildlife #loveyourdogs #loveyourdog #loveyourcat #LoveYourCat #veterinarian #dogtrickstraining #dogtricks #vets #vetstagram #TakeYourDogToWorkDay #takeyourdogtowork #warminsterwiltshire #warminster #cockerspanielsofinstagram #cockerspanielworld #cockerspaniels #emergencyvets #cockerspaniel #vets4petswarminster #vets4pets
Have you heard of the Viral Golden Retriever Egg Challenge? 🥚 Where a raw egg is placed in a dog's mouth to see if they can hold it without cracking it 🍳
Jenny and Vicky thought they would see how their dogs got on with this challenge 🤔
Next up was Lylla..... Results to follow 🤣
#goldenretrievereggchallenge #goldenretrievereggchallengefail #veterinarian #vetstagram #vets #takeyourdogtowork #gillingham #codford #westbury #warminsterwiltshire #warminster #vets4pets #vets4petswarminster
Have you heard of the Viral Golden Retriever Egg Challenge? 🥚 Where a raw egg is placed in a dog's mouth to see if they can hold it without cracking it 🍳
Jenny and Vicky thought they would see how their dogs got on with this challenge 🤔
First up was Dr Bramble..... Results to follow 🤣
#goldenretrievereggchallenge #goldenretrievereggchallengefail #veterinarian #vetstagram #vets #takeyourdogtowork #gillingham #codford #westbury #warminsterwiltshire #warminster #vets4pets #vets4petswarminster
Let’s try again!
🩺 Dr Bramble - How to use the scales 🐶
Dr Brambles back and this time she want to show you how to use our scales in our reception area 🐾
Our reception scales are free to use so feel free to pop by to get an up to date weight for your dogs 🐶
Don’t forget to let reception know so we can update their records too !
Having an up to date weight is important for many reasons including administering the correct dosage of medication for your pet and keeping an eye of their weight to maintain a good body condition score 💕💊
#vets4petswarminster #vets4pets #cockerspaniel #cockerspaniels #cockerspanielworld #cockerspanielsofinstagram #warminster #warminsterwiltshire #westbury #codford #gillingham #summeriscoming #summeri̇scoming #frome #fromesomerset #military #militaryfamily #MilitaryPets #takeyourdogtowork #TakeYourDogToWorkDay #vets #vetstagram #drbramble
Dr Brambles back and this time she wants to show you how to keep your pets cool in the summer ☀️
The summer heat can lead to your pet getting heatstroke, which can be fatal.
Dr Brambles on hand to show you safe ways of helping to avoid heatstroke. 🐾
#springsummer #cockerspaniels #cockerspanielworld #cockerspanielsofinstagram #warminster #warminsterwiltshire #westbury #codford #gillingham #summeriscoming #summeri̇scoming #frome #fromesomerset #military #MilitaryPets #vetstagram #veterinarian #drbramble