Little Lenny’s first time off-lead! Building that recall bank up to give him the best chance at having a great recall 🌟
Roxie, like many young dogs, tends to get very excited and charges past humans on the stairs, this can be dangerous. A simple ‘wait’ wasn’t quite hitting the level of self-control we wanted (she loves to charge up the stairs!). Instead we brought in her much-loved’ ‘bed’ cue, and she got the hang of it!
Isla, living her best life, off-lead, ignoring other dogs and recalling from muddy puddles 🙌🌟
Little Delilah, walking like a dream 😍🌟
A couple of weeks ago I shared a post showing how well Rocky was doing with his loose-lead walking. Yesterday he had a session with his sister, working on ironing out that ‘must compete to be in front’ mentality sibling dogs often have! They both did super well!
Watch puppy Willow learn how getting into the crate, on her own freewill (not lured or forced) can be so rewarding and a positive choice! 🥰🌟
Sunday session at Cheshire Dog School:1. Practicing settling around other dogs 🐕 2. Skippy being a star, confident and calm around strange dogs 🌟 3. Storm walking like loose-lead is her middle name 😍
🌟 Rocky 🌟 this is the start of his second session working on walking on a loose-lead. Rocky used to pull like a train and had taken his owners off their feet a few times with his constant pulling. One session with lots of homework and this is where we are now. Super proud of him, and his owner’s dedication 🙌
🌸Jasmine🌸. Jasmine started her puppy training this weekend, can’t wait to see what progress she makes 🥰
Sky’s first time off-lead 🏎️ 💫. Recall work starts as soon as possible ❤️
Alfie! When we first met he was lunging, spinning and shouting at cars with the strength of a bull! We implemented a training plan and thanks to the dedication and consistency of the work his parents have put in, he’s now not fazed by them, even on a wet day (the sound of water on the tarmac amplifies the tyre sounds). Car ‘chasing’ (and other similar behaviours such as lunging at runners and cyclists), is a common problem with herding breeds. I say chasing in inverted commas because often it’s more a case of wanting to control the movement, rather than chase. The sooner you start to work on it, the easier it is. Walks for Alfie are now more enjoyable for everyone and a lot safer!