Catology Feline Grooming

Catology Feline Grooming An exclusively feline, specialist cat grooming service based in Hampshire, that comes directly to you


Friday came round quite quickly. The final kitties of the week complete and a long weekend ahead. Now, time for 🫖 ☕️ 🍪 (and a look thru this week’s cat photos! 🐱 📷 😁)

This guys lovely owner sent me this today. He seems to be enjoying showing off his tummy after his lion trim yesterday 🩶...

This guys lovely owner sent me this today. He seems to be enjoying showing off his tummy after his lion trim yesterday 🩶 💚 Isn’t he a majestic fella! (And he optionally chooses to sit in this position, despite the look in his eyes…)


Here is Squidgy. And isn't she just!

This darling Princess was an absolute delight to meet. She was so sweet, despite having never seen a groomer before and needing a full shave down. What an amazing little kitty.

Squidgy and her brother were recently adopted into a loving new home and needed a little extra grooming help, with thick Persian coats and matts that had formed needing shaving out. Madame Squidgy needed a tidy up from where her cat mum had tried to relieve her of uncomfortable matts along her back. Now Squidgy and I have made friends (or shall I say 'I'm at her service'), I'm sure she won't get those matts again. This little Princess Squidgy the Cute has a fresh new start.


Showing the love or scenting you. A bit of both? 💕

It’s Black Cat Appreciation Day…🐈‍⬛ historically these kitties have been negatively associated with cult and superstitio...

It’s Black Cat Appreciation Day…

🐈‍⬛ historically these kitties have been negatively associated with cult and superstition, but also revered and symbolised by cultures across the world

🐈‍⬛ black cats are often found to be less appealing to potential adopters at rescue centres. This can be down to historic associations

🐈‍⬛ black cats are also just cats that are black; they may have represented an embodiment of supernatural forces or be from a long line of gods and goddesses, but they are 100% adoptable, lovable and deserving as any other cat or animal

The black cat is deliberately chosen as Catology’s emoji signature, precisely to appreciate them and celebrate them as the beautiful, sleek silhouettes that they are.

This is my beautiful black cat client to show off their gorgeousness 🐾 🐈‍⬛

Rosie, the all-white pussycat 🤍 💚. Hasn't she got a sweet little face? 🐱 She is sweet, and when I arrived for her first ...

Rosie, the all-white pussycat 🤍 💚. Hasn't she got a sweet little face? 🐱 She is sweet, and when I arrived for her first ever groom, she was lazing on the garden bench and started pawing at it in excitement when she saw me.

Rosie had a Wet Groom 🛁 🧴 and partial shave ✂️. From gallivanting in the local neighbourhood, her lovely white coat had become quite grubby and matted along the sides. As you can see in the pictures, the little round spots on her skin are from where the matts had formed quite tightly to the skin. Her cat mum was happy for her to have an interesting look as long as she was comfortable. And this is the most important factor, especially as she is a white cat. White cats have more sensitive skin and are more prone to sun exposure ☀️so the more coat kept on, the better. I advised her mum about sun exposure and cat-safe sunscreen🧴 Her mum showed mer her favourite garden cushion (which was perfectly placed in a cool, shady spot ☂️ and covered in white fur!)

She was an incredibly fast escape artist and managed to leap from my lap a few times. With lots of adjustments and little breaks we managed it all in the end, except for the last of the blow drying. She tolerated it quite well though! And let me dry her tummy. It is very important that wet kitties are thoroughly dried, as wetness can lead to a greasy coat faster and to matting. Being shorthaired I was happy to try my best and let her be. Her lovely owner was happy for the warmth of the day to finish drying her and would give her a brush over later as well.

She had a towel cuddle, a little dry and comb 🪮 through and some chin tickles (and even a few treats) to soothe her. And when she was let outside, she happily lifted her bottom for a scratch and raised her tail to me to say goodbye... We were still friends. Phew! Thanks lovely girl 💕


Kittens have a short period in their early life (the sensitive period) where they are most susceptible to being introduced to novel experiences. After this time, ending at about 7-weeks old, cats can become more fearful and reactive towards new things.

At a Kitten Groom (up to 10-months old), I can help familiarise kitty with general handling, (which can come in useful for veterinary visits, meeting strangers and home health checks); grooming practise (sights, smells, equipment) and even teeth brushing.

So, have a fluffy little companion giving you the soppy look of love? Book them in for a groom and give them their own little pamper day too


🥛Keeping hydrated? How does your cat prefer to drink?

Kitties can often be particular about where they drink from. And hydration is a very important aspect of feline health, often not getting enough moisture in their diets and not drinking from traditional sources of water, like a bowl on the floor.

In this super hot weather ☀️ ☀️ have a few available options, inside and outside, and not too close to their food or litter trays, and a shady spot to keep cool✌🏼 🌞 ☂️

Happy basking little kits!


A recently published questionnaire- based study looked at how cats respond to the death of a feline or canine companion. They found cats that had closer relationships with their deceased companion, were reported to have reacted strongly to their death 💔😿

412 cat caregivers were questioned about their relationship with the remaining cat and the relationship between the remaining and deceased pet.

Caregivers were asked about any immediate and long-term behavioural changes to the remaining cat after their companion had died.

Factors such as the length of time engaging in activities together, positive relationships between the two animals and the longer the cat lived with their companion seemed to affect the remaining cat’s behaviour.

✍️Caregivers reported cats showing grief-like behaviours, such as a decrease in sleeping, eating and playing. Increases in attention -seeking behaviours and fearfulness were also reported 😿

Higher levels of caregiver attachment seemed to be linked with an increase in attention seeking behaviours, suggesting that caregivers may have been projecting their grief onto the remaining cat 🫂

Caregivers who experienced greater grief were more likely to report their cat was sleeping or hiding more, whereas those with avoidant attachment to the deceased animal reported less grief-like behaviours in the remaining cat, indicating that those without a strong attachment are less likely to believe animals grieve.

🔎This is an interesting study, as it shows that cats might respond to the loss of a companion by displaying certain grief-like behavioural changes. However, the study also highlighted that caregivers may be biased when reporting changes in their cat’s behaviour because they are grieving themselves. Furthermore, a grieving caregiver could also alter their behaviour towards the remaining cat, thus influencing their behaviour.

The study can be accessed here 👇

🐈Do you think cats grieve when they lose a companion?


Greene, B. and Vonk, J. (2024) 'Is companion animal loss cat-astrophic? Responses of domestic cats to the loss of another companion animal,' Applied Animal Behaviour Science, p. 106355.

A good day at the ‘office’ 💛

A good day at the ‘office’ 💛


The main priority for a Specialist Groom is remedying matting/ pelting (where matts join up creating a 'carpet' of hair).

After claw clipping, any clipper work is performed first, followed by the rest of the usual grooming process.

Often this session can be stressful or uncomfortable, as matts pull and can create irritation, itchiness or wounds on the skin. If it’s kitty’s first experience of grooming they will be on high alert and likely be anxious or upset.

Once the major works are completed I may choose to seize the rest of the groom or split the session in two, depending on kitty's stress levels. Sometimes cats tolerate this quite well.

As with all my clients, I'll offer a Grooming Plan going forward to help prevent the need for a drastic shave. Ultimately, our aim is to keep kitty happy and healthy with clean, matt-free coats.


Off to have a day full of kitties! Lots of chin scratches 😺 A few regular clients and a couple of new Catology Cats too 🫶🏻


This fluffy gal is Patches. 🧡 🖤 Look at all that hair!

The first time we met she had a Specialist Groom, a modified lion trim 🦁 (all the coat shaved off close to the skin, leaving her mane, boots and full tail in tact). She had become quite matted all over, and her owner had already explored other options to help, that were unsuccessful, before contacting CFG.

Patches was a curious kitty (as you can see!) exploring all my stuff and having a roll about, but don't be fooled by the 'tickle-able' tummy... Patches was feisty and did not enjoy grooming. 🧘‍♀️ ☮️ As always, I worked calmly, slowly and safely (but swiftly), to leave her comfortable and matt-free. Her cat mum was a great help! She offered comfort to kitty and handling assistance. Patches was challenging on her first visit, but when I saw her again for her maintenance groom, she had very much improved, likely not sore from matts pulling at her, and not needing the extra handling and manoeuvring to remove them. She was very affectionate afterwards and enjoyed some nommy snackies too 💕

So, here she is, sporting 9-weeks worth of regrowth and a newly trimmed bottom (she had already started to grow the thick britches back). Patches sure is a fluffy kitty and her mum has scheduled regular Dry Grooming 🪮 ✂️ sessions to ensure she stays soft, sleek and matt-free, and also gets used to the process.

See you in the Autumn Patches! 🎃 🍁


Meet Missy!
She is at the amazing age of 18 year old, she is a very cheeky patient of ours and we have a few visits a year outside her plan to give her a hair-cut under sedation! Self grooming is becoming a challenge for little ol' Missy, especially with her long fur, this results in clumps of matting around her body which is very uncomfortable. As you can see this time round we lion clipped her (whole body), we are not professional groomers so the outcome is not exactly cat-walk material, but it will help Missy be more comfortable.

Many things can prevent cats to groom themselves when they get older, particularly arthritis and dental disease. If you notice your cat has signs of not being able to perform normal behaviours, seek advice from your vets.

Hello Jessie, you're looking rather fancy with your new white coat... Actually, it was a bath 🛁 and blow dry.Jessie is a...

Hello Jessie, you're looking rather fancy with your new white coat... Actually, it was a bath 🛁 and blow dry.

Jessie is a white and black cat 🤍 🖤 that enjoys the outdoors 🌳 🌳 so much, especially a sunny patch ☀️ (and often exploring her local neighbourhood) that she tends to get rather dirty. This time, she had come home with a substance on her back that her owners couldn't get off. It had matted her fur and so they called me to help 🙏.

A quick shave of the matts and off she went for her shampoo and blow dry. Her cat dad wasn't sure she would be so well behaved, but actually she did very well having a bath, but yes had a few moments of adjusting. When all was done she had a towel cuddle and a blow dry.

She had a good brushing out 🪮 of her undercoat and revealed a sparkly clean white, healthy coat again.

Doesn't she look lovely? 😻

Until next time Jessie, when I see you after some more exploring, hey?

🧡🖤🤍Meet Lulu, a very special 14-year old cat, who I met for a Dry Groom on one of the hottest days this summer! Fans on,...

🧡🖤🤍Meet Lulu, a very special 14-year old cat, who I met for a Dry Groom on one of the hottest days this summer! Fans on, we got to work.

Lulu, along with her six 'brothers and sisters', was rescued as an old kitty suffering with ill health. Her kind new mum wanted her home safe and loved and did everything she could to ensure she was well again. She recovered well and is living a good life in retirement. 💕

Her health had left her coat in a bad way, clumping all over her body, greasy with dandruff and needing a groom before the hair matted. She had a little tidy up in her delicate areas and was very good! However, she soon decided she didn't fancy having a pamper day and would rather be relaxing on her favourite beanbag (in her very own room... very special kitty). I did what I could before deciding it was best to let this lovely little old lady have a rest. 💤

She would definitely benefit from a bath, 🛁 🧴 but her health and her welfare are more critical and so for now, a slightly greasy coat that's smooth and clump-free is a good result. 👏 Well done Lulu girl! See you in the Autumn 🍂 🐾 🐈‍⬛

Here is Chloe, with beautiful green eyes and an all-black coat. She may look young, but she's a 16-year old pussycat and...

Here is Chloe, with beautiful green eyes and an all-black coat. She may look young, but she's a 16-year old pussycat and had recently succumbed to some health issues that impacted her coat condition, as an outdoor kitty roaming the countryside in all weathers 🌲 🍂 🌧️ .

Matts had formed around her lower back, and quickly knotted into a pelt that had caused skin abrasions. Despite how uncomfortable it must have been for me to shave this away, Chloe was an absolute angel and let me proceed with the entire groom without a fuss at all. 💕

Her cat mum and dad had tried to keep on top of her brushing, but struggled to manage the matting during her illness. (Weather and lifestyle can make easy work of knots forming). Now given the okay from the vet, 🧑‍⚕️ they called me in to help, and it was my pleasure to meet them all and help this lovely old gal feel comfortable again.

With a regular grooming plan in place 🪮 ✂️,Chloe should continue to enjoy her retirement out and about in the beautiful countryside where she lives.

Can't wait for next time my emoji cat 🐾 🐈‍⬛ 🖤 💚


Back How to encourage your cat to drink 02nd December 2019 There are times when it might be helpful to encourage your cat to drink more fluids. Examples of this include but are not limited to: Cats with kidney disease These cats are more vulnerable to becoming dehydrated and this can worsen their ki...


A Wet Groom is a full bath and blow dry to thoroughly clean the coat, making them soft and sleek, followed by a thorough Dry Groom.

This is good for kitties if they are outdoor explorers that get mucky coats, or if they have excessive natural oils that create greasy coats, or where the skin is dry with dandruff. It can help cleanse the coat and skin to refresh condition following any health-related issues (once appropriate), to grow a healthy, soft coat. Or perhaps kitty is older and not able to keep on top of their own grooming.


Whether you can groom your own cat or you need to call in a professional, there are many benefits to grooming.

Sometimes older cats or those with health issues can find it challenging to groom themselves.

Every cat is an individual with their own preferences; what works for one may not work for another. Ultimately, letting kitty get comfortable is key!


When you order a hot drink, we'll give you a loyalty card.
✨️Come along and support us✨️


☀️ It’s not only us that enjoy the long, hot summer days, fleas love warm weather too! Which might mean you see a rise in them infesting your cats and homes! 🏠🐈

It’s often thought only cats with outside access are at risk, but indoor only cats are also at risk because the people and other pets they share their home with can also bring fleas indoors.

Regular preventative flea and worm treatment is recommended all year round - fleas can carry worms too, and even in the winter months our heated homes are a warm haven for these parasites!

🩺 Speak to your veterinary team to create the right plan for your cat.

Find out more about fleas and how to control them 👉

Have you had to deal with a flea infestation?


Ended the week with some more lovely, handsome kitties 🐱💜



Opening Hours

Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 5pm




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