When having your groom gets you feelin’ warm and cosy, so you have a little lap nap 💕 🐱
Happy Birthday to this tortie bombshell! Have a great day Rosie.
Gorgeous Lara, Happy Birthday!! Hope you get extra tickles and treaties.
🎊 Happy Birthday to my beautiful V.I.C's!
Not all my kitties have actual birthdays, but we know roughly what year they were born, or we celebrate 'Gotcha Days'.
For Kitty, Kizzy, Patches and Leo, we wanted to celebrate your birth (whenever the mystery day may be).
And for Stripe, we wish you a very merry birthday handsome fella💋
✨ Hip hip, hooray; Treats. Sleep & Play ✨
Happy birthday Flossie!
Now, I'm definitely not getting awards for my photo editing skills, but this is ACTUALLY Flossie! (Yes, with a bit of fun thrown in).
Her owner took this photo and it just screamed out "holiday vibes". So, for a wet January birthday, why not? Have a great day Flossie.
Happy birthday to this majestic prince, Teddy. Hope you get lots of chin tickles and yummy treats.
The shmoochiest little boy, Ernie. 😻 This adorable Ragdoll has seen me twice for Dry Groom sessions. The first time he was making me follow him around the room, showing me all his favourite sleeping spots, rolling around showing me his tummy, cleaning himself and chatting to me. He was completely relaxed, friendly and an absolute gem. 💎
The second time he seemed to know what the deal was, and stayed nearer to me for his groom giving me all the "love me" 🩵 eyes he could give. (Ok, alright, I can't resist your fluffy face!).
To start with, he was enjoying the subtle cat-friendly scents on my grooming mat, rolling around making himself comfy and giving me a little demo on how its done right (sorry Ern, but humans don't use their tongues to comb hair, it'll have to be combs thanks) 🪮 🧴
What a cutie, right!
🐈⬛ Got a Sphynx cat? Maybe a Lykoi, Elf, Peterbald or Levkoy cat? You may have heard mostly of the Sphynx, but other hairless variations do exist worldwide. 🌎
And if you have never heard of them, or don't have one yourself, then you may have a short-haired older kitty who perhaps doesn't groom themselves so much anymore.
💕 🤗 All kitties welcomed by CFG.
Any cat, any breed: from brush, to bath, to bliss.
Got a Sphynx cat? Maybe a Lykoi, Elf, Peterbald or Levkoy cat? You may have heard mostly of the Sphynx, but other hairless variations do exist worldwide.
And if you have never heard of them, or don't have one yourself, then you may have a short-haired older kitty who perhaps doesn't grow themselves so much anymore.
All kitties welcomed by CFG. Any cat, any breed: from brush, to bath, to bliss.
Happy 1st birthday Mike and Grace! I know you'll be extra loved today. See you soon. Love, Your Purrsonal Pamperer, Cherise x
🎉 See you all in the New Year! Chin tickles to my Catology Cats and high-paws to their people 🐾🐈⬛