Merry Christmas!!! ❤️
Wishing you all Merry Christmas!! Some cats get stressed with the Christmas decorations and other cats…. well… this is Sully! 🤣🤣🤣🤣Have a wonderful day with your loved ones!! ❤️#theyougogirlvetclinic #cat #christmas #merrychristmas #love #catsofinstagram
#jackthewestieinwheels #dog #dogsofinstagram #westie
My mum once told me, ‘I hope you never have to choose between an animal and me’. I replied, ‘me too, mum. I really hope I never have to’. #croquetathedog #pumpkinthefox #family #sisters #dog #fox #thefoxandthehound #loveanimals
Cat Loves The Vet ❤️
When the cat loves the vet 😍
He had been purring on my lap for a while, but I only realised how much he was enjoying it when I recorded him and noticed the drooling 🤣
Buzz has been a very challenging case. His mum even considered putting him down due to the difficulty and guarded prognosis, so we made sure he felt at home while we fostered him back to health!
Happy to say he is back home and happy! ❤️
Hope you are enjoying the weekend and this video makes you as happy as it makes us.
#cat #cats #catsofinstagram #catlovesthevet #vet #vetlife #vetlovesthecat #ilovemyjob #stressfulcase #workchallenges #neurogenicbladder #veterinarymedicine #happycat
We were on BBC One! 🦔
It’s not every day that you appear on the BBC One Breakfast show, but this week I had the incredible opportunity to talk about a cause close to my heart—hedgehogs and the vital work we do for them.
Since our charity, Pumpkin’s Wildlife Hospital, opened, I’ve dedicated all my free time to ensuring that injured, sick, and orphaned wildlife get the support they need. Hedgehogs are a particularly important part of our work, and right now, they make up the majority of the patients we care for at the centre. With their numbers in serious decline, especially in rural areas, protecting and rehabilitating hedgehogs is a critical focus of our project.
This project is not just mine but belongs to our entire community. We are so grateful for the support of our clients, many of whom volunteer with us, making our clinic even more special.
If you’d like to get involved, we are always looking for volunteers. Whether you have a lot of time or just a little, there are many ways to help our wildlife and support our community. If you’re interested, please fill out our application form or contact us directly. There’s a place for everyone to make a difference!
Thank you for your continued support and for helping us make our community a safer place for wildlife.
#twhrc #bbconebreakfastshow #breakfast #breakfastshow #hedgehogs #hedgehoghighways #wildlifeconservation #urbanhedgehogs #wildlifehospital #pumpkinswildlifehospital #wildlifephotography #wildlife #ukwildlife #gardenwildlife #savethehedgehogs
I love my jop!
Animals are the best!
#dog #cockerspaniel #veterinarysurgeon
This is what 16 years of loyalty looks like ❤️
Today marks 16 years since I started as a vet at Medivet in Carpenters Park. When I arrived, the clinic had only about 5 appointments a day and maybe 1 surgery a week. Since then, it’s grown to become a very busy clinic, creating the most amazing family of clients and pets that any vet could ever wish for.
You have all been there for me when times got tough. Thank you for these years. It’s been a great journey with its ups and downs, happy moments, and sad ones. With people coming and moving away, and again new faces arriving. Every day brings something different – sometimes good surprises, sometimes tough ones. But no matter what, you, my clients, have always made each day special with your love and support.
Thank you so much for letting me be the one to care for your pets. It is and it will always be an honour for me to continue doing so! ❤️
#veterinarysurgeon #vetlife #medivetcarpenderspark #theclinicwiththemostunicornsintheworld #veterinarymedicine